Dylan looked bored at the council of older men sitting around the large table, mumbling words that obviously weren't related to what he was trying to discuss. He had called for the meeting of the southern pack's Alpha council. Though most of the Alpha's had grumbled about someone as young as him calling such a powerful gathering.

  "Alpha Dylan, why exactly did you call for this meeting?" Alpha Ethan of Sunset Pack asked.

  Foden sat up, "We didn't mean any disrespect, for you all are highly regarded. This meeting was called to help us get ahead peacefully for the sake of the future."

  "Say what you must say; we don't have all day." One of them mused.

  Tired of their continuous snide remarks, Dylan slapped the table hard. As much as he tried to stay humble and not enforce the authority of being more supreme than the other Alphas, they obviously weren't playing the role of humility right.