Simone hummed in delight to herself as she prepared breakfast. Her eyes searched for Zac, who was getting ready for the day's work. He had kept his promise of not allowing his mother or wife to get between them. It made her happy that he had eaten out of her palm.

  The closer they get, the more trusting Zac becomes of her, even though Simone fears her time to get things done as required by Douglas might be running out, but at the same time, involving oneself in something as life-demanding as stealing the royalty stone was a herculean task.

  "Good morning, my love." Zac cooed behind her, nuzzling her neck.

  "Good morning. I made you breakfast. Would you eat before you go?"

  "It's late already; I can't eat it." Her face fell to his response. Zac swallowed, rephrasing his words. "I mean, I would like you to pack it for me to eat. I would be able to enjoy it better."