CHAPTER 34 Bite Mark

  "No?" David's eyes could not help falling on Sophia's fair neck, and her eyes darkened.

  He remembered that night, he should have left a bite mark on it. But now there seems to be no trace of it. Maybe at that time he shouldn't be too soft-hearted and should bite harder.

  "Where are your eyes looking?" Sophia's tone was instantly tinged with danger.

  "Gifts are reciprocal. If you really want to pay me back, then prepare a gift for me too." David was not at all embarrassed by being caught but instead requested Sophia calmly.

  "Has anyone ever told you that you have thick skin?" Sophia narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly.

  "You are the first." Others did not dare.

  "Then you know too few people." Sophia snorted coldly.

  "One loyal person to a hundred disloyal people is enough." David stared at Sophia without blinking.

  Sophia gave him a vicious gouged look, and then she was about to open the door and get out of the car.