CHAPTER 35 Sophia is In Love

  The next morning, when Sophia woke up, she just felt refreshed. It feels so good not to have insomnia, not to have nightmares.

  Gerald, who had been observing Sophia all this time, looked at her face full of spring breeze.

  I thought she was the little girl who showed up after falling in love. He even quietly took a photo and sent it to the group chat of the sister-in-law.

  All of a sudden, the group exploded again.

  But Gerald didn't have time to check the news in the group, because Sophia's eyes had already shot toward him.

  "What have you been staring at me for?"

  "'s nothing, I just think you look a little better today," Gerald said with a smile on his face.

  "I think so too." Sophia was in a good mood today, when dealing with Gerald, she was much more pleasant than before.

  It's over. Sophia is really in love!

  He could even see the pink bubbles coming out of her body. Gerald burst into tears instantly.