CHAPTER 116 our home

  "Are you sure you want to do this?" Keane asked, making sure she wasn't pushing herself too hard.

  Smiles nods, "yes!" She said with all certainty.

  They are set to leave, but Fiona isn't back yet. Smiles knows it's not right to leave without saying goodbye but she isn't ready to stay any longer away from Keane.

  Based on what the maid said, Fiona will be coming back in a day or two and that's a lot of time to waste doing nothing.

  "You look conflicted" Keane didn't bid around the bush, he could tell her so much wish to go yet something was holding her back.

  "Mom, she isn't home and I need to inform her" Skiles explais, resting her butts on the sofa.

  "I'd advise we wait for her to return" Keane proposed knowing how unfair it will be for him to take them away just like that.

  "I'd love to but she won't be coming anytime soon…Not today " Smiles cries with no tears, covering her head on her palms.