CHAPTER 117 pledge

  "They are so adorable!" Keane comments staring at the sleeping face of Kate and Nate.

  "What really happened?" Smiles asked, she's been thinking about the last scene that happened between him and Lisa.

  Keane raises a brow questioningly at her, demanding for more elaboration.

  Smiles closed the door behind, "the day of our wedding, what happened?" She faces him, hoping to get him to say something.

  Keane breathes out, in a swift movement he carries her up heading to their room." You need rest, I will help wash you off" he said, and kissed on her forehead.

  He doesn't want to talk about it 'cause he knows the mastermind behind their unsuccessful wedding and he doesn't want to tell her knowing how badly she will react.

  Like his favorite poem that he knows every word and meanings, so is Smiles to him. He knows she thinks with her heart not with her head, and when she is hurt, she jumps into conclusion without a second thought.