Eyes locked on with a forceful meaning behind them, and I inwardly recoil. Dane is trying to eat into my brain and mark his territory, and I’m at a loss for words. He’s trying to remind me that I already claimed to love him, so I have no right or ability to accept any other guy. All my bravado dies a death as adrenalin piles up, a bad case of flutters and weak legs have me a jittery mess.

  “Tell him….you don’t like him like that. You’ve never liked him like that….that you will not date him!” Dane’s words are poison-tipped knives being fired at me from close range. Precise and threatening as he leans in closers to my face, making a point of almost coming nose to nose with me, and my vision blurs slightly with the influx of nerves he gives me.

  He's being the same asshole that sent those texts last night. A person I have never seen him be towards me. It makes me nervous and unsure about how to handle him.