Tyler yanks the open door and slams it snugly, probably an act of making sure Jordan does not backtrack. Saving him from a beating that Dane will happily deliver.

  “You’re not dating him.” Dane snorts, seemingly now disinterested in this scene, dropping the scary act and walking to his case before grabbing the handle to take it. Seeming like he’s done what he intended to and is now also done with talking to me. The hostility and sadistic tone are instead pissed-off edginess, and his stance has even softened. It was all posturing and pissing in the wind to chase Jordan away.

  “You don’t get a fucking say…Who are you to dictate who I date?” I march after him, anger bubbling that he thinks he can swan in here and do this. Raising my voice as my senses catch up, the true rage can’t be contained now. The shock has dissipated.

  “He’s an asshole… you’re not dating an asshole.” He shrugs with one shoulder.