“Is there still no response from him?” My mom is fluffing the couch cushions before heading to bed. It was just the two of us tonight, as Brian had a work dinner, and Dane never came home.

  “No. His cell is ringing out, and he isn’t replying to my texts.”

  Dane is doing what Dane does. After our talk, he dodged me all afternoon at school and blanked me at leaving time. Acting like a cold, ignorant jerk when we crossed paths in class. He went off with Tyler and hasn’t been seen since. Reverting to behaviors of before, and I don’t know why I'm letting it upset me. I should never let him get to me when he starts acting like a prize asshole.

  My mum checks her watch, standing stiffly at the edge of the cream two-seaters, and sighs harshly. Her obvious irritation has grown since we turned off the TV, and she realized how late it was.