Diana Willows

"HI, it's been a decade" The girl said

"Excuse me?" Leon said with a confused look displayed on his face.

She shrugged "Thanks for helping me out there"

Leon nodded, he wasn't used to being appreciated.

The both of them sat in silence for few minutes. A lot was going on their minds. There was a lot of questions Leon wanted to ask the girl but he didn't want to rush the whole thing, after all he had just escaped being eaten.

"I'm Diana" She said


She glanced at the spot where he had gotten bit by the zombie. It was a bluish dark color. She inhaled sharply, she really needed to get away from this insane world. Earth was a place that definitely fucked with her mental health, all she wanted was to go far away from all these people and craziness.

But how do you escape when everywhere is occupied by hideous, hungry and bloody looking zombies. It's either you kill them or get killed by them, but could you get rid of a population of million infected people, possibly not.

When the coast was clear and there was no sight of zombies around, they decided to leave for his apartment. They walked ever carefully with Leon taking the lead and Diana following behind.

When they got to the entrance of his apartment, there was Patrick again. Before Leon could react, Patrick latched his mouth on Leon's shoulder, his teeth sinking into his flesh. Leon closed his eyes, the zombies could do whatever they wanted. After all he was immune to their venom.

There was a gunshot, his eyes snapped open and Patrick dropped dead on the ground. Blood oozed from his head where he had been shot, he suddenly turned around and saw Diana still holding the gun in her hand.

"You have a gun?" He was surprised

"I walk around with it for protection. Any one sane enough wouldn't walk without a weapon anyway," She said matter-of-factly

"You shouldn't have killed him" Leon said trying to control his anger.

Diana stared at him as though he had lost his mind

"I should've probably let you get bitten, so you'll be like them too or maybe die"

"They are people" Leon lashed

"They are not people anymore. People are sane, they don't go around eating others. These things are another creature, they don't recognise anyone and trust me they'll kill you because to them you're a prey. Who is the victim now?"

Leon sighed. She was right. If he wasn't immune he'd have been dead or maybe he'd have morphed into a zombie too.

"I'm sorry" he muttered.

He opened the door of his apartment and walked in. Diana stood at the entrance, reluctant. Could she trust him, what if he was a bad guy. Then she laughed at herself, even if he was a bad guy, what did she have to lose, after all there was nothing left to die for on earth.

She slowly walked in and locked the door behind her. She scanned the apartment. It was warm, messy too as though the last time it was cleaned was months ago.

"Try to make yourself comfortable . I'm sorry about the mess, I'm not used to having visitors, so, yeah" He explained

"Thanks," she said

She dumped her backpack on his chair and leaned back. She was exhausted, she was hungry, she was sleepy...it was all so tiring. She had barely been able to keep her eyes closed for fear that she'll get smothered or bitten in her sleep. She'll rather be bitten than eaten.

"So the bite, are you okay, do you need help. Have you got a first aid kit?"

Leon thought her hilarious. How on earth does first aid heals or protects the venom of a zombie, what a dummy.

"I'm okay" he said as he wrapped a white piece of cloth around the bite, without an expression on his face.

Diana thought him weird. How would someone get bitten by a zombie and have no reactions? He didn't even seem to care. He had gotten two bites and no reactions, nothing at all!

She had seen most of the people in her hostel have a reaction before changing but he just look unfazed and unruffled, who was this man again?

Leon offered her food which she had almost refused because she wondered how he could have this much food in his home, as though he had known there was going to be an apocalypse. She watched his every move, he was so suspicious. Her grumbling stomach made her neglect the pending questions in her head, they could wait.

Leon watched Diana devour the food. She looked so famished like it had been a while since she last ate a good meal. After eating she laid on the couch and was soon asleep, she looked so peaceful while sleeping.

Leon wasn't used to having anyone in his space but for the first time it felt good to have someone in his lonely home. Something about the girl felt familiar, like he had known her before now.

Probably it was her brownish red wavy hair that was in a mess, or maybe it was her violet eyes, or could it be her fair white skin, or was it the beautiful freckles that complimented her face, or her pointed small nose like a porcelain dolls' or maybe it was her red lips.

Leon chuckled, okay he was really mad now. He admired the sleeping young woman. She was really beautiful and petite, about 5'6.

Then he imagined her waking up to see him watching her. So spooky, he remembered when he was eight and he awoke to seeing his mother's eyes fixed on his, he was scared to death. He had told her strictly not to do it again.

He smiled sadly. He wished he could wake up to seeing her watch him again.

He went into the lab with the blood he had drawn from Patrick's body. He was going to test the blood probably he could find something since there was nothing in Fergus' . He needed to know what made up the venom and if there was more. If he could detect anything then he'll know how to go about the cure. But if he found nothing, how would he find a cure? It was just like a doctor prescribing drugs to a patient without knowing what had triggered the illness.

He walked up to the cage where his friend Fergus was. Fergus stared at him back, he looked hungry.

"I really wish you had listened to me when I asked you not to leave. You wouldn't be here now. I was so sure I would find a cure, I still am. Besides not everyone is infected" He gave a small smile "I saw a girl today, very much alive and vibrant like me."

Fergus kept sniffing, he was in rage. He acted like he was going to tear down the cage at Leon's words.

"I brought her home " Leon continues "She's agitated too and sharp tongued. I miss you Ferg, a lot. I promise to find a cure and you'd be good as new."

By the time Leon left the lab, Diana had awoken. He had a scowl on his face, he still didn't detect anything in Patrick's blood. How was he to help them now.



A man of few words, thought Diana.

As always.

"Soo....you stay alone?"

"Yeah I do. Always have." He said simply "You?"

"Just recently. I used to stay at an hostel with a friend of mine. But, Well.. she got bitten so yeah I'm alone. Now."

Leon sat on the couch opposite her "Okay"

"Do you still have any family, out there?"

Leon shrugged his shoulders "It's just me"

"I'm sorry—"

"No, no it's okay. I'm fine" Leon interrupted.

He didn't like it when people made him feel pathetic about his traumatic life.

"How about you. Do you have anyone or is it just you?"

Diana hugged her legs to her chest as tears welled up in her eyes.

"I honestly don't know, they don't stay here. They are faraway, I don't know if they're safe or if they're infected." She blinked "I'm the only daughter of the willows."

Leon nodded "You must miss them a lot"

She shrugged "Not really. I didn't really grow with then."

"I see" Leon said as he closed his eyes.

"You have a lot of food, how did you come about it?"

He sighed.

"My parents own a warehouse. So it's stocked with everything. And you, how were you able to survive this long without food? The whole place is haunted."

"I wasn't without food. I have the little I had at my hostel in my backpack, not a lot but enough to prevent me from starving. Of course I'm not a zombie, I need food" She chuckled at her last statement.

"And survival well....it's been difficult. Almost everyone in my hostel got affected I don't know how I managed to stay alive this long.

Sleep was almost difficult for fear that I'd get bitten or eaten.I don't want to die"

The tears she had been holding back rolled down her cheek.

"I'm scared. What if it's just you and I alive. Whosoever did this must pay. They don't know how much I hate them, how many people has lost their family because of their madness. I hope their intestines are eaten by the zombies"

Every word dripped with venom. Leon could feel the hatred in her voice. He was filled with guilt. It seemed as though she was addressing her words to him.

"I don't think we're the only ones alive. Besides we won't die. "He assured, his red eyeballs boring into hers.

"You sound so sure"

"That's because I am, I'm a scientist I'll find a cure. Everyone will be okay."

Diana was taken aback by the beauty of his eyes. He looked like one of those demon Lords she had always read about. What an idiot she was, admiring a man in a state like this.

He was so beautiful and just as immediately as he had gazed into her eyes, he looked away. He seemed to be disturbed as he paced about the room.

Diana sat quietly as she scrutinised him.

He was 6'7, muscular and well built. He had pale white skin just like hers. His eyebrows were thick and arched and his eyes.....she could get lost staring into them. His beautiful glossy dark long hair was held back with a black band. She was almost jealous of how sleek his hair was. He was hot, he exuded confidence and had an oppressive aura. He was cold too no doubt But he seemed like a man who was in charge of his feelings.

Such a beautiful man, the type she'd have wanted the world to see her with but the world was sick.

"So you think we'll make it?"

"Yes" Leon said, unsure.

Although it seemed impossible to find a cure, it was too late to give up now, just too late.