You're Not Infected?

For days Leon stayed locked up in his lab, he was on the verge of losing his sanity. He had never wanted for all this to happen all he wanted was to bring his mother back to lif, but his sick experiment had made him risk the lives of innocent people. His head was blank and the fact he couldn't come up with a cure for the whole thing made him feel more sick. He felt disgusted at himself.

Again he had failed at another thing.

The constant screams and their piercing noises made him have sleepless nights. Maybe this was his price to pay for doing crazy things.

Staring blankly at the TV, the reports about the disease that seemed to go on for what seemed like forever was viral and had spread like wildfire. It was being reported on every channel, Leon puked and turned off the television. He couldn't take it any longer. To cure them, he'd need to see them up close.

Putting on the same hoodie he had been wearing for about three days now, he proceeded to the door. He pressed his ear to the door, hearing no sound he then slowly slipped the key into the keyhole. He sucked in his breath as he slowly turned the key to unlock it and twisted the knob.

The moment he opened his door a seemingly lifeless body fell in, he shrieked. He wasn't the type to freak out over things like that but lately he had been losing it. He recognised the person, it was his neighbour, Patrick. His blind eyes stared at him as he mouthed the words "help me."

Engulfed in sympathy, Leon bent on one knee to observe his skin. Immediately his neighbour reached for his leg and gripped tight as he began trembling; his skin losing its colour, his face contorting. With all the power he could muster Leon kicked him in the face and pushed him out of the house, locking the door immediately.

The image of Patrick kept flashing in his eyes. He buried his face in the palm of his hands,he was in that position for about thirty minutes. He wasn't crying, he was just trying to tame the rage he was feeling deep within.There must be a cure, but what is it? How was he to find it? He had literally tried almost everything in his lab but nothing seemed to be working.

All his life he had always believed that he'd be the reason why the world needs a hero. He had always been treated as insignificant ever since when he was young.The only one person that had ever believed him and pushed him to keep going was his mom, but whenever he failed at something he'd always hear the mockery of the bullies and their hurtful words that seemed to have stuck to him like a stigma.

He strode to the balcony of his house being as quiet as ever trying not to alert the zombies. For the past few days that he had observed them, he had noticed that the slightest noise got them coming to whatever direction it was coming from.

On other days he would appreciate the weather but today he was in no mood. He looked down at the multiple number of zombies lurking everywhere.There were dead bodies that had been eaten, on the ground.

The paperball that hit him on the head and fell at his feet was what diverted his attention from the zombies. He looked up and didn't see anyone, he didn't know the direction the paper had come from all he knew was that it landed at his feet. He slowly picked the paper and opened it.

In it was written "You're not infected?"

Leon raised a brow as he scanned round, far as he knew he seemed to be the only unaffected person in his neighborhood, so who must've thrown the paper?

He turned the paper over and found the words "in the opposite building," He lifted his head directly to the opposite building and there he saw a person.The figure waved both hands in the air. He didn't know the gender but the joy that engulfed him was undeniable, he almost tried not to squeal in excitement. Finally not everyone wad affected by the virus.

Leon knew whoever was there needed his help. He had to rescue the person, whether he liked it or not he was going to have to go down to where the zombies were.That's the only way he could make it to the opposite building.

Motioning for the person to stay calm, he tied a rope to one of the rails of his balcony.He couldn't tell the expression on the person's face but that didn't matter anyway.

Slowly and carefully he let himself down. The zombies gathered round, perceiving his blood. He pressed his lips tightly together, trying so hard not to make a sound and also avoided stepping on the lifeless bodies.The zombies kept sniffing him, they growled hungrily. They tried biting him but he managed to dodge them.

He throws the rope at the person who turns out to be a girl. Leon instructed her to repeat the process she watched him do. The girl seemed to be thinking it through as though she was trying to strategize the whole thing. After a while, she did as told and started descending with the rope.

Immediately  she came down, she gave Leon a small grateful smile.

"Thank you," she said.

Leon nodded and placed his finger on his lip signifying for her not to say a word.

"They work with sound, try to stay as quiet as possible, okay"

She nodded in understanding.

Leon picked up a large stone and threw it in the direction of the opposite building. He needed to cause a distraction to get back in the house.

As though they had all been controlled  by a puppet they started trooping to the direction where the noise came from.

Leon grabbed ahold of the girl's hand and told her not to let go no matter what. Some of the zombies came close to them sniffing hungrily. Both Leon and the girl tried their very best to avoid their bite as they cleaved their way through the midst of them. With their backs to each other they hit the zombies that tried to bite them.

From his observations, lack of flesh slowed their pace and reflex. Still observing, one of the zombies grabbed Leon by the arm and sank its blood stained teeth into his flesh. Leon tried to muffle his scream as pain washed through him.

Tears glistened in the girl's eyes as she looked at Leon. It was because he was trying to protect her he got bitten, what if he changes too?

She tried supporting him with her hands but he stopped her and whispered in her ears that he was okay. Together they managed to make it to an empty apartment before the zombies got the chance to bite either of them.