Fergus is Infected

Leon moved feet's back away from the door before his head finally grabbed on to the concepts that the Zombies might get to him if he didn't open up the door.

Leon rushed to one of the metal door, opened it and he walked in.

"Leon what the fuck is happening outside?" He asked.

Leon placed his hands on his head as he rubbed it roughly.

"I have no idea, it's all my fault, I dunno how it happened or what happened," Leon tried to explain but he just couldn't find the right words.

"It was a mistake, I don't understand," He continued to attempt to explain.

"I don't understand what you are talking about Leon, explain why there is a zombie virus spreading thought out the city," He asked.

"Fergus, it was a shitty mistake, I was trying to perfect a formula before I made this apocalypse and now I don't know how it went wrong," Leon managed to say.

"Did you test it on a human?" Fergus asked and Leon only nodded his head.

"Then what happened give me the full details?" Fergus tried to figure out what was happening. His eyes were red and his nose was red also from the falls and he ran here so he was still breathing heavily.

"Look, I made the test on one of my rats and then it backfired, it wanted flesh and now I left it alone and it ran away I don't understand how it broke a cage that strong," Leon said before a Brief pause.

"I was inside here and then back in the lab I heard a loud noise and on checking, the rat was gone, I searched for it but I couldn't find it until I don't know why I switched on the television and I saw the news and what was happening," He said as he paced about.

"So all this is your fault Leon?" He asked and Leon just stayed silent.

"Leon I just lost my girlfriend to one of those monsters outside, I don't even know what to do anymore, I literally saw some people die and then to find out that it was my own best friend who caused it? You think if you even found the cure to revive your mother she would be happy knowing her son crook walking dead to the next level?" He asked already dining with anger and Leon just stayed silent.

His eyes were red and teary, he was guilty of everything Fergus accused him of. He rubbed his eyes to clear off the tears.

"I'm leaving!" Fergus said.

"Don't leave, there are like a thousand of them outside please don't go, I don't want to lose you too," Leon begged Fergus but he refused to listen and turned his back.

He walked outside and left.

Leon just stood and watched as his best friend left him too like his mother left.

He inhaled deeply before he rubbed the back of his head.

"Shit!" He yelled.

He grabbed the neatest vase and threw it on the floor.

"I'm a goddamned curse! I keep making it worse as the seconds pass, couldn't anything bad not ever happen," Leon yelled out.

He spoke too soon, he heard a loud yell outside before he saw his Friend run back into the house.

"Shit," he yelled as he stared at his half bitten hand.

Leon moved closer to examine the hand, he walked him to the couch and Fergus sat down.

The venom took at least an hour before it started taking effect on his body.

Leon ran back to his lab to bring out the mini cage for humans in case of any emergency. He didn't think it would have come in handy but it did now.

He set two of the cages he had bought outside the ware house, from his kitchen and placed it in his lab.

Leon grabbed his microscope and syringe so he could have his blood.

He took three samples of his blood and tested it right in front of him.

Leon turned on the TV to get informed on how far the Virus had spread.

"The Virus is now fully active in four states in the country and evacuation has been disabled in the countries because of the possibility of having an infected civilian, if you are not infected in any of the four countries, at noon the federal government has asked everyone to mark their roof red so food and health supplies would be dropped for you, " The reporter said before she moved to the next page.

"Over five thousand people have been reported dead or infected, the government is creating a possible care asin for this virus, please stay safe in your houses," She said before it turned off.

Clips of the Zombies sighted from far were being played on national television as people died.

"Shit I feel dizzy," Fergus said.

He shifted uncomfortably on the chair and Leon stood up. He held his chest as if he was losing his breathe. Leon watched as everything unfolded before him. Fergus then lost consciousness, Leon went close to examine him but immediately Fergus snarled and attacked Leon.

"Shit," Leon cursed before he pushed him away.

Fergus looked pale and lifeless as he tried to attack Leon. Leon hit him on the nose and he fell on the floor. Blood dripped from his nose and he stood up once more.

"Shiy!" Leon muttered before he grabbed it by the legs and pushed him to the lab.

He tried to raise his up but Fergus was Also strong .

After battling for long he managed to get him inside the cage.

Leon locked it up and walked out of there. He didn't want to see his face.

He took the blood samples and checked it under the microscope. He found nothing in the blood.

He left the microscope and searched for the tranquilizer. He could here the way Fergus battled with the gates of the cage.

He moved to Fergus and injected the tranquilizer in his body and he gave out a faint snarl before he left him to fall on The cage floor.