Zombies In The City

Leon stared with wide eyes. All the blood on his face had gone and he became pale like he had just since a ghost. He suddenly lost the zeal to move or talk. The rat was no longer in its cage.

He placed his hands in his hair and exhaled loudly. It felt itchy and he couldn't stop scratching it.

"Oh God what have I done?" He said before he placed his fingers in his mouth. The cage was broken down with full force. The current situation before him had weakened his entire body His heart was not longer thumping, it was a thunderous battle in there. The risk of having a possible zombie invasion was at a hundred.

Leon inhaled and exhaled deeply as the fear also affected his stomach, he felt it grumble out loudly. He had to use the bathroom, it was probably the effect of that cake.

"Oh God what do I do?" Leon asked himself before he placed his hands on his head and paced the room.

He went back into the lab to search for the rat, he took a fresh rabbit and cut it's head allowing the blood to gush. He dripped the blood around the house but it didn't come out. He tried to search the holes in every corner of the house but it was no where to be found. The last thing Leon wanted was a zombie apocalypse. That meant he had to focus on the cure than focusing on reviving his mother.

"Shit," He muffled to himself as he felt defeated.

He still didn't give up, he searched around the house and it was nowhere to be found. Two hours had already passed since he had been looking for the rat and he still didn't find it.

He heard car screeches and ambulances from far and he didn't bother to check what was happening. Before the screeches slowly turned to yells and then screams. Leon ignored it and continued what he was doing, but he realised the screams had been going on for hours.

Leon turned on the news, his TV had been placed on white noise because he barely used it and he barely paid for his bills. He switched to normal AV and the news came on.

"We are still dealing with the crisis going on in the country and also the bribery and corruption of our leader, may God be with this country," The TV presenter said.

She was a blonde with reading glasses. Leon moved closer to her and he realised that she looked familiar. It was his crush from school, she now has blonde hair.

It had been years since Leon last watched the news, either be it on his phone or even received calls. He devoted his entire life to his Mom.

"Breaking news," The TV presenter said before she took a brief pause.

"Information has come from the outside that there is a crisis going on in some part of the country, The federal government has advised every citizen to go back and stay in there homes offices or supermarket as the Virus is spreading faster than anything, citizens are not to panic as the federal government has the situation under control," The blonde said trying to also comfort herself.

"A video has been sent in by one of the victims and it contained what nature might not be able to explain," She said before they played a short clip.

People running as the infected people run towards to bite them.

Leon moved away from the TV and placed his hands on his head before he went on the floor. He rubbed his mouth before he just stared into blank space.

"What have I done? I just created zombie!" He panicked visibly.

He ran towards his window to see what was happening.

As the new had said. They were right, the entire city was infected and it was possible it could reach other continents.

The federal government had banned any interstate or international plane from moving, everyone was to stay in one place until it was contained.

It has also been announced that it was a zombie invasion and the creator of the Virus was unknown.

He ran to the window to check the damage he had done and Leon moved backwards. There were large numbers of zombies cuddled around his house. Some of them had blood dripping from there lips while the others that had not yet gotten any blood stood lifelessly staring at each other.

Leon clutched his chest as he stared at them. He caused this upon them how was he going to help them? He ran back to his room searching for his book. He found it lying around and he tried to fix some things, he tried to rewrite the formulas he used but it wasn't working.

"Oh shit!" He yelled before he threw the book.

His heart was racing and he started to sweat. He rubbed his face with his hands. His eyes became red and teary. He literally just brought doom upon the entire country.

"Exhale, inhale Leon, you can do this you can do this," Leon convinced himself.

He heard a loud bang on the door and it felt as if they had cut him off life support. Leon took his club and fire extinguisher, that was the closest weapons he could find. Leon walked out of the room to the parlor so he could open the door.

He stood few inches from the door as the person or zombie banged loudly. He wanted to open the door and kill whatever was knocking but the possibility of it being a human was high.

As he had studied from the window the Zombies were not smart enough to hold anything. There were full imbeciles. There only goal was to eat flesh and drink blood.

It seemed like a movie at the same time it was reality.

"Leon!" He heard the person from the other side call and his heart skipped a beat.