Another Demon's Mistress

"I can't go there," Damoen heard the demon say to his mate. After their mind-blowing mating at the main tower, they got dressed. "We need to go outside and meet our enemies. It's more complicated when they all come here," she said. He agreed with her—confronting the enemies outside the fortress was better than waiting for them here.

"Why not?" she asked.

I've already killed one demon. I don't want to add another. The devil's knife is in your hands now; you can use it to kill the demon. There's no other way; kill their leader, and they will all be killed. I killed a demon for you last time, but remember, I'm still who I am, the prince of darkness. Always watch your back."

Damoen saw how the monsters melted and turned into dust when killed during battles.

"You need to choose whose side you are on," she commented dryly.