Slices of Memories

The devil's knife appeared in her hands again. She immediately sent for food in her bedroom. She took a quick bath and did some quick meditation before she ate her food on the main tower. She didn't want to talk to anyone, not even the king.

She saw Damoen and Prince Bueng talking to each other on the field below. They were laughing, and the wall between them that was almost impenetrable was starting to fall down.

Then a flash of memories went inside her head. She was in the forbidden tower of the king's palace. She visited Prince Bueng's mother. The old woman was surprised when she saw her appear in front of her, but she didn't say a word.

The tower was neat and clean, with basic amenities. They both stared at each other, studying each other. The woman in front of her exudes grace and nobility. A beautiful, well-endowed woman. But why did she look older than the former queen?