- evil v.s good -

Location: ~Whitedail, Hallway side, the roofs~

The streets are a mess. The hero has been trying to keep it clean in his free time, but it looks like the villain knows his next move everytime. He can never get a break can he?

A few yells caught his attention while he tried picking up the rubble.


It sounded like a young girl yelling in distress. He went on high alert, using the wind for leverage, it heighten as he was lifted on the closest building he could get on. When he was at the very time he tried to locate where the scream came from. It sounded again.

Left bottom, Oxzy said in his head. He jumped down from the building onto another, letting the drift in the air catch his fall with changing its direction. He did the same every jump he did, making sure not to hurt himself.

When he was close enough the screams were suddenly muffled. Oxzy got riled up even more, suddenly moving from the corner he spotted a small teenage girl trying to pry herself from two older men.


Their hands were over her mouth, muffling any sounds that tried to surface.

Oxzy didn't have to think twice before blasting the older men away. It ended up hitting the man that was half naked as well, throwing both of them back and into the hard concrete floor. The girl's legs were shaking, but that didn't stop her from running over to the hero, grabbing onto him and crying. "Agh- Help! Please! They are trying to rape me!" The girl screamed and cried into the hero.

Oxzy moved so she was behind him, turning his attention to the two men in front of him. He wanted to kill them. But knew he couldn't.

He turned to the girl, hearing the men groaning in pain while standing up. "Stay here." He didn't know if there were others trying to get to her, he had to keep her safe.

Jutting his hands out, a bit of the dirt under the concrete emerged to cover underneath the girl, soon leafs and bushes sprouted out. The girl gasped in shock and amazement, distracting her from what the hero was gonna do. When he knew the girl was safely blocked by the thick leaves he turned his full attention to the men in front of him, who in turn, turned their attention to him.

"Fuck it's this guy." One of them said, annoying the other man who pulled his pants up.

He turned to the hero. "You just gotta ruin the fun ay' Oxzy?" He laughed out loud, not caring a inch about what's to come. The other guy did, he slowly moved back but the hero didn't allow it.

In one quick motion, both men were swept up in the air. The air around them sped up due to Oxzy, he moved his arms around like creating a spell, but he was just making the air more dense in the middle of where the two men were held. They began to choke. The hero was suffocating them, he knew he couldn't kill them. He had to take them to the sheriff's office.

He closed his eyes, creating a map in his head while the surface under the ground became cold and icy. The hero dropped them, making them slide on the cold icy pavement and on the map he had created to the sheriff's office. Oxzy opened his eyes, making the air follow and push the two men down to the office.

He then turned to the girl, releasing the bushes and freeing her. She turned to him, tears still running down her face. But a smile lifted her lips. "Thank you Oxzy."

Oxzy bowed his head in return, he stood back up facing her with a cool gaze. "Do you want to go to the sheriff's office to report them? Or home?"

She took some time to think before deciding. "I-... I want to report them as quickly as possible." The hero nodded to her.

Without even touching the young girl, Oxzy led her to the office where the two men were handcuffed and pulled into another room. The sheriff knew Oxzy. He kept his eyes low, avoiding contact with him. Instead they turned their attention to the girl. Asking questions until her parents arrived.

Oxzy was about to leave when he found out the girl was safe but the girl's dad, who had busted in after hearing the news had stopped him. His angry face pushed into the hero's. "What the hell Oxzy!? You should have saved my baby girl sooner! Now she's scarred, your supposed to save people, not fucking get them-"

"Ok, ok enough of that." The sheriff walked in between the angry man and the hero, he pushed away the angry father who had his hands on the hero's collar. The hero staggered back, pulling the cuffed collar of his dress shirt to be comfortable. The sheriff turned to the hero when the other officer came up to take the enraged father. "Thanks again Oxzy. I'll make sure they get punished."

Oxzy stayed silent, only nodding to the young man in uniform. The hero left while hearing the sheriff calm the family down. He left, swinging the doors open and walking back out into the rubble filled streets back home.

Before deciding to go back to his small apartment, Oxzy walked around for about a few more minutes, tailing the streets and alleyways for trouble. The hero pressured on, venturing around for a few more minutes until it started to get dark, dark enough where he could tell most were asleep at this time.

When the hero was getting tired, he started to make his way back to where his apartment was. While walking, he sensed he was being followed, or better yet..


"Tired?" A rough, thick voice called down from on top of a building. It traveled through the air like a knife, sliding right into Oxzy's heart. He stopped in his tracks, turning up to peer at the male on top of the building.

The hero's mood and body completely tensed up, he clutched his hands, glaring at the smirking male who looked back at him. Oxzy stayed silent, keeping a cool gaze at Pierce.

The auburn haired devil let out a soft chuckle, setting his brown eyes down. Even with his mocking look and laugh, the hero remained silent. The villain shook his head, almost as if he expected the reaction. He did.

The two always start off with snarky remarks, mostly with the villain starting it. In this moment, the villain was bored, waltzing around the building tops in hopes to run into something fun. Now here he was, looking down at the exact amusement he wanted.

"You look tired. Always staying up past your bedtime~"

"What do you want." The hero didn't let anything slide, going straight to the point he faced fully to the trotting figure above. It was more of a demand than a question, the villain took that in, feeling excitement swell up inside him.

"I'm bored," Pierce got straight to the point as well, moving so his hands were behind his back. He leaned down, giving the angry hero a mocking look. "I'm hoping for you to entertain me."

The hero rolled his gray blue eyes, looking away as if the villain was an ignorant child. "Fuck off. I don't have time to play with you Pierce."

The villain can't help but snicker menacingly, "I don't think you have a choice, Ox…" With his last mocking words coming out, he flexed out his right hand. A bright burst of yellow and red rocketed out from his fingertips. The blast caused the building the villain was standing on to blow from the bottom, causing the 3 story to fall over.

The hero flew fast to catch the toppling bricks, using the trees that were standing beside the building, he moved his arms to regrow them.


The leaves sprouted out with branches on the side, it came under the half broken building, catching the bricks along with Oxzy who was under it. He could feel the bricks start to fall off from the unsteady, now broken building.

"Agh…" He breathed out, feeling a spiking pain in his head.

Using his other shaking hand that was on the fallen building that he was keeping up, he closed his eyes and focused. His energy overflowed, suddenly, ice crystals spike up and help hold the building. Oxzy didn't always have to do this, the reason why he had to use a lot of energy.

"Mmmh.. Errgh..!"

Right when he felt his fingers start to sting and body start to ache from the building's weight crushing down on him, a tall figure walked in front of his view. The villain came forward with a wide smirk on his face. He tilted his head at the downed hero, noticing how Oxzy tried to focus and use his strength to summon the ice spikes to help hold up the building he destroyed with its weight.

His smirk grew wider.

He was close enough to the crouched hero, he had to tilt his top body down to face the curly haired male. With a wide smile, he laughed out loud in pity to the man. "Because you will always entertain me. Even if you don't want to."

Oxzy glared back at him, grunting curse words through gritted teeth. "Fucking.. ughhrr…" Pierce only smiled at him, letting out a few more laughs before turning around. By the time the villain finished mocking the hero, Oxzy had gotten the spikes to hold the building up so he didn't have to hold it.

"Fuck.. you…" Oxzy gritted out, sprinting up to the villain. Pierce saw it coming, moving sideways in time to miss the flying hero. Pierce moved, sitting up to jump onto the fallen building. The spikes cracked with his weight, making the building start to fall once again.

"Oh please do~" Pierce replied snarkily.

Oxzy gritted his teeth at him. A sudden burst of leaves and wood flew around him, entangling the villain in a mess. Pierce only laughed at being in the earth's grasp, all he had to do was wave his left hand making black dust circle him and the greenery. The hero rolled his eyes, knowing what was gonna come next.

The villain was gone, no longer in the tree's mess. Oxzy knew what had happened, the villain disappeared into the air, traveling to wherever he wanted to go. Sighing out loud, Oxzy looked around his surroundings. He didn't know when the villain would reappear and continue so he waited a few more minutes.

As minutes passed, Oxzy felt his strength and energy return. He looked around one more time before going back to the mess the villain made. Picking up the mess the villain started and he helped with, he used most of his energy to pick it up, calming down the most he could.

It worked on his part, the building was still on the ground, in a middle pile. The spikes and tree mess picked up the hero, when he finished he called the sheriffs before planning to go back home. The boss in charge told him to stay put for when he gets there. Oxzy could only groan out in annoyance, but he did decide to stay until the police showed up.

They came and asked a few questions, Oxzy answered with low enthusiasm.

"Can't you guys be more damn careful?" The sheriff groaned out, rubbing his temple in annoyance. Oxzy stayed silent, looking sideways to avoid the eye contact the sheriff wanted. "Even if you have damn gifts, you don't pay for the damage you and Piece cause. So be fucking careful!" With the spiteful of words the sheriff let out, he hit the hero's chest hoping to bring some 'sense' into him.

The sheriff gave a huff, seemingly to pull back his hand. He shook his head with a feeling of guilt running up his spine. Looking at the man with curly hair, he couldn't help but let his shoulders fall when seeing an emotionless expression looking at the ground. He muttered a word that flew past the hero's head before turning around and calling in for backup to finish the mess.

The hero ended up nodding, pretending to understand, agree and feel sorry. The police have been telling him this after every fight him and the villain went through. So it was only the one hundredth time he was told, he got used to picking up after the villain and taking the blame.

Almost like a second job, aside from saving everyone in this town.

~Cleoi, Oxzy's apartment~

He finally got home near 1:00am, tired and drained of energy. Setting his stuff down before changing his clothes in the bathroom, he didn't even have the energy to do so. But he did, throwing off his white dress shirt and dirty ripped brown sweater, he put on another one, a black one bigger than the brown. It was comfy, paired with pitch black boxers to sleep in.

The only comfort Oxzy had the whole day was coming home to his Siamese cat Cirilla May. The fluffy kitty purred upon seeing him, jumping up to rub her head to his knuckles. He let out a soft smile, relaxing on his bed within minutes. Feeling the soft fur between his fingers, the hero was immediately at ease.

The cat bellowed while looking up at her owner's tired and sleepy face. She stretched out her soft black paws between his legs to meet his chest. Oxzy got the hint, he scratched behind her ear until she too relaxed.

With the soft purring that vibrated his whole body and heart, paired with the soft fur rubbing through his fingers. Oxzy felt calm.

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~

Pierce stretched out his stiff arms in hopes that the stressed muscle would calm. He had made it back to the rubble filth he calls home after having some fun with the hero. He always enjoyed seeing the hero angry, it reminded him of an angry poodle. The black curly mess of hair, the angry threatening eyes that would scare any bystander. It merely entertained him.

Walking past the homeless and the gangsters who whimpered under his presence, Pierce turned past them and to the street where his family lived. The poor and thief-filled house was almost like the outside of it. Rubble and blood stained the floor, the trash was overfilled and it smelled like meth.

The people around it couldn't be any better. Smoking, drinking, sticking unknown things inside them in hopes for a good buzz. They all looked away as he walked past, fearing that if he was in a bad mood from a hero-villain fight, he would burn them like his siblings.

But the villain was in a good mood, smirking all the way to the front door. Walking in, his parents were fighting about something useless in his home. They came unannounced once again, his mother came to give him news, father came to steal some booze from him. When they spotted him, his mother, Zella Imber, the less fearful of the family, spoke out to him. "Hey, we got a new job for you!"

With not so much as a welcome, he was already being told what to do. He was used to it by now, hell, he agreed to start doing these jobs his mother gave to him in the first place. Hence, these jobs involved stealing, killing, destroying, and sometimes kidnapping. Thanks to his "gifts," Pierce was able to accomplish all this a lot easier and quicker.

It got them money, which is why the son was the most useful out of all 7 of them. It used to piss off Pierce at first, but since he started doing it for a few years, he realized how much he enjoyed it. Well, enjoyed the hero's reaction to him.

The hero, Oxzy, gave him attention every time he would cause trouble, and boy did the villain love the attention.

"Cool. Tell me it tomorrow and I'll do it then." Pierce didn't even look at them, he just went to the fridge to grab a beer.

The mother rolled her eyes at him, coming closer to speak clearer. "But you have to do it tonight, it won't be easy if you do it tomorrow-"

Pierce slammed the fridge shut, breaking the handle and scaring the two parents. He glanced at the fearful mother who confidently held her stance. "I said I'll do it tomorrow."

No one said anything back to him, the woman only nodded her head and turned away. Pierce smiled like the villain he was, moving to go up the stairs after giving the parents one last look. He couldn't help but laugh when he got up to his room at the look his father had. The old man, Azeral Imber, was almost shitting himself in fear. He was a lot worse at hiding his fear, unlike his mother.

But the high of scaring his birth givers wore off in an instant.

He was soon laying down on the beat up mattress on the open skyline roof. Feeling the gross, polluted air fly through his spiky auburn hair. The villain felt a soft ting of loneliness.