- brutal acquaintance-

~Cleoi, Oxzy's apartment~

Oxzy got up bright and early with not much on his mind. He didn't exactly have anything to do today besides getting cat food and some pebble fruits for Kamari. Speaking of Kamari, the small rodent was chewing up her small cloth bed from outside the cage.

Oxzy never planned on getting a rat for a pet, but believe it or not, the small critter actually came with Cirilla May. The rodent and feline were surprisingly close. Closer than you would think prey and predator could be. They would play, eat, snack, sleep, even bathe together. They were like a family, with the hero being a new addition to the family.

Kamari gave no indication to her owner that was kneeling right beside her. She was fully focused on ripping up the bedding, not until the hero gave her back a little tap. The fuzzy animal turned to the finger, rubbing lightly on the tip before giving a little nibble. Oxzy only chuckled at that, petting back her head fluff before standing up.

He put on his normal attire, that being a white dress shirt paired with a big sweater with a dull pattern. His pants were nothing more than long black jeans to keep warm. He dressed up before heading out.

His mission may seem small and less action-packed compared to what he usually does when leaving his small secluded apartment. Where he lives is unknown to everyone in the town, it's mostly for his safety. So when the villain or some thieves decide to get rid of him or cast revenge, he won't have to move so much. He still does, just to be safe, but it's not always.

Everyone close to him always ends up hurt in some way.

~Oakway, pet store~

The town was lightly littered with people. Some were doing what they were supposed to do on a normal day. Oxzy did get a few looks at him when on his street bike, most people know him, some see him as heroic and brave. Some see him as foolish and overhearing. But most see him as an impractical hero, that all the downfall to come onto their city. Is because of him.

He made it to the pet store fairly quickly, ignoring all the eyes that peered on him. He walked on, going straight to where the stuff he needed was, getting there and to the counter in a second.

The lady behind the counter started to bag up the dried fruit pebbles, the cat food, and a small bedding while the hero got out what he needed to pay for. He heard a few small voices from around him, he knew where they were coming from, he didn't have to look. But he did anyway.

Peering behind him, his eyes caught a few bundles of people chatting in secret while looking at him. A few words were thrown around, some he couldn't tell, others he refused to listen to.

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, he had to ignore them. He had to get used to it, but now it's an everyday thing that he must get used to.

"Uhh… If you don't mind me asking, Oxzy…" The lady behind the counter caught back his attention up front. He turned to her and raised an eyebrow in his usual quiet fashion. "...But.. Is there a way you could use your.. 'powers' in a way that your own town doesn't.. Well fall?" Her last words were a bit of a giggle. Like she said something awkward and wanted it to seem normal, it only made things more awkward.

Oxzy looked down a bit uneasy and unwilling. A part of him was annoyed and offended. He wanted to voice that out to the ignorant lady in front of him. But his heart stopped his instinct. "I do my best to keep everything intact. But stuff still happens.. I can't keep everything perfect."

The answer seemed to only fuel the lady with more curiosity. She seemed keen on asking more of the hero, all seemed to be related to how Oxzy uses what he is given to destroy buildings. More and more. Only, there wasn't enough time, nor did Oxzy have patience to answer any more to the lady. Even if he does tell them, not only her but the people around who can't keep their eyes off him, how he fights the villain that loves to destroy stuff.

The villain enjoyed seeing things crumble and burn, light up and blow. Oxzy does his best to counter that and fix as much of the mess he can without making it worse. But like he said. He's not perfect.

"Also do you-"

"Thank you, have a good day." Oxzy interrupted her before she could finish, packing up the pet supplies before heading off.

He couldn't hear what she said after him, only that he didn't turn around to check. Yeah it was rude to walk off when someone behind you is calling, except, Oxzy is only human. And he too can't always be a nice and decent person.

He can't be perfect.

~Grubs, Pierce's home~

Pierce just got off the phone with a friend of his that he asked to come and help with the job he got that day. His friend was a handful filled with poisoned treats, her favorite thing to do is light paper on fire and then throw it on unsuspecting people to see them jump in fear. She also smokes to keep herself calm, if that's just an excuse then that's just an excuse.

The 29 year old was on her way while the villain stocked up on food. He usually spends a long time going out and doing his jobs, he brings snacks to keep his spirits up and energy. That and because his friend was always high and hungry.

The villain stood leaned up against the counter in the small dirty brown kitchen. He took small sips of his beer, waiting for Mercy Whitney, his friend, to come. At that time his father walked in, a bit of a scruffy and short man with tufts of brown auburn hair. He was at least a foot shorter than most of the men there, Pierce got his height from his mothers side. She was 5'10, her father was around 6'7.

"You're up early." The old man chuckled. He grabbed a beer from the now broken handle, opening it before leaning on the counter next to his much taller son. "So when are you leaving to do the job..?" The father hesitantly asked, looking over to Pierce with a bit of awkwardness in his voice.

Pierce kept his eyes forward, not bothering to give him a look. "Waiting for Mercy." Is all he replied with.

Azeral laughed lightly, running his palms on his dirty jeans. "Right, right. You always do.."

The awkwardness was clear as day around them. They don't usually talk like a father and son, most of their conversation would be the father trying to start and the son ignoring. In truth, Pierce didn't care. He never liked any of his family members. Especially his older siblings, and lucky him, they moved out. They moved out mostly because of him, they were scared of him, scared of what he did to them. That and them living with their partners, however, they aren't far. They still live in a close-knit area in the town. They live close to the grubs and homeless like Pierce, Zella, Azeral, and all the other younger siblings he has.

It was quiet after that. Nothing but the two men sipping beers quietly. The quietness was interrupted by the front door being shoved open aggressively. Both men went on alert, turning over to see the chocolate brown hair of a pale skinned woman. Mercy strutted in with no regard to the half broken door she just made worse, finishing her smoke and dusting off the ashes on the wooden boards before turning over to the two men.

Pierce gave her a smile, standing up and tossing her a beer. She caught it, giving a smile back to her friend.

"Took you long enough, dumbass." He laughed, dusting himself off and shoving a bag of snacks in her handbag. She hissed at him in annoyance, moving her bag away from his hands. "Oh hush, don't whine. I know how hungry you get when high."

"Could at least say something before doing it, asshole." She responded back. The old delinquent opened the glass bottle of beer, taking a sip.



The two laughed at the offensive insults they threw at each other, picking up what they needed before heading to the door. The father saw the pack up from the two, he stood up from the counter, intending to say something to his son before he left.


But they left before he could finish, his son not even bothering to take in knowledge of his fathers words. He heard the old man, but in truth.

He didn't care.

~Formay, police station~

The job, the mission the villain was one is fairly simple. He has to rob the sheriff's office. He had to rob it for a man he had to get out, the man was a drug trafficker. If the police dig deep into the man's record, he could rat out all of the people in the business. Could get all of the money and people involved locked up, it would be a big botch to everyone that lives in the grubs.

So that was one of the reasons Zella wanted the villain out to do it quickly. Obviously, Pierce didn't care. He didn't need the money. He could take whatever he wanted, get whatever he needed to live.

The only reason he keeps doing these jobs he is given is because his parents want the money. They want to keep their horrible life the same. They just use him to make it easier.

Mercy swung her head back in a loud dramatic sigh. She turned over to her friend, clad in dark gray sweatpants paired with a black ripped jean jacket, under a simple dark gray blue tank top. All made him face into the background, if not for his hair that made it obvious who he is.

The brown haired girl noticed his outfit choice. She snorted with amusement. "You know, with that choice of style, it would have been smarter to cover that mess of hair." She laughed out loud. "That spiky hair of yours makes it really obvious to everyone around what you're up to."

"Maybe I don't care." Pierce replied with a bit of a smirk in his voice. "I don't plan on making this quiet and slow." What he said was true. He didn't want to do it slowly, not only is it his type of style to get things done. But he also knew that even if one person caught on to who he is, they would think the worse. Call the sirens. Get everything ruined just at the mere presence of him.

"Of course you would take the fast route." She smirked over to him. "-Or maybe.. You want to call over a fellow curly idiot."

Pierce knew what she was getting at, and well… She wasn't exactly wrong.

"What can I say.." He looked away from her before finishing his sentence. "I do enjoy his company…"

"'Company?' That's a bit of an understatement. You can come up with much better words to describe him being with you." She smirked, her eyes becoming darker. "Or better yet, describe what you wanna do to him~" Her last words were coated in giggles.

Pierce shoved her shoulder, not denying what she said one bit. A smile was on his face, but annoyance was clear in his eyes. She knew what she was doing, she loved to rile the evil beast up. "Right. -And you know, why don't you look at what you're wearing. Trying to be stealthy? You look worse than me."

"Worse??" Mercy took a look at him, she too looked down at her outfit and laughed out loud. She was wearing a tight turtleneck tank top, no jacket, only tattoos and bracelets covered her arms. Her face had a nose piercing and long lashes that shuttered along with the black makeup. She also had short ripped ruffled shorts, her legs being filled with tattoos just like her top half.

"I came with style and enough of it to keep me on the low."

"You look like a gothic hooker." Pierce rolled his eyes, pushing back at her snarky remark with his own.

"-And you look like the grim reaper's son that is going through an angsty faze."

"I didn't choose my hair color." Pierce looked back to her.

Mercy kept her eyes forward, a laugh escaping her painted red lips with a ring. "But you did choose that style."

Pierce smacked the back of her head.

The talk had to be quick now that they were in front, or more so in front of the backside that had trees covered for it. Like Pierce told Mercy, he's more of the person to do it quick and fast. With maybe leaving a few piles of rubble and fire behind before leaving.

"So," Mercy interrupted his train of thoughts. He didn't bother to glance at her while she turned to him. "What's the plan?"

"I'm gonna surround and cover the station while you distract them." He replied back to her.

She smirked, knowing exactly what he was getting to. "So you brought me along to have me bait them?"

"You're the best at it."

She laughed, standing up and dusting herself off. "And here you were talking about my outfit choice~"

"No I was right about it you hooker."

She shoved him before heading off into the building. Her position was entirely simple. Well in their eyes. All she had to do was keep the officer's attention, no matter how much are in today, on her. There were only two people upfront talking and typing on the computer for what she could see.

As Mercy came closer, she puffed up her chest when another guy walked in. Her legs slowed, she turned to hide, or well, lean on the wall to listen in. She pulled out her phone to seem busy, only the men didn't even notice her.

"Did you find anything?" The one that just walked in asked.

The blonde haired male that had the sheriff's hat and was in charge of that station shook his head, not even bothering a glance. "Not yet. But trust me, I know that man has some hidden dirt on him!" He seemed sure of his thought, scrolling down on the computer on the man that was taken in yesterday.

The man must be who Mercy and Pierce had to get out. The sheriff looked completely irritated and stressed. "We just have to dig harder to find some."

"Well he's already in here Milo, we have time to find something."

"Yeah but sexual assault wont keep a man in for too long." The sheriff, Milo Clay, sighed. Mercy tossed a glance over in confusion. "So instead of walking around doing jack shit, how about help me with this Jamisen?" The blonde sheriff looked to the man that was just leaning back on the table. The man in uniform growled, but did what he was told by his superiority officer.

Seeing how most of them were getting back to work and not sitting on their asses, Mercy stood up and put her phone away. Moving forward she put on a flirty smile. "Why the long face boys? It doesn't seem so busy today." She strutted forward, catching all three of them as the man that was standing up stopped to listen.

"Uhh, we just got a lot on our hands." One that was seated beside the blonde sheriff, Jamisen Ted, answered back.

Mercy glanced over at him, letting her soft brown curls dangle. She smiled lightly. "Really.." Her voice dimmed, leaning her front half onto the counter in front of the sheriff and Jamisen, her backside sicking out for the one standing to see. She tilted her head and gave them a look. "I'm sorry. It must be so hard for you guys right now. All those horrible people living in the grubs."

The one standing smirked, giving her a full look before replying in a confident manner. "Thanks for the compassion, but we can handle them. We know how to deal with useless people like that." He walked forward, intending to make the woman in front of him flattered.

Mercy was anything but. Inside her mind, she was frustrated and annoyed, yet she had to hide it and give the men what they wanted. She was good at that. "I bet you guys could. You're really good at your job.." She asked her eyes down, feeling cringe run up her spine.

The sheriff scoffed, getting annoyed at the officer. "Enough, go finish what you were doing Ronny." He shooed the standing officer. He growled at him, but moved up and back to the hallway.

Mercy was getting annoyed at the sheriff, she turned her body to him, moving closer to his face. "You're very stressed, Milo.." She made her voice feel tainted, leaning her eyes down to give Milo a sultry look.

It did do a bit of a trick, it made both the men that were on the computers look at her at the same time. They both had their attention on her. Mercy smirked when she saw Jamisen gulp, something growing under him. Milo cursed out, shaking his head, Mercy no longer had his attention.

Well aren't you a bit of a buzz kill. She thought, making a face at him.

Jamisen still had his attention on her, he moved closer to where she stayed perched. "You.. Are you.. Maybe busy later-"

The thirsty man was stopped by a scream that was accompanied with the building shaking. Sounds of rocks and steel being thrown made both men up front fall down, Milo stood up at the ready. Sounds of alarms blared, more of a man's screaming was itched in with the alarms. Milo screamed at Jamisen to follow him before taking off in the direction of the scream.

Mercy stayed where she was, not even flinching at the destruction that could be heard but not seen. "About time.." She mumbled, leaving through the front door.

While that was happening, Pierce had made his way to the top of the station and to where the prisoners were held. For him, he had broken into the station a few times, but this time he was bored. He wanted to make this time different, so he steered away from the plan he told Mercy about "surrounding" the station.

And how will he do that? First, he should situate the man he had to break out. When he is out, he can do whatever he wants. That is, breaking him out in style.

The man he was after was sitting down in front of the chained door. No key or anything that can require him to escape. Pierce easily got in, since Mercy was with the two in front, they didn't see him sneak past. That and because he could teleport to get in. When he got up and past the guard that was doing nothing in the halls, he was only patrolling, that was when Pierce had to faze to the holding cells.

The man they needed wasn't the only one there. There was also another man in a cell next to him. They seemed to know each other, Pierce could hear them whining about getting caught. He didn't care, he just wanted to have some fun while doing what he was told.

The man groaned from within the cell. "Stop trying to seem cool about it! I'm busted, Zellla with fucking kill me for this..!"

"It's all because of that damn hero!" The other cursed out while hunched over. Pierce slowed his steps when hearing them mention Oxzy. A small smirk on his face. "If it wasn't for him.."

"And that damn bitch."

"Man, you guys whine a lot." Pierce voiced out, making both jump up in shock. When they realized who it came from, or who was in front of their cell, a small look of fear was in their face. The villain found comfort in that. "So you got, got by Oxzy?"

The question made the man who mentioned the hero step back, he looked confused but knew he had to answer. "Yeah.."

"That must mean he will come here when he hears your out, no?"

The villain wasn't wrong. Every person Oxzy catches and puts away, if they end up being out. He will come running to put them back. And that is what Pierce wanted.

Pierce walked straight to the cell, without missing a beat he lifted his leg and kicked the barred door. The door flung open with his strength, snapping apart at the ends and falling over, almost crushing the prisoner inside. "Get out and get going."

Pierce didn't even wait for the stunned man to get out before he turned around, intending to leave, but an officer was blocking his path. The villain laughed when seeing the gun pointed at him, while the officer stood shaking, sweat rolling down his fearful face. Pierce knew the man could and would shoot him. Only one thing is stopping him.


Knowing he had a leverage over him, Pierce slowly moved closer, it made the guard take a threatened step back. "D-Don't come closer..!"

"Or what? You gonna shoot me?" The villain cooed in amusement. He could hear the man behind him that was out of his cell stalk forward, standing behind the villain to be ready for what's next. "If you're not gonna do it. I don't have to wait then."

With the last of his words, his hands faced down to the wooden floor, fire emerged and tackled the officer. A loud painful scream echoed out from his mouth, the villain shivered in delight at the sight and sound. When he saw the man's lower half emerge in fire, Pierce kneed down and used force to smack the wooden tiles. With the forceful noise and motion, an explosion erupted from the boards and the top half of the building.

The explosion was directed under the tiles between the two half's of wood to keep the top floor standing. Now that the building shook from Pierce's power, the two half of the building began to fall. The man's screams were still heard, along with more yelling coming from the stairs. "Looks like it's our time to go."

The villain walked backward, he moved towards the now open up roof. Jumping up and using his strength to move his body on a long wooden panel that was hanging over a few feet from the ground. He heard the man he helped escape yell after him, he rolled his eyes. The other officers were yelling after them.

"H-Hey! Help help!" He kept on screaming at the villain in a hopeful fearful voice. The two officers were right behind him, one trying to put the other out of fire. "Please! Help-!"

The man was stopped by the villain with a squash of his hand in that direction. The man was suddenly gone. Disappeared with a bright flash of black and dust. Only Pierce knows where he ended up.

"You son of a bitch! You're not gonna get away!" Milo took his own gun down and faced it to the annoyed villain.

He chuckled with dark veins pumping through him, it showed through his deep amber eyes. His voice felt fake, only pure amusement heard. "Who will stop me?"

Milo crushed and growled, shooting off a few shots but missing them all. Pierce didn't even flinch. Didn't even move. "Fucking monster.." He growled out, trying to take a few more and missing them again. The villain laughed at him, it made the sheriff even more enraged, even more done. "Just you wait! Oxzy will come! He will put an end to you, so go ahead and keep trying!"

Pierce smiled. "Actually.." Paired with his mocking voice, came a few yells and sirens from behind him. He knew what that meant. Oxzy is on his way, only after a few seconds of the station being blown.

"That's what I want."