- fighting for no end -

((WARNING: This chapter contains graphic description of sexual violence and non-consensual sexual acts. It will be described as what is happening is r*pe. Please, if you do not feel comfortable reading that, go to the next chapter. It will be short overall.))

~The Grubs, the warehouse~
The men walked closer, acting as if the hero was prey. Oxzy didn't even notice them, eyes strained forward. The man in the center waited for a response, the hero stayed silent. The silence irritated the litter leader. He shook his head, walking forward.

The hero stayed still, watching as the killer walked forward. "Y'know, I was hoping for a more explosive reaction." He crossed his hands. "I mean, I did destroy your home and kill that cat of yours, didn't I?"

His voice reminded Oxzy so much of Pierce's mocking tone. There was a clear difference, what the boy in front of him said caused a ripple of rage to come out of Oxzy.

Ice shot in front of Felix. It was inches from his face before crashing back into the cement floor. The floor began to crack with the hard ice that spiked right through it.

Felix tumbled back, looking up to be met with a fist in the face. He fell down to the ground, crashing his back on the floor. The hero was above him in a second, with lightning speed, more punches hit, pummeling him into the hard floor.

The men that surrounded the fight shouted in surprise. Some went for guns and knives in their belts. A few ran away into a back room. The hero didn't even notice them, his fist collided with the boy on the ground over and over. His energy felt completely uncontrolled, his hand hovered above Felix, eyes crashing with his own.

The boy beneath him had a smile on his bloody lips. He licked the blood falling from his busted mouth. "That's the explosion I wanted."

"Why?" The hero whispered out, his hand hovering above Felix's face.

The answer was very clear to Felix, he knew that the hero had an idea as well. Everyone knows why the hero would be targeted for such a thing. The men that surrounded him despised Oxzy. They wanted to kill him just like he wanted to kill the man beneath him.

He did want to kill him. Oxzy was about to continue the punches, to pummel the man under him to death until he became nothing but a bloody mess. His hand hesitated, shaking from above his dark brown eyes. Felix noticed the reaction.

"Are you gonna kill me?" Felix asked.

Oxzy sneered at him, his hand raised, and he went down on him one more time. "Why!?"

No response. Felix kept his head to the side, acting as if he was unconscious, the hero stopped once more. Right now, he could do it, he could form an ice spike under his head and kill him right this instant.

He wanted to do it, so do it.

He forced his eyes to look at Felix's bloody face. Just kill him now. He deserves it.

He did deserve it. So why is Oxzy hesitating?

His breathing came out as small whimpers. He had it easy right now, the boy was barely turning into a man. He was still young, powering a whole gang to destroy what was left of his life.

Oxzy gulped down a breath, his hand that was above Felix's head, shaking hard as his power began failing. It wasn't forming, the stupid ice he tried so hard to force under the man's head never came.

The harder Oxzy tried, the more pain his head endured. It wasn't working, the ice wasn't forming with his command. No matter how hard he tried to focus, to put as much anger and energy into the command.

Nothing came.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't kill a person.

His hand slowly came down, eyes focusing on the killer of Cirilla May. Tears stung his eyes, wanting to pour out in a fury. The hero held it back, cursing at himself for being weak.

He apologized over and over to Crillia. He failed to do what he came here to do. To kill the useless bastard below him. But he couldn't, Pierce was right about him all along.

He couldn't even kill a monster...

His hand that was a bloody and bruised mess fell from its hold. Shaking his head, the hero felt suddenly lightheaded at all this mess. His senses dimmed lightly. It was enough for a sudden move to catch him off guard from behind.

A strong hand grabbed his mouth, twisting his head back painfully, a cloth was pressed against his nose. Oxzy tried to breathe in, pushing at the figure who held him from behind. He used his elbow to knock the man in the groin, pushing himself up to smash him in the face.

The man took a tumble, dropping the rag on the heroes mouth onto the ground. The cloth opened up, spilling out a blue dust on the way. Oxzy held his stance, coughing at the foul odor that he had smelt. He put his hand to his nose, swiping at a substance as he pulled his hand away.

Blue dust fell from his hand. The hero had noticed that he had taken in the dust. It fell from his nose, sparking more coughing from his insides.

The hero held his mouth, aggressive coughing coming from him. He fell to his knees, tears welling up inside his eyes that began to grow red.

"Cuah! Cugh-! Agchh!" The hero shook his head, trying to understand what had happened to him.

He couldn't feel anything around him. He knew that the men still surrounded him, but his senses weren't there. He had sensed the men when he first entered, but now, he couldn't feel them.

His hearing died down until he could only pick up a snicker from around him. He looked around to see who it was, eyes landing on Felix, who was sitting beside him. They faced each other now that Oxzy was on his knees.

Felix wiped the blood away with a white cloth that a man next to him offered. He stood up, looking down at the coughing hero.

Oxzy continued to gag, his throat felt clogged up like something was blocking his airway. He looked away from the little leader's peering eyes. He tried to focus on something, his senses were down. He couldn't smell anything. His eyes grew foggy.

His mind began to race, he felt like he was high above the sky. It was like his body wasn't his, he felt limp and lost. He still held onto his mouth and nose to suppress a dying coughing, so he wasn't completely numb. Something was happening inside him, the hero felt a change running in his blood.

Something changed, or more like. Something wasn't there anymore.

"That happened quicker than I expected." Felix had finished wiping his wounds off, smiling down at Oxzy with a clean face. "I'm guessing your immune system is kinda broken huh?"

Oxzy growled in rage, shooting his other hand forward in the direction of Felix. To his shock, nothing came.

His hand hovered in the air, a light spike coming from his palm. He tried to force energy to come out. The more he tried to force, the more his head began to bang. The pain was unbearable. His hand fell to the ground as well as his head and shoulders.

He stayed hunched over on the ground.

It didn't come.

He realized that the thing that changed was something a lot stronger than he expected. The more he tried to use his powers, the harder he was hit in the head. His brain felt foggy, trying to register the pain all around his body. It stung, like he was burnt with a venomous pole, with every touch, the harder he flinched from the shocking current.

"That was quicker than I expected." A female voice sounded from around him. Oxzy tried to look up and see who it was, but he felt like a ton of weight was dropped on his head. It felt too heavy, like a mass of iron infused in his body.

"It is, but it still works out, we can use this state of him." Felix smiled brightly when he noticed that Mercy came out to join. "You came out?"

"Yeah, I wanted to see this fucker in misery." Mercy spit out, looking down at a hunched hero. The words of Pierce echoed in her mind, this was the man that he enjoyed more than her.

More than Rosamee.

She had a spitting rage for him the more she thought about it. Watching him crumble to the ground in a miserable state brought her a sense of joy, she wanted to watch more of this.

"Fuh- Agh!" Oxzy began to feel a surge of pain coming from his chest. His hand moved from his running nose and to his chest. He tried to think about something else, this couldn't be happening right now.

He was drugged and lost his powers, being at the mercy of killers who looked down at him. His body felt completly numb, his mind racing with a foggy vision to make it even worse. He held his eyes shut tightly, crying out in pain.

"Ahgg! No-!"

Felix watched with joy as the man cried in pain. Huddling close to himself in desperation to stop the invisible force that pinned his chest down, only letting out wheezing cries. He was completely powerless, he had no powers to defend himself. Nothing to hope for.

Mercy snickered from beside him, a joyous smile on her face. Felix grew more proud on seeing that, he watched as he made her and the men beside him happy. They are happy because of him.

He wasn't done just yet. He walked forward, kneeling in front of Oxzy, his hand found its way under his chin, lifting him up lightly, he smiled upon seeing a distressed face meet him. "This is only the beginning."

A white toothed grin sent shivers down Oxzy's paralyzed spin.

"Gh-!" He tried to swipe his hand away, grabbing tightly onto his wrist. He wanted to bring a cold pain onto his bare skin, but nothing came but his own wheezing. He closed his eyes tightly when Felix squeezed his chin, laughing at his useless use of powers.

It hurts to force power out. Even so, no matter how much he tried to force, nothing would come out. He only caused more pain to himself, so he stopped trying. He kept putting his energy into glaring at the man who held his face, teeth clenched but eyes full of fury.

"Get the cameras, I'll let you guys have turns on him." Felix told the men around him, they did as they were told. Some dropped what they were holding, another came back with a camera. Some also took out their own phones, a dirty and sickening smile plastered on their disgusting faces.

Felix let go of his face, watching him fall to the ground, his elbows trying to keep his head from crashing into the ground. He panted out curses, finding his voice hiding in his throat.

"Don't… Fucking, touch. Me…"

"Oh you have no say in what's about to happen to you." Felix took a few steps back, watching as a gruff man came forward to take his place. He turned to his side, spotting Mercy looking at him in confusion.

"What are you guys doing now?"

The curiosity in her voice excited Felix, he hadn't told her yet, intending for it to be a surprise. "Well since the drug didn't kill him like I hoped, I wanted to humiliate him in the worst way possible."

Mercy gave a scoff, turning to him like he made a horrible joke. Only she looked up to see a serious expression. "Wait, really?"

"Of course! This is the last resort I have for Pierce to notice me. When I show him the video of me overpowering the hero, I will finally be able to stay by his side!" The little leader had a manic smile on, shaking his head, he turned fully to Mercy. "Same goes for you. You want to see the hero's misery, Pierce will have to apologize. You helped me with this, Pierce will thank us both!"

He sounded way too happy. He looked overjoyed as the hero began to let out wails of surprise. Mercy turned over, watching the sight of the tall and buff man tear off his shirt and pants. Her breath got caught up, eyes shaking in shock at what Felix was planning all along.

It wasn't what she was expecting. It wasn't what she likes to see, no matter how much she hates the hero.

She turned around to the office, walking over to the door. Felix called out to her, "leaving already? We just got to the best part."

"I just ate, if I watch this I'll throw up." Mercy called back, not even bothering to turn fully.

Felix just turned back to the show in front of him, shaking his head as a man handed him the camera. "Alright, I'll send you the video when you haven't eaten so you can enjoy this."

Mercy didn't respond, Felix guessed she had closed the door. But he didn't bother to look back and check, he was fully focused on what was happening in the middle of the warehouse. The yellow light was bright, hitting down on a group of men huddled around the hero who was trapped against them all.


A strong hand grabbed at Oxzy's belt, pulling down harshly to his surprise. The hero tried to fight back. He tried to claw at the man's open shoulders, scratching at the skin in desperation.

He only received snickers in response.

"Yeah, like that's gonna help you." The man holding him down rolled his eyes. His hands pulled the rest of Oxzys pants off, throwing them aside, he looked at the man beneath him.

Oxzy watched as he licked his lips with a disgusting grin watching him.

"B-Bastards-! Aah!"

Another hand came from behind him, grabbing his black curls and pulling harshly. Oxzys neck bent in an angle, earning a yelp of pain from him. He tried to push the hand that held him away, but the grip just got stronger. Pulling even harder, Oxzy's eyes grew wet with tears at his sensitive hair being pulled.

"Keep fighting, you'll only receive more pain." He grinned brightly, tightening his hand that held Oxzys curls. "Such pretty hair, be a shame if it was ripped out."

"AGH!" The hero screamed in surprise at the strong pull. The man laughed at his misery, his hot breath found its way on his neck.

A wet tongue glided on his neck, warm breaths were heard from beside Oxzys red ear. He tried to push the man back, gripping his hand tightly with his own, trying hard to cause some sort of damage, but it did nothing. None of his powers were working with him.

The tongue was replaced with a sharp pain. The man dug his teeth in Oxzys pale skin, sucking hard.

"No-gah!" Oxzy winced, closing his eyes in pain, the tears falling down.

Another feeling was coming from under him. The gruff man was tearing his underwear apart, pulling his black under shirt up to expose his red chest.

"That looks fun to play with," the man laughed out. He motioned to a shorter male from beside him, he walked forward, holding the shirt up for him.

The shorter man began to mess around with his chest, moving his head forward to lick and bite at his nipples. They poked up, the man grabbing them with his teeth, sharply biting and leaving red, bloody marks.

"Ouch- ah! Fuckers!" Oxzy cursed at him, using his other hand to try and pry it away. It gave nothing but a sharp warning bite in response.


The hero knew there was no way out, he was completely defenseless at this moment. Men surrounded him with hungry eyes, flashing white lights from several different camera's greeted him.

His eyes moved back to the main white flash. His eyes met with Felix's, the young man had a bright smile on his face. "I'll get everything, don't worry."

The hero thrashed around more, trying hard to push and use his powers. Nothing came out of it, his head banged against his skull. Yelling at him to stop. To stop trying, he was only hurting himself more.

The pain became too much, the hero closed his eyes tightly. His hair was still in a man's hold, each time he tried to move, a new tight pull came in response.

"Hold him tighter," the man who was near his legs called to another who had his hair. Oxzy heard a scoff in response.

Another hand suddenly came from beside him, holding his hand down, Oxzy now only had one hand to try and push them away.

His legs were pulled apart, giving exposure to his open backside. The man held his thighs tightly, gripping hard, a purple bruise began to form with his strong grip.

"Let's get to the good part. I'm sure you'll like it, hero..." He laughed to himself, running his fingers along Oxzys backside.

The hero stopped his fight in a second. Shock running through him, he couldn't help but feel a spike of pain in his heart. It was a crazy feeling, something he wasn't too familiar with.

It was fear, the hero was scared of what he knew was gonna happen.

The sharp pain of a foreign object entering his body made him gasp out in pain. His back arched, he cried out in pain.

"Fuahh!! Gahh!"

He tried to find anything to hold onto, endearing the pain as much as he could until the finger became more. One after another entered him over and over again. The man gave no warning, no time for him to get used to the pain. He kept going, putting one, and then another. He thrusted them without warning, sending the hero forward.

He began to weep, crying out in pain at the over and over feeling coming from his insides. It was invasive, disgusting.

He tried again to keep the man away, using his leg to pry his hand away that was inside him. The man brushed him away, pushing his legs only farther apart before digging right back in. This time, he pushed his fingers as far as they could, letting out a satisfied grunt.

"Aghg-!!" Oxzy shouted out, the spike of pain entering his stomach, it ran up his throat. It made him want to throw up.

He turned his head away, only to be met with a man's bare shaft to be in front of him. He didn't have enough time to react when it went inside his mouth. It was big, piercing right through his lips and down his throat. Clogging his air way in a second, Oxzy tried to spit it right back out, but the man pushed forward making his neck bend to try and avoid it.

He choked on it, trying to pry it out of his mouth using his only hand that was free to push it away. He tried to push at the man's waist, pushing hard with muffled curses, mixed with choking.

"Go on, I know you can suck." A smokers voice croaked from above him.

Oxzy couldn't even look up, his head was forced to take in the whole thing. No matter how hard he chocked and pulled his head away, he was face-fucked aggressively. His head was tossed back and fourth, taking in the whole length with each push.

Tears welled up in his red eyes. Drool came from his wet, red lips. A tearing on the ends of his mouth began to form with how wide his mouth had to stretch open to take in the man.

Blood was pooling from his lips, but it didn't seem to bother the man who was above him. He pulled Oxzys head away before slamming it back down on his dick.

"Garhh!" He muffled a choke, eyes shooting up in surprise at how far it went inside him.

The pain shot down in his throat, it felt sore and suffocated. Oxzy was trying to pull away more, his hair was gripped tightly from behind with warning words coming from the men. They harshly grabbed at his curls, digging their nails in his skull to get a tight grip to thrust his face forward.

Oxzy couldn't hear them. He couldn't understand them.

Tears fell from his helpless eyes, choking sounds from his throat echoed within his ears.

When he thought that the pain couldn't get any worse, a new form of pain came from below him.

A hot thick rod began to pock his entrance. Oxzy yelled out in shock, his voice was masked with choking. More drool and blood came from his lips, he began to feel hot blood falling from his thighs, the man moved quickly inside him without warning, tearing the heroes entrance at the hard thrust.

"Mgh!!" The pain erupted in his ears all at once when the whole cock came in him.

The man who entered him sighed in relief, sweat dripping from his brows.

"You gonna have to get you use to this. I'm not the only one who is gonna have a turn with you.."

His words became air to Oxzy, the pain was all that he felt. All he heard. His throat was clogged with something, he couldn't breathe. He couldn't block out the pain, it was all over his body, all inside his messed up chest.

The man started to pound him, pushing his body forward to meet with the other man in front of him. His grip on the hero's waist moved up and down with every hard thrust. His grip got lower and tighter, clawing at his waist before he moved forward to dig himself more deeper inside the hero. He was farther inside, moving his hips, he slammed all the way in. He burned his fingerprints on the hero's flesh with his strong hold.

Two disgusting things were inside of him. It was repulsive, horrible and painful. Blood came from his lips that was mixed with pre-cum. His entrance was also bleeding since it had torn due to the mans size.

Laughter was all around him, mockery at his image and state, lights and eyes surrounded him.

It was a horrific experience.

And it was all because the hero couldn't kill a 29 year old he had no relationship with. The man was the cause of this. The cause of his power loss, his house being destroyed, his pets being gone.

The hero felt everything leave him at once. His body was pushed forward over and over again. His arms became limp in the man's grasp.

They noticed it, letting go as his body was tossed around. "Good boy, stay like that for now."

He didn't bother looking for who said that. He gave up on trying to fight back, he couldn't do anything to stop this pain.

He was humiliated, no longer a man of great power and strength. Just a body to be used over and over.

It was all night.

The never ending push of an invasive object coming in and put of him at a rapid speed. The men seemed to have all the energy in the world to fuck him over and over. Pushing and moving his body into different positions, different dicks came in and out of him leaving semen and blood to fall out.

The pain never became numbed, his lips dropped drool and blood on the floor. A pool of white, sticky liquid ran under his legs. It mixed with blood and spit, sweat falling from his loose hair that was pulled over and over by different men, leaving black strands to fall on his sweaty red face.

No matter how loud he cried, how much he screamed out in pain. He tried pleading. The pain was never ending.

It only got laughter, harder thrusts came in return for his begging.

He was moved around like a doll. Men with blank faces pulled his legs apart with their bodies covering him to dig inside. Their teeth sunk into his pale skin until it started to bleed, it left purple ugly bruises that were sucked on.

Lips and hands touched all around his bare skin, leaving nothing but red and purple marks to be more ruined later.

His body was completely bare, eyes following his exposed parts like hungry tigers. Words of mockery and venom spit on him, throwing their hands at him to leave more marks.

Felix stood by, he didn't join in. All he did was watch, he enjoyed everything that happened in front of him. Evil thoughts coming off from him, he felt nothing but joy from seeing this. The camera stayed in his hand the whole time, sometimes he would move around to get the hero's face in the image, overall, he did nothing but watch.

Even so, it was still fun for him. Watching the man who Pierce always fought with such hatred and venom on the floor, surrounded by strangers with their dicks in his mouth. The villain would feel so happy to see this. The hero was finally at his worst.

Nothing but happiness was for Felix, and it was at the extent of the hero's misery.

The tears and blood falling from his bare body was everything. He made sure to catch every second of it.

"Why not give it a try boss?" The man next to him who was also recording nudged him.

Felix turned a smile to him, "oh, I don't think I could. I don't find men very erotic."

"Neither does any of them," he motioned to the whole group of man that were on the hero. "But still, it's the thrill to dominate a strong man like the hero."

Felix turned back to the ground, eyeing Oxzy, he took in all the cries, the laughter and the sound of wet bodies hitting each other.

Without a word, Felix stood up and walked forward. He made his way in front of the hero. His legs were spread open, lips dropping white cum and blood. His eyes were blank, tears falling and mixing in with the other liquids.

He had a man who sat under him, straddling him in his lap with his legs pulled apart. Their bodies were connected, thrusting forward, his dick was dug deep in Oxzy's stomach.

With the camera still in his hand, Felix moved his hand around Oxzy's bare chest. His hand glazed the swollen and bitten parts on his sensitive flesh.

"Mhg!" Oxzy shut his eyes, not even bothering to move away as a man was behind him. The man's body kept him in place, making it so that he couldn't even try to escape.

Felix gave a toothed smile, catching all of Oxzy's reactions on his camera.

"The well known hero has a dick inside of him. Crying like a little bitch."

"More like a slut," the man who was inside the hero grunted out. He moved his hips forward, sending Oxzy forward as he bounced him on his length.

"Paghh! Ahhg!!"

The hero cried out, shock and misery running from his lips. The painful cries were a lovely music tune to Felix's ears.

His hand ran along Oxzys chest, playing around with the sweat and blood. Mixing them together, he glazed the tip of his finger on a bite mark. He watched as it began to swell up, blood coming from the mark and dripping onto his finger.

"Pl-ease! Sto-ahp!" Oxzy cried out, eyes a blurry mess. He couldn't tell who was playing with him, it felt different, almost sensual.

Felix looked at him softly, his hand moving from his chest and to the mess of black hair. "I like you like this Oxzy. I hope Pierce does too." He messed with the hero's hair, pulling lightly to watch black strands of hair fall.

The hero closed his eyes tightly. Grinding his teeth together, ignoring the taste of blood that came from his lips.

Pierce? What is he talking about? Why did they have to mention that bastard... Oxzys train of thought became dimmed, everything became quiet.

His mind was empty, he felt high. Dropping from a tall building, the wind running through his soaked hair. His head dropped, eyes and thoughts completely stopped as everything became around him became a black mess.



The hero dimly remembers what had happened. He expected to see the men who raped him that night to be there when he came back. But to his surprise, he was alone.

His body felt horrible. Pain came from every small move he made. His backside was the worst of it, every time he tried to move, shooting pain came from it. It felt sticky, his insides burned from the inside and out. The skin around his hole felt raw, red and a burned mess.

"Mhh..!" He held in whimpers, trying to ignore the burning from his backside, but it wasn't the only pain. His throat felt sore, it was like his throat was rammed with an iron rod. Every noise he made, it only caused his throat to burn. It was like the man was still inside his mouth, pounding inside so he couldn't breathe.

Trying to swallow was just as painful, every sound that came from his vocals was horribly painful. It was burning when his muscles tightened around his body, they pushed together in an agonizing way.

He didn't have to look to know what his chest looked like. When he tried to touch it, it was a searing shot to his skin. His muscles tighten at the shock, more blood was felt on his flesh, the skin felt teared and ripped apart at how much blood was there.

The memories were what hurt the most. The memories of what had happened to him was as if he was shot in the heart. It was a painful realization that caused him to curl on himself.

He found his bare knees meet with his face. He was completely bare, nothing but wet substances covered him.

He couldn't let out cries, it hurt to much. He couldn't cover himself, it hurt to much to move. All he could do was lay there.

Tears fell from his eyes, they were hot as they ran down his icy skin.

What was he supposed to do now? All he could do was lay there. Nothing but his own labored breathing is what he heard.

He just wanted it all to end. The mental and physical pain that he was currently enduring was too much for his mind to take. The only hope he could think about was never gonna come.

His mother was gone. Crillia was gone. His own home was destroyed. Where and what was he supposed to do next?

It was easier to just give up. Wait for something to finally end his misery.

Maybe all the blood would kill him. Maybe infection would grow quickly, and he could die from that.

He just wanted it quickly. Why did he have to suffer so slowly? Why couldn't he have it end quickly...

The heroes whole body was ready to give up. He ignored the sound of footsteps coming from beside him.

He didn't even hear the sound of a door opening. The clapping of shoes hitting the concrete echoed in his ears. He closed his eyes, ready for death to finally take him.

He didn't care anymore.

There was nothing left...

A large piece of clothing fell on him. It covered his curled up form. It was his under shirt, the hero questioned why he hadn't been killed. Who was above him, throwing him something that he thought was ripped apart.

The figure above him moved down, hovering above his motionless head.

"They are coming back in 20 minutes to continue." It was a woman. The same woman who watched his clothing being teared off. "Get out now. The door will be open."

The figure moved away, exiting the room as her footsteps became faint. Oxzy didn't hear the door close behind her, she must have left it open.

She sounded sure, her words were nothing but a warning. It was weird, she watched and encouraged the rampage of his humiliation, now she was giving him coverage from the cold air?

The hero waited. Staying on the cold ground for a few more minutes, he expected that she had lied, that she was waiting for him to leave to ambush him and do all the horror over again. But there was nothing. He didn't have his high senses anymore, all he could do was hope for something not to happen.

Or did he want it to happen? For the men to come back and finish the job?

No matter how much he wished to die at that moment, he didn't want to feel any of that ever again. The aftermath was already coming out of him. Marks were clear on his body from it all, he would forever be ruined with the memories, his body will leave all the marks as a reminder of what they had done to him.

But he didn't want to do that again.

He had to take the chance. Run away when he is given the chance.

It was painful. So painful that he fell more times than he could count while trying to stand up. His legs burned, when they rubbed together it was like he was being hit over and over again in the same place. His skin was turning red with irritation at his movements.

While on the ground, he fought back the tears. They still came out, pouring from his red swollen eyes.

Still, he kept trying.

Keeping his whimpers to a quiet and painful whisper, Oxzy found his way up.

His legs began to shake under his weight. He felt like falling back over again, but he caught himself in time. His hands stopped his head from hitting the ground, keeping his body up so that he could regain the energy to try again.

"Fuh-! Tahhgh…" The hero closed his eyes tightly.

He tried to think of something else, something other than the pain. He only could think back to the body part that was once inside him.

He shook his head, tears falling from his face. He gagged to himself, about ready to throw up. The feeling of liquid in his throat came up burned as it went. It hurt when something came from his sore and messed up throat. Even if it was just blood and spit.

His bare legs began to walk forward, with each shaking step Oxzy had to bite his dried lips to hold in the pain. It was exhausting to walk from the spot on the cold floor to the wide tall door of the warehouse exit. He stopped when the cold rush of air hit him to the ground.

Falling to his knees he wheezed in the air.

"Hah… Gahh…"

He built up more energy to move forward, biting his tongue as each step made his skin curl up. His muscles tightened with each step, his insides felt like spilling out from under him.

The hero began to walk away from the warehouse. Holding the black under shirt tightly to his bare skin, he had to hold the buttons together to make sure it didn't open up to expose his littered chest. It didn't matter anyways, no one was outside.

He was alone. Walking away from the horror he had just endured. Scars ran along the inside of his body, sinking deep into his flesh like he was branded with iron.

He will forever be ruined, his insides and out.