~The Grubs, the streets~
It was completely bare. No one was out in the cold dead of night, the whim of the air passed the hero, it was a rush all at once causing him to fall over. His knees hit the hard floor, his body inches from the ground, he cursed to himself.
"Guh… Fu-h it hurts…" He shook his head, ignoring the burning sensation running down his throat. He found his feet, wobbling like a child, the hero looked around.
He was in the middle of the street. Surrounded by houses, the hero looked around in a frenzy. No lights were in the house, no one was here right now. But the hero was terrified. He was no longer safe with just himself, with no powers to defend himself, the people in the grubs could do whatever they want with him.
Well, they already have.
"Mhg…" Oxzy shook his head. He refused to think back to what happened. His whole body was sore and painful each step he took, that was enough of a reminder. His thoughts shouldn't betray him.
Anyone in the grubs who would see him like this would take the chance in a heartbeat. To kill him, humiliate him. Ruin him even more.
It scared the hero. He was powerless with a beaten up body, wearing nothing but a thin under shirt to cover himself. He had to move the end of the shirt to cover his lower part. It was big enough to cover his ruined private part, but he still had to hold it together since it wouldn't button back up. The men had torn the buttons off, leaving him with an open, dirty shirt.
The hero's feet stumbled on the cold pavement, he felt the end of his feet begin to bruise on the rough surface. He kept walking forward, looking around for something.
What was he looking for?
He had nowhere to go. His home was destroyed, he was in the grubs where everyone wanted to kill him. The man was completely alone with this mess.
He had no idea what to do. His movement stopped in a second, head looking down in despair. He didn't know what to do now. Should he go back?
What? What am I thinking?
The hero shook his head, he refused to turn back. Even if he had no idea where to go, he would not head back. Going through that hell was the last thing he would want to relive, he would rather go to Pierce if anything.
Pierce was here. The villain lived in the grubs, he was around here. The hero looked around, swaying with his foggy vision, he recognized a familiar street. Without his notice, his legs quicken up.
He limped forward, walking with a sore body until he made it to the house. Before he could move forward, he realized what he was doing. Where he was.
~The Grubs, Pierce's home~
He shook his head, taking a small step back. Why would I go to him? Him of all people when I'm like this? The hero hissed in pain, his body buckling forward.
"Erghh…" His head pounded in frustration. He didn't know what to do, should he take shelter with the villain? Why would he do such a thing? The villain wanted to kill him too, no place was safe.
Would the villain do the same thing to him? Would he…
The hero remembered how the man treated him, how he was cruel and dirty when they fought. But the villain had changed, it was a little change, but the hero noticed it immediately. His words, his way of speaking, treating others. It was all different.
It made the hero feel more uneasy, he can be cool, say weird things for a second. Then he could be cruel, grabbing at him with angry force.
But where else would Oxzy go?
A few noises sounded from behind him, the hero turned around, quickly scanning to see if he was followed. No one but the dark night was there. He was imagining things, the men wouldn't go after him.
Even so, he was still fearful. Making up his mind, the hero began to limp forward. He made it up the steps, walking in front of the wooden door before stopping.
Am I really doing this? It felt like a stupid mistake. But there was no other choice.
He hesitantly knocked on the door. Wincing as pain ran up his arm with the gentle and slow movement. It still hurt, the hero buckled forward, feeling like he was about ready to collapse.
He waited. His eyes began to drop, the cold running through him, hitting his bare, open skin. This felt so stupid. Why was he at the villain's doorstep, desperately knocking on the door for him to come out and see him like this.
Why was he hoping the evil man would come?
His legs were about to give out when the door opened. It opened lightly, an annoyed looking villain stood on the other end. His face was a scowl, shirtless with nothing but black sweats on, looking around before facing the hero.
His scowl disappeared, a look of shock and realization on his face made the hero feel weak all over again. He watched the villain take in his state, eyes wide and body completely becoming tense.
He moved his hand from the door, hesitating when he began to reach forward. The hero did nothing as Pierce ran his hand through his hair. The black hair being moved around stung, the hero whimpered lightly.
Pierce moved his hand from the man's hair, noting how some strands fell out when he only lightly played with it. He took a step forward, taking in the fact of the hero's reactions. The man who was always on guard, moving around at the villains' touches and mere looks, stood motionless.
His legs swayed beneath him, face full of pain. The villain noticed immediately that the man had been assaulted. His body that was only covered in a long black shirt with broken buttons only covered his littered body. He had blood running down his chest, blood followed his steps, leaking from under him.
The villain didn't know what to do. How to react.
Oxzy watched the man in front of him shake his head. He looked confused, shocked. There wasn't any disgust. But there was what looked to be.. Worry?
The hero felt all his energy leave him at once, with his legs buckling under him, he fell forward. The villain opened his arms, letting the hero crash into him. The man was completely limp in his hold, face full of discomfort as it rested against the villain's exposed chest.
The villain didn't move. He felt the hero's slow breaths rise, it paired with his own quick breaths. He looked down, eyeing the shorter male who was leaning on him. His arms closed around him, pulling the blacked out hero up with him.
Pierce took the hero up in his arms, the man felt weightless with his strength. Holding him bridal style, Pierce heard a few shouts from the side of his house. It was a group of Felix's gang, they walked around, calling for someone.
He rolled his eyes, taking in the man and shutting the door behind him.
He held the man close to him, his skin was ice cold. He made his way up the stairs, pulling the man as close as he could so he wouldn't hit anything. He made it in his room, gently setting him on his bed.
What was he supposed to do now?
Oxzy was in his room, lying lifeless on his bed with a ruined body.
The villain took this time to look around his body. He lifted the black shirt up, peering at his chest. He felt his body squirm around when seeing the red irritated bites and large purple bruises that covered his beautiful pale skin.
The villain traced his eyes down. He didn't want to do it, but he just knew what to see. The man looked away, moving the black shirt to cover him again.
His body was horrible. It looked completely ruined with all types of marks left by someone.
Who would do this? Go so far to completely take over his body with their own mouths. Leaving bites, bruises, to mess up his insides into nothing but blood to come out of him. The villain felt his skin boil. He was outraged, angry at an invisible someone.
Someone needs to pay.
Pierce had no right to be angry. Didn't he want to mess and humiliate the hero in this type of way? He did, but he didn't want someone else to have the pleasure of doing such a thing to Oxzy. Only he did.
The hero gave a wheezing breath, turning his head over in a dazed sleep. The villain moved without notice, gently sweeping away the sweat coming off from his brow. His hand stopped just above the hero's head. It felt hot, super hot.
His face was a bright red, eyes teary with pain, the villain noticed that Oxzy was running a fever. His hand ran over the man's head, it was boiling hot compared to the rest of his body that was ice cold.
Pierce had dealt with fevers before, he never had any but Mercy had a few.
Before the villain stood up, he couldn't help but worry a bit about how Oxzy's body was. It wasn't healing. The marks looked to be a bit new, but by now they should start to disappear. Now the man had a fever, what happened to him?
Was he drugged? How did he manage to lose his powers? The man lost his ability to heal, his ability to sense danger from miles away. He no longer had the strength to fight back. That would make sense with the state of his body. It would also explain why he was running a fever.
The villain began to make his way to his door. Before leaving, he turned back to Oxzy. If the man moved around, he would be completely exposed. The shirt could only cover up his body in some places, it wasn't that big. Pierce could still see the marks on his legs.
Oxzy would need a shower to clean himself. But he needed water firstly, it was more important and would help bring down the fever.
Pierce grabbed a cup of lukewarm water, walking back up stairs, he went to his body. Oxzy hadn't moved yet, he was still knocked out. It wasn't much of an issue for Pierce. He put his knee under the hero's head, tilting his head forward, he ran the water in his mouth.
Some of the water dripped out from his open mouth, but most of it ended inside and down his dry throat. Pierce closed his mouth, forcing the man to swallow. Oxzy coughed, gagging lightly at the fluids running down his sore throat.
His eyes opened lightly, he tried to push away the water that went back inside his mouth. His hand pushed away Pierce who was forcing him to drink. The villain gave no mind to Oxzys desperate pushes.
"Drink Ox," Pierce said, opening his mouth with his fingers to force more water in.
"Gah- argh..!" Oxzy closed his eyes tightly.
Water dripped from his lips, eyes watering with hot tears. It hurt going down his bruised throat. He was forced to take it, then forced to close his mouth and swallow.
After the whole glass cup was finished, Pierce moved it away. Oxzy turned his head away when Pierce let go of his chin. His face landed on a soft pillow under his head.
"Hahk! Kahk!" The hero gagged, dropping some of the water onto the bed he was laying on. He began to push the hand away that pulled him back. "Stoh-!"
"You're dirtying my bed Ox." Pierce smiled, seeing the hero face him.
Oxzy's head was leaned up against the villain's knee that was under his head. He was still holding onto Pierce's hand that was once holding the cup of water. He knew that the villain could easily push away, overpower him in any way.
Instead, Pierce let the hero hold onto his arm.
Oxzy pulled away, shaking his head when the villain peered into his eyes. "I'm dirty, why let me on your- damn bed..?" The hero coughed, talking made his throat burn.
"Well, I'm not letting you sleep on the ground like this." Pierce shook his head, his smile a little faint. He watched Oxzy's reactions, and the hero tried to steer away from him. His body was too weak, so he could do nothing but avoid his eyes.
His face was drenched with sweat, his eyes were red with tears coming down. The water must have hurt his throat, it must have been painful to take so much in like that. The villain felt bad, wondering what happened for his throat to hurt so much.
"Can you stand?" Pierce moved back, sitting on the end of his bed with his hand on Oxzy's shoulder.
The hero looked back, his words caught in his throat. He shook his head, a bit hesitant. Not knowing what to respond with. The villain smiled lightly, moving forward his arm went under Oxzy's hips and shoulders, hoisting him up.
"Mgh!" The hero winced, bouncing his body forward made his skin rub each other, causing more pain. He felt the villain carry him outside his room, holding him close with ease.
The hero grabbed at his neck, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. He hoped it would make the pain less bad when being moved around. It didn't, but he didn't let go of Pierce's shoulder. Instead, he held more tightly, biting his lip to suppress the painful whimpers while clawing at his shoulders.
The villain didn't mind. With Oxzy in a weak state, there was no pain he felt with the hero's grip on his shoulders.
It felt oddly strange. The hero was really weak right now, in his arms with nothing to fight back with. The villain was used to fighting back, he enjoyed that part. Now, the hero couldn't even fight him.
He felt pity and anger. Anger was hiding there, it was a rage not directed at the hero, but whoever did this to him.
He hoped that a warm bath could help him heal. Maybe if he was comfortable for a few minutes then he would start to heal. He hoped it would be it, but if he was really drugged with something so strong that it made his immune system break.. Then it would be a while for him to heal.
The villain made his way in the bathroom. Oxzy took in the fact that it was very clean. It was like the villain didn't even use it, maybe he didn't, or he was just a clean freak. His room was also pretty clean. Not as much as the bathroom, but livable.
The hero was gently set inside the tub. As gently as Pierce set him down, he still cried in pain.
"Fagh! Mgh…" He moved his hand down to hold his chest. Burning was coming from his lower part, it felt irritated to be rubbed against each other.
"Sorry," Pierce smiled while sitting beside the tub.
"Fuh.. You…" Oxzy replied back, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Yeah, yeah, fuck me." Pierce shook his head, repeating Oxzy words. He waited for the hero to look comfortable, the pain was coming from below him. Pierce didn't want to see what it looked like, he could just tell it was bad with the rest of his body looking a mess.
Oxzy's face slowly began to relax. His tense shoulders moved down with a small breath escaping his lips.
When Pierce felt it was alright, he moved forward, grabbing the hero's black shirt and began to take it off him. Oxzy turned his head in surprise. He couldn't fight back with Pierce, the villain gently tore the shirt off his thin frame.
Now Oxzy was completely exposed in his bathtub. The hero moved his hand down to cover his lower part, turning his head in a different direction. He didn't want to see Pierce's peering eyes. He could feel the man's gaze trail along his body, moving around to take in all of Oxzy's bruises and bites.
"Go.." Oxzy looked down, his knees pulled up to cover his chest. He hissed out, grabbing at his lower part to cover himself.
Pierce said nothing. He looked around every part of the hero's body. He was completely ruined. Every inch of his skin had a mark on it. Dried blood, dirt, bites, purple bruises, or fingerprints. They littered his body, leaving nothing but a few patches of porcelain skin to show.
The hero wanted him gone. He could feel his eyes watching him, it made him uncomfortable. Trying to hide himself the best he could, with every move he would just cause more pain. He was causing the hero to act like this.
He reached behind the man, turning on the faucet and letting the water in between his fingers. He waited until it became warm, before pulling back. The hero flinched away, seeing his hand move aside without even brushing his skin.
The villain growled under his breath. The hero refused to look back at him, keeping his head low as the bath began to fill with water.
Pierce felt an urge to look at him, the hero was refusing to meet him. Was he scared that Pierce would attack him? It angered him, he wasn't gonna do that to him. He won't go so low to take advantage of him when he has no powers to defend himself.
What fun would that be?
The villain's hand moved on its own. He traced his hand under Oxzy's chin, sliding his fingers along his cheek bone and down to his neck. His hand ran down the hero's neck, slowly and gently, swiping at the blood that was stained on his skin.
The hero jolted up, bending his head backwards as Pierce continued to trace his bones with his fingers. He stopped when his fingers reached a bite mark, he saw the blood cover his flesh. The mark was deep, almost to the bone from Pierce's view.
"Must have hurt.." Pierce whispered. His voice caused Oxzy to turn his head to him.
The damp black curls covered half his face when he looked at the evil man. It did hurt.. Is what Oxzy wanted to respond with. But he couldn't find his voice. He was lost in the touch, his body was slowly becoming consumed by the villain's gentle movement.
The villain moved his hand to the hero's face again. His hand landed under his chin, tilting his head up to meet his eyes. The hero closed his eyes, his lips tightly sealed shut. The villain smirked, he moved his finger up, breaking through the hero's closed lips, Pierce pushed his thumb forward.
"Gh!" Oxzy's eyes shot open, his body slid sideways onto the wall beside him.
Pierce rubbed his thumb on the hero's tongue, taking in all the saliva that began to pool from his open mouth. His eyes watched Oxzy's every expression, it was uncomfortable. The villain saw sickness inside his eyes. The movement of his finger inside his mouth made the sickness come boiling up.
The hero didn't have the strength to push his head away from his mouth. He was pressed against the wall, his body quivering with fear.
Without any words, Pierce shoved his finger down the hero's throat.
Everyone came up at once, Oxzy hunched forward, throwing up all the water he had just taken in on himself. Pierce moved his hand, finding it running through Oxzy's hair as he hurled up all his insides.
The hero was hunched over, his free hand on the tub. His insides kept coming out, he coughed after each hurl. Still, he felt sick, trying to throw up everything inside him.
His body was tense, hunched over, the villain gently rubbed his head. He noticed that blood was mixed in with the vomit, that and some familiar blue bits. The villain moved to Oxzy's back, taking water in his hands, he turned back to Oxzy's front.
The villain washed away the bloody vomit. The hero wiped his face off, shaking slightly when the warm water hit his body.
"Aghh…!" His body stung when the water ran over his wounds. He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for Pierce to move away.
He did so when all the vomit was washed away, he closed the tub to let the bathtub fill up. When he finished, he didn't leave yet. He wanted to help Oxzy wash off his body, clean away all of the blood from his weak body.
But the hero made it clear that he wanted to be left alone. He tried moving away from Pierce, refusing to even give him a glance. The villain understood it, he forced the man to throw up all the water he forced him to take in. Even after all this, Oxzy had to drink more water.
The villain still had his hand in his hair, he watched the hero breath with shallow breaths. He couldn't look away. The man was in his hold, he could do so much more…
Pierce looked away, removing his hand from Oxzy before standing up.
The hero didn't move to watch him. Pierce turned to the door, "take as long as you want. I'll bring you some clothes to change into."
With that, he left the bathroom.
Oxzy was left alone in the villain's bathroom. He still felt the hot boil of vomit in his throat. It felt horrible. The water was rising around his body. When it made contact with his bruised skin he hissed at the sensations.
He wanted to stand up and avoid it, but his legs felt limp. So he stayed in a curled position in the tub. The water pooled up, it covered his bruised legs as it rised around his stomach.
"Mgh.." The hero opened his eyes, the pain was slowly dulling. It was a mixture of discomfort and a warm blanket.
The water was becoming a tint of red, with blood coming off from the hero's wounds that was becoming with the water. More blood, and dirt made the water turn a slight brown color. It looked gross, it made the hero want to throw up again.
Even if he wanted to, there was nothing to throw up.
With each move, he cried at the pain. Moving his hands up from the water, he washed off the dirt. When the water ran along the bites, searing pain ran in his bones. There was a swollen purple mark, it looked irritated and red. The hero squirmed when looking at them, if the men wanted to, they could have tore his flesh off his bones.
The bite was that deep. It was painful to wash, but Oxzy pushed through it with teary eyes. He finished with that, turning around to turn the water off as he cried out.
"Agh!" His body stopped its movements, his entrance was screaming in pain. The hero closed his eyes to block the tears. Still they came all out, soaking his face with hot water that fell to the pool of brown water.
The hero took a few seconds before hesitantly opening his legs. Still crying, Oxzy began to wash away all the blood and white liquid that was inside him.
He cried over and over again. Remembering what he had endured each time he touched that part. His mind was betraying him. Why is he thinking about that? It's making him feel worse.
With his eyes shut tightly, Oxzy powered through and wiped away everything. The water was more of a red now, the hero weeped quietly, leaning on the damp wall beside him in pain.
It wasn't just the pain. The memories.
They haunted him. How will he ever heal from this? He will forever remember when looking down there, the men's faces will come to mind. He didn't want to live like that…
The door opened, Oxzy looked to the door. Pierce came in, setting down a pile of clothing he faced Oxzy. The tears fell from his face, hot breaths escaping his shaking lips.
Pierce sucked in a breath, turning around without a word and closing the door behind him.
The hero watched the door. The villain had a red face, eyes looking to restrain themselves. To keep his eyes away from the hero's.
An idea came to Oxzy's head. His breathing stopped for a moment, the idea was horrible. Never in his life did he think about the villain and him in such a way.
Would he really go far as to have sex with Pierce?
The villain, would he even agree? Would he do it out of pity after knowing why Oxzy wanted to do it. Would he do it just because he wanted to, would he be as aggressive as the other men.
There were too many "woulds".
The hero knew it was stupid. His body was already badly bruised and beaten, having sex would just ruin him more. But he didn't want to think about what they did to him anymore. It tore at his brain, his heart was slowly breaking with each move he made.
The hero wanted to do it. It was a bad idea, it wouldn't fully heal his wounds. He will still remember that moment for the rest of his life, but maybe it will make it less painful.
Would Pierce even make him feel that way?
Oxzy already made up his mind. But deep down, he knew it was a bad idea.
The villain stood outside the door. His body was hot, his mind foggy with all the disgusting thoughts he had. Seeing the hero like that made him aroused. The villain was a horrible person, even though this felt a bit far.
The hero was crying out in pain, he was crying with a hot red face. Still, the villain felt good seeing him like that.
Guess he wasn't any better then those men who put him in that state. That much was obvious, Pierce was a horrible person in general. But thinking about Oxzy like that made him more angry at himself.
He wasn't gonna do anything. Oxzy needed to heal. Pierce would control himself, let the man rest as long as he needed without touching him.
He can restrain himself. He can be different from those who hurt him, who violated him without consent, leaving his body broken.
Pierce walked forward to his bed, he sat down with his head in his hand. Blocking out the thoughts he turned to his phone. It was dead, even when on the charger, it still was shut off.
"Fuckkkk.." The villain fell on the bed in frustration. He was left alone with his thoughts and the sound of Oxzy crying in his bathroom across the small hall.