- forget hope -

~Daylight, the elementary school(years ago)~

Rosamee sighed out in annoyance. She had just shooed away a few kids that were playing in the halls during class. They ran off, giggling at her. The woman leaned on the counter, she really wanted to just go out and smoke. But she had to stay and watch the entrance for any visitors.

Her job was very boring, Pierce sometimes comes in to have a make-out session, but the couple got into a fight. Rosamee rather call Mercy to smoke with her at the moment. She checked the clock, her break was almost coming, just 10 more minutes.

With another sigh, Roaamee heard the school doors open. It was almost her break, she didn't want to deal with signing anyone in. With an eye roll, she looked up. Her eyes met with a familiar boy, it was Pierce's younger brother. Behind him walked at least two men and a small woman. They held back, Felix leading them with his eyes completely strained forward.

Rosamee gave a smile.

"Felix hey," she waved, watching him come forward. He passed the desk, walking behind it with no words. Rosamee retracted her hand, looking behind her where the men blocked the door. The woman pulled a jug of gasoline from the bag.

Rosamee was about to say something, turning to Felix who was now at the desk when her head was pulled back. The woman had her by the hair, smashing the back of her head on the desk.

"Ahh!" She screamed, fearing for her life.

Rosamee tried to claw at the hands that had her hair, nothing but snickers were heard. Felix was now in front of her, the jug of gasoline was pasted to him. Rosamee looked at the move in fear, she understood what was happening.

"Felix! Hey! Pierce will kill you! I swear he will, don't do it!"

The boy didn't reply, he opened the jug, eyeing the woman who was losing her strength. Without a word, Felix dumped the gasoline over her head.

"Garh!" Rosamee gagged, some falling into her open mouth.

She was let go, dropping onto the floor with the foul liquid dripping down her skin, soaking into her clothes. She began to fear for her life, staying seated on the floor as Felix walked back. She looked up, tears smearing into her face.

Felix was a few feet away, he dropped the empty jug. Rosamee noticed that he had made a trail that was where he was. With horror, the woman saw a lighter in his hand. She began to shake, the gasoline and tears flooding her vision.

She shook her head aggressively, crying out loud. "Please! Please let's just talk! Felix!"

Nothing but a smile came in return.

The boy who was younger than 20, lit the lighter.

He dropped it.

Fire spread quickly, it traveled from the line and straight to Rosamee. She could only put her hands up when she was completely caught on fire.

Her screams echoed within the school halls. Cries running along the walls, screams of pain and desperation were hitting all around the space.

It smelt of burnt flesh, burnt clothes. Felix looked on in awe, he had never killed anyone before, this was his first time. He was enjoying it. A wide smile spread across his face, he wished that he could see more. The woman was completely covered in flames, nothing was seen through to his disappointment.

But still, he stayed in the same position. He watched on, watched her fall to the ground, landing on her back, screams coming from a mouth that had dripping skin covering it. She still screamed, even with her own flesh blocking her melting lips.

Felix wanted to stay, to watch until she finally stopped screaming. The woman who went with him tugged at his sleeve. He turned, getting the hint quickly. They walked off, only Felix turning around to watch as the fire began to spread.

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~

He didn't know where Pierce was. The man had gone down to put the bowl away. Oxzy had heard a crash and a few fearful noises. It made him nervous, he tried to stand up from the comfortable bed, he had fallen back over. Staggering to the doorway, Oxzy opened it to be met with Pierce.

"What are you doing up?" The villain asked quickly.

Oxzy took in the state, looking up at Pierce. He moved his eyes down, catching the villain's hand cut and bleeding. Before he could say anything Pierce walked forward. He shut the door while grabbing the hero by his waist, guiding him back to the bed while Oxzy felt limp in his grasp.

"You should stay in bed. You want your fever to go down right?"

"I'm already feeling better," Oxzy coldly replied. But still, the villain set him on the bed, ignoring the shoves coming from him. Oxzy looked up to him, making a gesture to his cut hand.

Pierce looked down. "Huh, when did that happen?" He watched as Oxzy took his hand, looking down at it with confusion. He couldn't help but giggle. "What? Are you gonna lick it clean for me?"

"Disgusting." Oxzy sneered from under him. Pierce rolled his eyes, feeling a sharp pain from his hand. He looked at Oxzy in confusion, watching him pick out a few small pieces of glass.

Pierce looked at him with amazement. How did he see those? Pierce didn't even feel the glass in his skin.

The hero sat his arm back, keeping his eyes away from Pierce. The villain smiled, leaning forward to Oxzy's red face. The hero, in turn, leaned back, tapping his shoulder with his arm. "Go clean the wound off."

Pierce said nothing, watching Oxzy's reactions with a wide smile. The hero stayed the same, waiting for a response, only Pierce said nothing. He combed his hand through his hair and to the hero's pale skin. Leaning down, he pecked the hero's cheek with a gentle motion.

"Of course, thank you Ox." His voice was gentle, a soft tone with a soft gesture. He left the room to the bathroom across the hall. The hero was left alone in the room.

Once again. Very confused.

What is wrong with Pierce? He was acting very, very weird for no reason. He was acting "loving" to the hero. The hero that he HATES.

Oxzy found his head in hand. His head was hung low, lots of questions running through him. Everything that happened in the spam of maybe 5 days was too much.

He lost everything. Even lost his powers. He was assaulted violently by strangers. Taken in by the villain who wanted him dead. Had sex with said villain. Been fed from the villain, now was kissed gently.

Oxzy never thought Pierce was capable of such gentleness. The man was a beast, a horrible monster who kills people. How.. Why was he like this?

The hero felt energy pile up in him. He was healing, his body was still sore, his throat was still painful with each gulp. His skin was still bruised, but he could feel that his body was healing. The food, and maybe in an odd way, the way the villain was treated with such gentleness made it ease him. Made him calm down enough to heal.

When he is healed, he will have to leave anyway. Staying here with Pierce was never the plan. He wouldn't make any sort of connections, if anything like that can be such a thing. He had to leave, the villain would take advantage when the time comes. He can't get too comfortable.

His hand went up to his cheek, he felt his face was warm. Hot and red from the interaction, the intrusive thoughts. It made him feel like a schoolgirl. Someone young and naive that would fall over at the mere feeling of a loving gesture.

His hand slid down to his neck, holding tightly onto it. He remembered back when his throat was forcefully violated. Over and over by different men, it was suffocating. It was what made him pass out. His airway was clogged, he believed he would have thrown up if it wasn't for his mouth being blocked.

He held tighter, cursing at himself. He wanted to make them pay. Everyone paid, but he couldn't. He can't kill anyone.

No matter his rage.. His pain.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" Pierce walked into his room, a white bandage closing his hand. Red stains were shown through the bandage, still, he had wrapped it pretty hastily. Oxzy didn't even hear the man's words, he watched as he came over, sitting only a few inches from him. "Cause I'm just saying, I wouldn't kill yourself in front of me. Or else I would have to revive you, that would ruin your whole effort eh?"

Oxzy glared with tired eyes. "Why would you?"

His voice was quiet. Pierce looked up to the open sky when responding. "Well, if anyone's gonna kill you," he looked back at Oxzy who still wouldn't look at him. He leaned forward, leaning his head to the man's neck, forcing their eyes to meet. "It's gonna be me."

The hero growled at him. Pierce responded with a malice smile, it sent a shiver down his spine. The villain had his hand behind Oxzy's neck, lightly running down his spine. His hand went under the sweater, pulling half of it up to expose his shoulder, his littered skin that was filled with marks that were mostly done by other men.

"Same with hurting you. Or marking you.." He slid his arm gently down to his back, closing his hand around a bruise that lay on the hero's waist. The hero flinched at the action, still keeping his lips sealed. "I can be the only one capable of doing it.."

"Your fucking crazy..." The hero sighed with a bit of fear hidden in his tone.

The man smiled with the description, turning his head in the direction of Oxzy's ear, he spoke with a sweet voice. "I can make you go even crazier than me Ox..."

His voice sent a shiver down Oxzy's spine. His back arched at the strong hold Pierce had on his waist. He was so close, touching him, his mouth only an inch from his own. Pierce looked at him, his eyes staring right into his soul.

The hero felt fearful, the villain was no longer holding him gently. He held him with purpose, an undying urge hiding behind the look.

Oxzy wanted to run. To leave the man who was overtaking his mind, his body.

But where would he go? Run to where?

Pierce saw the fear, it was driving him crazy. He leaned forward, grabbing Oxzy's lips with his own in a matter of seconds. The hero moved back in surprise, only Pierce had him by the waist, pushing his body forward to press into his chest.


The hero pushed his shoulder as Pierce began to lick the inside of his mouth. Their lips parted for a second, the villain dug his tongue back down his throat. The hero choked out, eyes squeezed shut as he parted his lips. His hand gave no strength when pushing at Pierce's shoulder. Instead, he slowly went limp. He let the man dig inside his mouth, running his tongue down his throat before sucking his lips.

The hero moaned into the kiss, the noises made the villain more energized. He pushed forward, knocking the hero onto the bed. He laid on his back, the villain looming over with their lips connected.

Oxzy soon let his grip fall from his shoulders, he was getting nowhere pushing the man. Pierce just kept going, so instead, Oxzy moved his hand up. He gripped Pierce's hair, pushing his head forward for a more intense kiss.

The villain obliged, humming to himself as the hero pulled him closer. He slid his hand down to his back, running his palm at the end where the shorts were. He gripped his waist, pulling himself onto the bed to be in between Oxzys open legs. His knees held Oxzy's legs open, his body dropped on top of him, trapping the man with his body.

As he moved the positions, he still kissed Oxzy feverishly. He didn't have to watch to know that the hero was a deep red, his face was already boiling hot and red, his body shook from under him, all gained strength he had now gone.

It still wasn't enough. Pierce wanted more, to dig into places that weren't meant to be thrusted into.

Their lips parted, drool pulled away from both of their wet lips. The hero gasped, panting quietly, he felt like he was being suffocated. It brought back a fearful memory. Oxzy grabbed Pierce by his shoulder, using the little strength he had to clutch his shirt.

He felt tears sting his eyes. He shouldn't be thinking about that right now. Pierce was here. The man was the one touching him, feeling his insides with himself. It was Pierce, and Pierce only.

The hero opened his eyes, tears falling down, mixing in with drool.

Oxzy felt Pierce tug at the shorts. He pulled his head up, meeting the man's lustful eyes. "If you wanna do it.. L-Let me.. Suck you.."

Pierce looked taken aback. He didn't expect Oxzy to say something so dirty. But it looked truthful, the hero looking willing to do it. His body was hot, eyes filled with desire.

The hero was still healing. If they went all the way, it would take even longer for the man to hill. Pierce didn't think so deeply, he would do what the hero wanted. So, he slipped his hand away, catching the man's face in his hand.

"Alright," Pierce leaned forward. He tilted his head to the side. "Get on your knees."

Oxzy blushed brightly with the way Pierce motioned to the side of the bed. He made him kneel down on the floor, facing the bed where Pierce sat.

His face was a bright red, a glare staring at Pierce, who set his legs off the bed. The hero was still on his knees, his bare skin shivered from the cold floor. Still, he slowly crawled over, ending up in between Pierces' long legs.

What now?

The hero didn't know what to do now. He told the villain he would "suck him off" only, Oxzy doesn't know how. He didn't know what he was doing. He gulped, reaching forward to the villains pants zipper.

Pierce watched as the hero undid his pants with shaking hands. "Never done it huh?"

Oxzy scoffed. "It's not like you have either.."

"But I've watched it to know a bit." The villain replied with confidence.

It wasn't a shock to Oxzy, the villain had a girlfriend who he would do anything with. Was it any different? Well, for one, Oxzy was a man. He also had zero experience with any of this. He hasn't even watched p*rn to know how they do this.

This was all new to him, so it would, of course, be a shock.

Still, Oxzy pulled through with a straight face. He undid the villains pants, watching his slightly erect member pop up. He felt his confidence leave him. What does he do now?

Oxzy took a few seconds to stare, sweat falling from his brows. Pierce sighed, slightly annoyed. "Well, your gonna have to do something."

"D-Do what?" Oxzy mumbled.

Pierce smirked, leaning forward to grab under his chin. He turned his head up. "Anything that involves your lips, tongue, or maybe throat." Pierce gave a smile. "Be creative."

The hero gulped, looking down as Pierce realesed his head. The hero breathed out a sigh, closing his eyes as he inched forward.

It was hot, not as hard as he was expecting. He forced his mouth to move, sucking at the end and up to the villains member. He kept his eyes closed tightly, only using his lips while running along Pierce.

There was silence from the villains end. It confused Oxzy, made him slightly unnerved. He would expect the villain to make nasty remarks to him, but he was just silent.

Oxzy took a hesitant move, sticking his tongue out, he slid it down Pierces member. The villain flinched, the member growing harder.

Well, he was doing something right.

The hero repeated the actions. Gliding his tongue up and back down in a slow fashion. The villain above huffed out with annoyance.

"Your good at teasing I'll say.." He breathed out, his breath was short. "But if you want to finish this quickly, you may have to be a bit more daring..." His voice trailed off, becoming ever so more silent. "But are you too scared?"

Oxzy growled, he didn't dare to look up. Instead, his pulled his head away. Swinging his hair behind his ear, the hero went back for more. This time, he forced his mouth open, taking in the villains tip.

He sucked on it, bobbing his head lightly, using his tongue slightly. It was weird, he felt all of the villains reactions. His body jerked slightly with each motion the hero made with his tongue.

It gave him a sense of power. It made him feel strange, like he had something over the villain who was stronger than him at this point. He became more daring. He forced his head down, taking in all of Pierces length.

He regretted it immediately. He felt himself gag, swiping his head up and coughing up chokes.

"Cagh- cough!" Oxzy hurled on himself, having tears well in his eyes.

He heard Pierce snicker, laughing at his reaction. "Don't do what your not ready for yet.."

"Shut it- Cough!-" The hero covered his mouth, shooting a glare to Pierce. The villain kept the smile on his face.

He looked down at him. Snickers on his face, giving a deadly glare to him, it was almost mocking. It was mocking.

The hero tightened his fists. He sucked in a breath to suppress the coughs, it soon died. It was enough for him to try again. Try again he did, this time he gave no warning.

He took almost the whole thing in his mouth, running down then up to the tip again. He sucked lightly, sliding his tongue in the same place. He felt it grow hotter, the moisture of his tongue wet the villains member. It made noises as the hero bobbed his head with a uniform fashion.

He felt all of it. The villain was waving into the unknown, it felt like the hero was pulling the strings, making him feel all different things. It was good to say the least. Maybe considering the fact that Oxzy was inexperienced that it felt this good?

He had gotten blow jobs by his girlfriend a lot, but with the hero. It just felt different. That, or it's been wayyy to long. The villain was in heaven.

The hero made small noises, forcing himself to limits he wasn't capable of. He didn't even focus on the taste, it didn't seem to taste like anything. He was only using the same technique, the same length. It was as far as he could go, he couldn't take in more, no matter how much he wanted to.

The villain was too big. He couldn't possibly fit the whole man inside his mouth. So he didn't try, he kept with the same motion.

It was enough for Pierce to feel it. The man made small jerky movements, small huffs escaped his lips.

The hero felt like his jaw was about to fall off. His mouth still had to stay open, even if he was pushing past his limits.

The same bobbing, a lick of his tongue, wasn't enough for Pierce. He wanted more, his craving was pushing just past his limits. The hero wasn't doing nearly enough to satisfy him.

Even if it wasn't only to satisfy himself, he craved more.

His moved his hand to the hero's hair. Sliding down to the back of his head, the villain thrusted the hero forward.

Oxzys eyes shot open in shock. He gaged, his airway blocked by the villian. He tried pushing at his knees, but Pierce only gripped his hair, pulling lightly back.

The hero got a small breath, feeling around with his tongue. The villain chuckled from above him. "It's not enough..."

Without warning, Pierce slammed his whole member inside the hero's mouth. Oxzy felt it throb, reaching all the way down to his throat. He choked again, his eyes became foggy with tears.

It started to hurt, his already sore throat was being beaten up with each thrust. It was aggressive, no matter the shoves on Pierces knees, he was forced to take in all of the member.

The memories flashed within his head. It caused him to choke out sobs, eyes dropping tear after tear.

Still, the villain was hot, he was harder then before. He was over energized, the rushing heat running along his skin caused goosebumps. He was enjoying it, which meant the hero was doing a good job. Or the villain, being the crazy, lust filled, guy he was just enjoyed watching Oxzy in misery.

Unknown to Oxzy, what Pierce enjoying more out of it either then the sensations. It was the look on the hero face. His face gave such a thrill to Pierce. It was a bright red, sweat and drool dripped from his cheeks. His lips were a damp red, they dropped drool with every thrust.

The villain wanted to see his eyes. The look in his eyes that give Pierce the most pleasure he has gotten since...

Since forever.

"Mgrh..!" The hero chocked, eyes shooting open.

The villain smiled, huffing lightly. He looked down on Oxzy, sweat dripping from his red face. The hero tighten on Pierces knee, holding tightly while his throat was being abused.

The memories were plaguing him. Haunting the hero. He had to convince himself that it wasn't them! They can't do anything to him anymore, it was just Pierce.

The hero looked up, his eyes met with the villains. His teeth gritted against one another as they clashed with the hero's red, teary eyes. His heart sped up, his breathing hitched.

Without warning, Pierce thrusted himself completly inside. His member was all the way down Oxzys throat, covering up his airway.

The hero cried at the pain, holding onto the villain as much as he could to endure the pain. The villain grunted from above him, shoving all of himself inside he let out a long sigh.

Oxzy felt a hot liquid rush inside his mouth. It all went down his throat, he try to swallow as much as he could so he wouldn't choke. But it was too much for his small mouth. Some dripped out, falling down his chin and to the floor.

The hero's mouth dropped the semen he couldn't swallow. He closed his eyes tightly, sobbing slightly with a cock shoved down his throat. It was hurting his jaw, he felt like it was going to drop.

He didn't know how long Pierce held him there. It was for a few seconds as his throat was submerged with the white liquid. Oxzy gave up on pushing the villain away, he dropped his hands to the ground. They laid under him, supporting the floor that had white drops under him.

The hero became light headed, he had forgotten to breath as he was held in place by his hair. Pierce loosened his grip on the man's hair, slowly wrapping around his head to slide his head away

Oxzy took in a breath when he finally had room to breathe. It was a regret since he started to choke, falling to the ground, he held his throat that was bruised on the inside. He coughed and choked, spitting out everything that was in his mouth and onto the ground. His vision was foggy, tears were running down with the spit and cum, they mixed with eachother as they landed on the floor under the hero.

Soon, he heard the villain sigh out, moving around before a warm hand was on his head. "It felt like it was an expert doing it. Are you sure you haven't sucked a man off at all?"

The hero growled from the ground, he wanted to shout at the man but he couldn't find his voice. It hurt to even swallow for him, it was burning from the inside. He really wanted to throw up whatever he just swallowed, but it felt clogged.

It would be more painful if he forced himself to throw up with his throat sore. He began to feel Pierce run his hand down to the base of his neck. He felt the man tighten, closing his long fingers around the hero's small neck from the back.

Oxzys eyes shot open, he swung his hand to throw the man's arm away. Holding his arm close to himself, the hero guarded his neck while staring at he man.

Pierce gave him a side look, a bit of a daring look in his eyes. The hero composed himself, glaring while coughing fits came from his red lips. Some leftover spit was still running down his chin.

His eyes were red and puffy, and leftover tears were still being produced as he glared at the man. Pierce, like always, gave a smile back. He rubbed the hero hair, running his hand to the man's chin.

He swiped away the spit. "Still, it felt good."

The hero gritted his teeth. He wanted to say something, to curse and shout at the man that almost suffocated him to death. Even so, what would that accomplish?

Pierce wouldn't care. He is a mad man, someone who gives nothing, he would take all the forceful pleasure Oxzy had agreed to give. It wasn't a good idea when he thought back to it, it made him think back to the moment more.

The more he took in the fact that it was Pierce, not the strangers that fucked him. It did make the masks hold strong, covering up Oxzy so desperately wanted forgotten.

He moved his head away from Pierces hand. Standing up, he ignored the calls from the man. He went into the bathroom, hearing an echo of footsteps behind him.

He made it to the room, closing the door before he could hear Pierce speak. He didn't want to look at him, he just wanted to throw up.

He heard nothing from outside the door. Even if Oxzy knew the villain had followed him, he hears him say nothing as he forced himself to throw up.

Throwing up everything from his stomach, he hunched over the toilet, dropping vomit and tears. Still hearing nothing from outside of the bathroom.

"Pgah! Guh..." Oxzy hunched over onto his knees. Spitting out the whites from his lips. He wiped away the spit, closing his eyes tightly when he realized he was crying.

Still crying? It already happened, there is nothing to do about it anymore. It is done and over with, he agreed to do it. It was his idea in the first place, he was overreacting if anything..

This wasn't even his house. Wasn't his bathroom.

It was all gone. The comfortable moments in a safe place he called home. Crillia May and Kamari being there with him, giving him needed comfort and support.

But they were all gone.

No one else in this town. In this world cares about him, he had lost everyone. Everything..

"Fuck..." The hero mumbled. His eyes felt hot, he tried to close and block off the sobs, but he couldn't.

Oxzy stayed on the bathroom floor over the toilet, crying and sobbing alone.