- taking the burden -

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~
The hero felt warmth on his face, it was cradling him, smooth and comfortable. He leaned into it, the annoying pain felt numbing compared to the new comfort. It felt sore, like he was pushed beyond a limit. The warmth gave him comfort, it was distracting from the pain. He wanted more of it, to desperately lean forward and ask for more.

He forced his eyes to open, being met with the sun's glare in his eyes.

"Ah.." Oxzy groaned out. He tossed his head to the side, trying to stuff his face in a pillow. A pillow, on a bed?

The hero realized that he was in a weirdly comfortable bed, he last remembers sleeping on the floor. His head screamed at him, yelling and moaning at the bombing pain. He felt hot, a pounding sensation in his brain. His body shook from an invisible wave of air as it past, it felt like he was completely drained from energy.

He could barely move to hear a soft chuckle from above him.

His hand went up to shield the light from his eyes. His body shook while in the air, gulping down a cry, Oxzy looked at the man.

Pierce. The villain sat above him, he was sitting on the edge of his bed. The hero shunned his eyes away, the villain laughed again. The sun was suddenly blocked away, the villain had moved his body so that the sun on Oxzy had been blocked by his figure. It let Oxzy open his eyes, he did so with hesitation.

The villain had a smile on his face, looking at the hero with awe. Oxzy, in turn, gulped down confusion. He tried to remember the last few things that had happened. His body was sore, his head was pounding and he was hot all over. He thought that the fever would go down.

But no.. Him and the villain had-

His face blushed brightly. He found his head in his hand, groaning with embarrassment. Of course he was still feverish! Instead of letting himself heal, he went and fucked the villain.

Well, the villain fucked him.

Oxzy was groaning in pain, reliving everything that happened last night. The villain stayed above him, watching everything with a thoughtful eye. He couldn't help himself, his hand moved to Oxzy's hair.

The villain's large hand was running through the curls. Oxzy felt his body stiffen, the pain in his pounding head stopped. Pierce rubbed his hand at the back of Oxzy's hair, feeling the black strands all through his fingers.

His head leaned forward, next to Oxzy's ear, Pierce spoke with a low and deep voice. "Morning."

Oxzy's body tensed immediately. His face was a deep red that was sunken in his hand. He looked up to the villain, his face was only inches away from his own. The hot breath paired with the deep voice sent a shiver down his spine. It felt weird, it was almost good to the hero. The pain was forgotten, all he thought about was the villain who was above him with a silky voice.

"Uh.." Oxzy looked in a different direction from the villains' peering eyes. His voice felt rough, his throat was still sore, but not as scratchy as he thought. "M-Morning.."

Pierce giggled, shaking his head. Oxzy was just so cute. The villain pushed his head forward, kissing Oxzy on the cheek while ruffling his messy bed head.

"Get some energy up. I'll get you food." Pierce stood up from the bed, ruffling Oxzy's hair one more time before he left.

The hero didn't feel the sun's light hit his wide eyes.

He was so confused.

What just happened? Did the villain kiss him? He was acting so sweet, too sweet to the hero, it was mind boggling.

Oxzy knew that Pierce was very unpredictable, but acting like that to him was very out of character. That's how he would treat his girlfriend, not his enemy. It was also very weird to see the villain being nice, or thoughtful.

It was all weird, Oxzy felt his whole being freeze. Should he move? He didn't think he could, his body was sore and painful. He also felt like his bones were made of twigs. It was a lot to just sit up on the bed. By the time he was sitting up with the blanket falling from his movements. The large black blanket hung over his thighs, it was more warm now that he was wearing a sweater.

He held his hands out, seeing that the sleeves were over his hands. It must have been Pierce's sweater, it was a reddish-brown color. The hero thought he saw Pierce wear it a few times, but it wasn't burnt. It was clean, it smelt like Pierce.

The hero brought his hands to his nose. The sweater hung over his hands, leaving his fingers only. He took a deep breath in, it was like the man was next to him. Laying next to him with the warmth from his hot body.

The hero stopped. His mind snapped back into place when he shook his head. What was he thinking? It was like a violent plague was influencing his mind. The villain and him were not like that, he would not think about Pierce that way.

A few sounds came from under him. He looked to the door that was closed, it sounded like someone was moving things around downstairs. Oxzy tried to remember what Pierce had told him before he left, he said something about getting energy.

The hero's head hurt too much to think. He moaned into his hand, throwing the blanket off his legs. Once his bare feet hit the carpet floor, he felt a shiver run up his spin. He held his stomach, growling as a spike of pain hit him below.

"Fugh… Bastard.." Oxzy cursed under his breath, Pierce went hard on him last night.

He wondered if he could walk after all thst? His chest was hurting, his body was out of focus when trying to stand. Still, he forced his feet on the floor, holding onto the wall for balance. With each step, pain spiked under him, almost making him fall over.

Still, he caught himself, huffing out his sore breath. He gulped, shaking his head in a silent desperation. It was painful once again. He really should have let himself heal before throwing himself at the villain.

What was he expecting? For Pierce to be nice and gentle with his torn body?

No, of course Pierce wouldn't have mercy on him. He wrecked his body more, his insides were folding on themselves, his throat felt sore and stuffy. That paired with the fever running to his head and the empty stomach, Oxzy wanted nothing more than to lay back down.

He couldn't do that anymore, he was already up and heading to the door. He wasn't in his home, nothing to give him comfort.

No comfort at all from this place. It only made him more tense, more weak. He had to get his energy back up so he could leave.

Relying on Pierce is the last thing he wants to do.

It was annoying to do, but the hero found his way to the door and opened it. He breathed out in relief, the sound of someone talking made him stalk down the stairs with deliberate small steps. His feet hit the bare cold floor, sending waves of shivers up his back. Gulping silently, he made it to the end of the stairs so he could look over and down where the living room was.


He stopped when five people met his eyes.

It was silent, no one spoke as the hero stared dead ahead. He didn't know who the people were, the only person he could recognize was Pierce. There were two adults, a woman and male. They were in the kitchen drinking what seemed to be beer when they looked up in shock at Oxzy. The other two were close to Pierce's age in some way, a girl and boy. They were on the couch talking until the girl stopped and the boy turned as well.

He had all their attention. The hero quickly located Pierce, the villain was pulling something out of the cabinet, he gave no mind to his family staring in shock at the hero in his home. He had a few things in his hand, looking back up to Oxzy.

"Hey Ox, glad you can walk." He smiled, walking past his shocked mother. "I have some food for you. You should stay in bed."

Oxzy looked at him, watching as he walked up next to him on the stairs. He couldn't help but glance at the group. He was so confused once again. Pierce didn't seem to care that they had been caught, it was obvious what had happened with how Oxzy was right now.

But no, Pierce gave no mind to his family. He focused on Oxzy, watching him shrink closer to him on the stairs. How cute could he be?

Pierce laughed to himself, draping his free hand on the hero's waist. He had a cup of soup with crackers in his other hand, he led the hero up. "Let's go, you need to eat if you want to heal."

With that, the men left the stairs and went back to Pierce's room.

It was silent again.

The first to speak up was Buck. "W-Was that.. The hero? In Pierce's.. Clothes?"

Brit looked away, a cold shiver running along her spin. She had goosebumps when she put all the pieces together. "He was with him last night."

"Wait, Pierce fucked Oxzy!?" Azeral felt high from the beer, but he quickly realized it.

Zella smacked his head. She looked up to the room, her brows were furrowed together in irritation. "How did he get here…"

"More like why is he here." Brit shook her head, she stood from the couch. "I mean they hate each other, but now their fucking? I thought the hero was smart."

"They fucked?" Buck felt disgusted at the words, shaking his head.

"The people next to Pierce said they heard moans and shit last night. Pierce himself said that he had someone here!" Azeral laughed to himself, leaning on the kitchen counter.

"It doesn't take a genius to see it." Brit sneered at her brother. He flipped her off, but she had a point.

The hero came down with nothing but an oversized sweater and boxers on. Both of which were Pierce's they were too big on the man. If that wasn't obvious enough, the hero's body was proof for it. Bites were clear on his neck from the slipped sweater that exposed his shoulder. His body language shows that something happened last night, and the reaction makes it more clear.

Buck gagged. "Fuck, two men having sex? Disgusting!"

Brit made her way to Zella. The father was still laughing to himself, mumbling words like "I knew it", or "my boy hit the real thing!" either way, Brit focused on her mother.

The woman was very shocked, her face was deep in thought. Brit knew that this meeting meant more. She knew something that everyone else didn't know, it made the young daughter want in. To want more.

"Mom, you know something don't you?" Brit asked, leaning in to Zella.

The woman cursed her off. Sitting up, she pulled up her phone before heading to the door. The husband saw her exit, rushing forward to grab her. "Wait. I thought you wanted to get him-"

"I'm calling someone in private dumbass!" Zella pushed him off before leaving the house.

Azeral laughed to himself, looking back to his daughter. The young woman looked confused, a bit hurt at her mothers actions. The father frowned, leaning on her shoulders, he handed the beer over. "Don't let that get to you babe. Your mother is just very 'businessy'."

"Whatever.." The woman mumbled, she took the beer for a drink.

"I can't wait to tell everyone about this, holy shit." Buck laughed to himself. He had his phone out, texting and calling others. He began to speak loudly about what just happened, annoying the sister.

She turned to the counter, sitting on it while Azeral went to the fridge for another beer. He turned to her, smiling brightly. "I never expected Pierce to be like that. I mean he had a girlfriend. How can he go from pussy to dick?" The father opened the bottle, laughing to himself. "Man, he really is unpredictable isn't he?"

Brit didn't answer, she turned to the door and then to the stairs.

It was very weird. Something she and literally ANYONE in the town wouldn't expect to see. The villain doing it with the hero? Maybe others would expect Pierce to do so because of his weird nature, but Oxzy?

That was what made it more weird. The hero didn't seem at all against the villain grabbing him by the waist and back up the stairs. He always fights the man off, he never liked being touched. So sleeping with Pierce and after it let the man touch him so intimately?

The woman's head hurt. She took another swing, thinking about the weirdness while her family talked shit about the new discovery.

While the family talked from below, the villain was back up stairs in his bedroom. He sat on the edge of his bed, with the hero across from him, leaning on the back board. He held out the bowl of soup, a few crackers laid under them by Pierce's knee. The soup was a tinted red, it smelt like chicken and carrots. Oxzy could see through the thin liquid that steamed up that a few bobbing bits of chicken and carrots floated around.

He looked up to meet Pierce's eye.

"What?" The villain asked with innocence.

"You.. Made this?" Oxzy looked at it then back to Pierce.

"Well, yeah." The villain answered, picking up the spoon before looking back at the hero. "I heated it up and grabbed some spare chips."

The hero rolled his eyes. Pierce giggled lightly, scooping the spoon around to pick up a few bits of both the vegetable and meat. When he had a good spoon full he put the spoon to Oxzys closed mouth.

The hero looked at it, confused.

"It's gonna spill if you don't open your mouth." The villain said.

"I know that-" Oxzy started, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Pierce pushed the spoon in his mouth.

The hero was forced to take it in. Closing his lips around the metal so nothing fell onto the bed, the hero gulped down the contents. It was hot, running down his sore throat with a burst of weird flavors. It was a tad bit spicy, the carrots were a soft mush when he bit into it. The chicken was also soft, it had a bit of spice from it when he chewed it up.

Pierce took away the spoon. He watched as the hero registered the flavors, a few emotions swimming in his eyes. It pleased him, he went back for another spoonful to continue feeding Oxzy.

The hero glared at the man when he was met with another spoon to his closed lips. With a small encouraging smile from Pierce, Oxzy opened his mouth to take another bite.

"Is it good?" Pierce suddenly asked once the hero gulped a fourth spoonful.

"Sure…" The hero mumbled, chewing up the soft carrots.

"Here, try it with some chips," the villain suddenly moved the bowl to the bed. He pulled the chips out, dipping some in the bowl. He moved the food back up to the hero's lips.

The hero took it without hesitation. It brought more flavor for him, it was good enough that he wanted more of it. Pierce obliged, continuing until the whole bowl was gone.

Oxzy had eaten it all. Looking at the empty bowl, it brought satisfaction to Pierce.

"Where.. Do you get the food?" Oxzy suddenly asked.

Pierce looked up at him, a smirk playing on his lips. "Is it that good? I made it nicely, didn't I?"

Oxzy huffed, turning his head when Pierce got too close. "N-No.. I haven't eaten in a while so.. Was hungry.."

"I'll make more for you. But first you have to digest that," Pierce leaned forward, setting the bowl aside, his hand behind the hero. While pushing Oxzy into the backboard, Pierce used his other hand to cup his chin.

He forced his eyes to meet him again, a smile meeting a frown.

"What?" Oxzy asked.

Pierce said nothing, wiping his finger along the hero's red lips. The hero shut his eyes, feeling Pierce move forward. His hot breath tickled his skin, sending familiar shivers in his body. The hero stiffened when Pierce kissed the side of his neck, then the man moved away.

Oxzy opened his eyes, looking at him, dumbfounded.

"I'll be right back." Pierce said with a smile, standing up with the empty bowl. He moved to the door, opening it then closing when he left. He left a confused and weirdly excited hero in his bedroom.

The villain walked down the stairs when he heard familiar chatter from his father and brother. He stopped, leaning on the wall to catch the words thrown around.

"Fucking gross! Why do I have to have a homo brother?"

"Hey now, at least he has something that makes him a man. Sleeping with a guy no, but his powers. Yes!"

"It's almost sad how he would steep that low."

"Is it now?" Pierce interrupted his father and brother's rude conversation.

Buck immediately stood up, he put the phone he was texting on down. "P-Pierce! Look, no I wasn't talking about you!"

Azeral stepped back into the shadows, his head hung low in fear as his son walked forward. Pierce ignored his father, his focus on his brother. "Who were you talking about then?''

Buck gulped, fear evident in his eyes. "Uhh.. The-The hero!" He suddenly came up with it. His body stiffened, his face dripping sweat, but he hid it with a confident smile. "That guy of course would do something like that. I mean, letting a man fuck him? It's disgusting!"

Pierce stayed emotionless, eyes daring Buck to say more.

The brother took the reaction as a go ahead. It seemed like if he talked shit about the hero and not his brother like he was doing, it wouldn't upset Pierce. He was scared of the man, he would try to do anything to make him less upset. Especially with him.

"He is disgusting, it's like he has no purpose for himself." Buck scratched his head, looking at his sister for help. She looked about ready to run out the door, Buck turned back to Pierce. He didn't know what else to say. He was jumbling words at this point. "It's what a slut would do. Oxzy probably would get paid to get fucked by others right-"

The man was stopped mid-sentence when the villain smashed the bowl in his face. The crash was loud, knocking Buck off his feet and to the floor. The father screamed, shrinking into himself with fear. Brit had ran out of the house, letting her mother who heard the loud crash come in.

Zella came in to see Pierce above Buck. The man was on the floor, his hand on his head and a pool of blood already pooling and staining his clothes. He looked up in fear, seeing the villain hover above him, his face unseen by the others. All Buck looked up to was an insane look in his eyes.

A crazy smile, hands itching to kill. He held Buck up by the collar of his shirt, his face was inches away.

"Only I can speak about him like that." He spoke with danger falling off every word. Buck only whimpered, nodding frantically.

Pierce watched as blood fell from his head, his hair was soaked with red. His body was shaking, tears already falling from his eyes. He was petrified. Pierce was angry at him, ready to kill him. He couldn't even hear his mother trying to conceive him to stop.

The parents stayed on the sideline. Only Zella tried to stop the terror. She knew she could do nothing, if Pierce really wanted to, he could kill Buck with a blink of his eye. But, he didn't.

Pierce let go of the man, backing up as he fell flat on his back. He cried, trying to cover his busted head, eyes foggy from the pain. "Well, I think you guys overstayed your welcome." Pierce looked at them, glaring at his father who was trying to hide in the shadows. "Clean this up before you leave.''

He didn't need to say anything else. Zella helped her son up, trying to stop the bleeding as Azeral grabbed things to clean up the glass and blood. Pierce walked back up the stairs, going back to Oxzy with a smile on and burnt clothes.

~The Grubs, the warehouse~
The little leader waited. He waited and waited for more hours, questions and disbelief running through his head.

His mother called him a few hours early. She sounded frantic, speaking quickly for Felix to take in everything. It all came at once.

Oxzy was with Pierce. He was told that the pair had slept together. The hero had run away, with no home he had taken shelter with the villain. What was most shocking was that Pierce actually allowed it. He was there with Oxzy, treating him as if he was his girlfriend. He treated him like Rosamee.

Felix's blood boiled when thinking back to it. Thinking back to Rosamee, the woman who took Pierce away from him. From everyone, she was always with him, blocking others who tried to come in.

"Boss, Zella's here.." A man spoke when he was in the office, he looked down with hesitation. The leader was angry, fuming at the news.

Still, Felix sat up. He pulled himself together. "Alright."

He was outside, facing his mother who had brought Octavia and Corbin. He looked at them in a confused anger. "Why did you bring them?"

"They came on their own accord." Zella sighed out. She had bags under her eyes, a deep crease running from her brows.

The siblings followed each other, Corbin ended up speaking. "I came when I heard. I mean, Pierce fucking Oxzy? What the hell?"

"Didn't he see the video?" Octavia suddenly spoke, turning to Felix.

"No.." The brother responded.

Zella scoffed. "That video.. That damn video isn't gonna do shit Felix. You fucked up big time.."

"What are you talking about?" Felix began to fume. He was confused, but for sure knew that things would change when Pierce got here to see the video. But his mother thought otherwise. "He hates Oxzy, even if they did sleep together. Pierce hates the man. He will be overjoyed to see the video!"

"No, he won't!" Zella suddenly shouted. The warehouse echoed, leaving a silence behind it. "You didn't see it. You didn't see how he reacted, not just the state of them. But he was burning when Buck talked shit about the hero like an idiot. Trust me, something personal is going on that we don't know about. It's more serious than you think."

Felix felt like he was hearing gibberish. He had the whole plan! It wasn't just not gonna work. He was sure Pierce would love what he did. He was sure!

"That's bullshit. Pierce doesn't like that shitty hero. He will love it-"

"He almost killed Buck! All because he called Oxzy a slut!" The mother suddenly screamed out. She walked forward, standing in the middle of the circle of men. "You should feel lucky that he hasn't seen the video yet."

"This is fucking stupid. You're stupid!" Felix yelled out.

"I'm your mother you brat!"

Felix tossed his head to the side. A scoff came from his lips, his face was red with anger, he couldn't think to say anything else. He was pissed, he wanted them gone. His family, to be gone. They don't deserve to profit off his work.

"You know what," Felix shook his head. "You didn't bring him like I asked. So you're not getting the rest of the drugs."

"What!" Octavia suddenly yelled out. She stepped in front of her stunned mother. "You dipshit, that wasn't the plan! We need the rest like you promised!"

"I promised it if you had Pierce."

Octavia shouted in rage. She was about to go at him, the men in the circle stepped in front of Felix, daring the woman to do it. She growled under her breath, but didn't run forward.

Zella grabbed her arm, pulling her away and next to Corbin who was equally enraged. "You don't understand. If I brought him and he saw the video, all your men would be dead."

"Don't threaten me. I have the power here." Felix replied coldly from behind his men.

"We need that for the trade! We already started it, it can't just end or we'd be dead!" Corbin couldn't contain his angry rant, lashing out like Octavia had. He stayed behind his mother as he continued his rage. "Just let us finish it. We are gonna be fucked if you don't."

"It's my drug dumbass." Felix shook his head to the side. "I choose what to do with it. Now get out."

The others didn't listen, they continued to shout. The little leader waved at his men, they nodded. The family was suddenly pushed out, their shouts echoed within the large room. Felix ignored their pleads. He ignored his mothers words.

His plan went well this far, he isn't just gonna stop because of what his mother said. For all he knows, she might be lying. Jealous maybe, maybe she wanted to manipulate him.

She thinks she knows more about him, Felix knows everything about his idol. His older brother who he would kill for. Just to be noticed, to be recognized by the greatest man in the town. That's all he wanted. And he was gonna get it, no matter how many bloody bodies blocked his path.

Mercy stood by, a shadow swallowing her face. She watched Felix spiral, a small look in her direction before he stormed back into his office. He shut the world off.

It wasn't true. Pierce would like it. When he sees the video, he will congratulate Felix. He will see him as his brother, that's all Felix wants.

He's gonna get it.

He's done everything. He fought, robbed, manipulated and killed for him. He would not stop now just because his mother told him stuff.

Pierce hates Oxzy, they fight all the time. He would not treat the man like a "girlfriend" or anything like that. Rosamee was gone, the hero of all people would not fill in that gap.

She was everything to him. But that's why Felix had to get rid of her.

Pierce only saw her, no one but HER.

Felix tossed everything off the desk in frustration. Yelling out in anger.

Taking shallow breaths, Felix closed his eyes. He had to think of something else. Something that made him feel better.

He thought back to when the woman was burned alive. His hand on the match, throwing it in the gasoline. She burst into flames, screaming in pain. The woman scrambles around in fear, desperation.. agony.

Felix smiled, his body relaxed when he relived the moment.

The moment his entire plan had started.