- love intensifies -

~Formay, police station~
He was gone, Jayce had ran off for the past few days and had not picked up Jamisen's calls. Milo tried to reach him as well, gor the third day he hadn't come, the sheriff knew he had to fire him. He was missing too much, they needed someone to fill that place.


Ronny was still in recovery, he was still burned badly. The station was told about his discharge from his position, so now Milo needed a new person to fill in his place more than ever. But they had Jayce, where had he gone? Things were happening without the sheriff knowing, the sheriff knew everything.

But he doesn't know everything..

Jamisen rushed into the officer, he stood by the door to let a few men come in. They followed behind in a cool fashion until all three of them stood in Milo's small office. Milo stood up straight before he realized that the men were from the fire department.

"Adam? I got the call about a fire, how bad was it?" Milo sat down across from the lead fireman, Adam who gave a cooled expression.

"Not as bad, but we came to tell you about it since it was caused by a gang in the grubs."

Jamisen stiffened, shutting the door after the other two men who followed Adam left. He walked forward, looking at Milo in concern. "How do you know for sure?"

"My men caught a few guys from the grubs watching, they all left at the same time. The people we talked to said they were there before the fire started."

Milo gulped, he tried to think. Looking back up to Adam he spoke confidently. "Do you know if anyone got hurt, killed? Whose apartment was it?"

"No humans were harmed. We did find a dead feline in the building though…" The man's voice trailed off, he casted his eyes down. His whole figure stiffened, body language gave a message to Milo.

"Adam, what is it?" Milo softly spoke.

The fireman cursed to himself. He set the hand he was holding down, giving the sheriff a serious look. "The main reason I wanted to talk to you about this was because the hero was there." Adam gulped, looking at Jamisen. The man looked to Milo, he shooed him away without making eye contact. Jamisen huffed, leaving out the door. Milo turned to Adam, the man continued with a sigh. "He rushed in first, taking out the fire, he actually took the cat that was crushed out and left with it…"

Milo began to shake his head, he feared what he heard to come next. He didn't want to believe it, he was hoping it wasn't true. But his blood ran cold when Adam continued his sentence.

"We believe that it was his apartment. The cat was his, the men attacked his home in revenge. All the gangs would team up just for that foul reason." Adam shook his head, he felt sorry for the curly haired man. He watched the hero walk out of the door with the small critter in his arms. His face was lowered, but tears were running from his face in grief.

It was like when the hero's home was destroyed once more. Burned and toppling over itself. It was his mothers home, she didn't survive..

It felt the exact same, watching Oxzy leave with a head low. Adam felt a chill run up his spin, his heart pounded in thoughts. He looked back at Milo, it seemed like the sheriff was in a worse state. He looked like was ready to pass out. Bloodshot eyes, an open mouth, sweat dripping from his white skin.

Before Adam could ask, Milo spoke first. "W-Where was the apartment in t-the town..?"

"Uh," the fireman looked aside, looking away from Milo as he spoke. "It was in.. Cleoi I think, where not much crime appears.."

Milo felt his whole being frozen. It was Oxzy's apartment, his home..

Milo, the station, was the only place he knew where he lived. He tried to keep it a secret, he knew something like this would happen if it ended in the wrong hands.

And it did. Someone told the gang, and now Oxzy lost his home. He was lost now, broken somewhere. All because of Milo, the sheriff who was supposed to save people.

The sheriff gritted his teeth, his knuckles turned a painful white due to how much he held them. His mind was cloudy, he could hear Adam try and speak to him. He was filled with rage, worry. Only one person could do this, it was that bastard Jayce.

Why did he trust him? He left him alone with Oxzy's location. He did something, that's why he's not here anymore. That sneaky brat!

Milo stood up fast, walked right past Adam and swung the door open. He found the other two men by the desk, they talked among each other, turning when they saw the sheriff leave. Jamisen stood by the door, standing up straight when he noticed Milo up and alert.

The sheriff turned his attention to his man. "I need you and group C to search for Oxzy."

Jasmine looked completely taken back, he shook his head in hesitation. "What? Group C are still looking for the grubs killer, why would we look for the hero-?"

"Nothing will be found by anyone. Oxzy is more important, don't talk back and get the men ready." Milo turned to the dressing room to tell the others the new arrangement.

Jamisen, huffed, reaching for the man, he held onto his wrist. "Milo! What the fuck are you thinking? I thought you were over the hero, we have more important issues then-"

"Do what I say or else you're fired." Milo glared at his back.

Jasmine stood, wide-eyed at the man. The man who was his friend, a brave and smart man. He had gone mad, this wasn't the Milo he knew. He was completely entranced by Oxzy, still.

He thought Milo was over him. Gave up on the hero.

But no.

Milo was full set on finding the hero, to do what? Was it just guilt? Was it pity?

It didn't really matter, the man was love sick. He was departing his duty as the lead sheriff for the station to chase after a man. A man who wasn't in love with him. He was almost as crazy as Pierce.

No, no one could be as insane as him.

Jasmine looked down, he didn't want to see his friend like that. He was embarrassing himself, losing all his control for Oxzy. Everyone in the station stared, the firemen were very confused. Adam almost looked concerned, the policemen who knew Milo could tell he was distracted. Busy with something.

The man let go of the sheriff, keeping his head low. He nodded. Milo huffed at him, turning back to his men to shout orders. Jamisen looked up with shaded eyes, watching as Milo stormed off.

All Milo was thinking about was the hero. The man he fell for who rejected him.

Where was he?

Was he safe…?

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~
The villain woke up to something warm on him. He felt very comfortable, his body was soaked in warmth, not even the cold air from the open roof could cloud him. He stirred around, it felt like someone was next to him. Well, on him.

He opened his eyes, seeing through a mess of curly black hair. The villain looked down to his chest, laying next to him was the curled up hero. The man was almost on his chest, laying on his side with his hands glazing Pierce's exposed skin.

The villain had his arms wrapped around his hips, finding that the hero was not wearing anything except the green shirt he gave him. He smiled lightly, it didn't seem to bother him that a man was in his bed. Nor did the memories of last night. The hero of course wouldn't leave, he had nowhere to go.

So he laid next to the villain, providing him warmth and comfort. Pierce felt a bit happy, too happy. He wasn't alone for the first time in years.

The villain wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling the warm male closer to him. With the hero's head resting on his chest, Pierce noticed he was way too hot. He pulled away to touch the man's head. He was burning up, sweat dripped from his brows, his hair was stuck to his skin due to the damp sweat.

Pierce shook his head, he had to get up and help the man with the fever. It got worse after last night, it seemed like Oxzy was out cold. So Pierce had to help him because of it, it didn't bother him too much. It did bother him however that he had to get up from the warm comforter that was coming from him.

He carried the man to the restroom, setting him down once again in the tub. He quickly took off the shirt, leaving him nothing with bandaids on. The villain began to wash him off, running warm water through his messy hair. He used soap to clean off all the sweat and left over liquids from his skin. He finished cleaning everywhere before sitting up to look for a towel. He found it on the counter, kneeling back down, he drained the tub before setting the towel on Oxzy's black hair.

It amazed him how the males' curls were still there even when wet. He grabbed the man's dropping face in his large hands, looking deep into his face. Oxzy gave a low wheeze, his red face dropped water, his eyes slowly opened. He looked completely dazed. He was too tired to fully understand where he was, what he was doing.

"Mh.." Oxzy whined into Pierce's grasp. His face turned, his lips glazed the villain's hand that was holding his face up.

Pierce felt his world spin, he suddenly felt very intoxicated by Oxzy's look. He was warm, the water falling and dripping along his chest. The man's eyes closed once again, his whole weight was in the villain's hand. It made him feel powerful, hot, almost giddy.

Oxzy was completely turning him on without purpose. His unconscious face was enough for him to do that.

Pierce sighed, slightly rubbing Oxzy's warm cheek against his thumb. "You're pretty cute if you look close enough."

The hero moaned into his hand, sighing out tired and painful breaths. The villain nodded, finishing with drying his hair before lifting him up to dry the rest of his body.

It felt easy to move Oxzy around, of course he was sick and very weak. But Pierce thought that he might have gotten better by now. Throwing up would have emptied his stomach if whatever drug got him would go away. Only, Oxzy was still very sick.

Pierce carried the man back to the bed, setting him down before looking for clothes to put him in. He only shrugged when thinking, Oxzy must just have a bad immune system which is why he was still so sick.

The villain put Oxzy back in what he was wearing, except he looked around in his closet for a new shirt. He didn't have a lot of long sleeves, so he went for a reddish, brown sweater. It would be big on Oxzy but he was too sick to fight back. So, Pierce put it on him before covering the man back up.

He wheezed slightly, pain all over his body. The villain rested his hand on the man's hot forehead. "It's okay, you will feel better soon Ox."

The villain went down to his darkened kitchen, it seemed like he forgot to open the blinds when waking up like he usually does. He was too distracted by Oxzy, the man took up his morning.

Pierce slid the blinds open, letting the morning sun into his home. He then went for the faucet, grabbing a glass cup for water. He headed back to his room, catching the hero in the same position.

Gently, he lifted the man up, forcing him to drink the large cup of water. The man chugged it down, fighting back tears from the force of water running down his throat. It was dry, water leaked from his open mouth. Oxzy used a weak hand to push Pierce off.

"Sorry, you gotta drink it Ox." Pierce mumbled, he continued to force the water in his mouth, ignoring the weak pushes. The hero grabbed at his hand that was holding his face, tightly, he held his wrists to try and endure the pain.

The villain felt the soft hold, his lips twisted to a small smile. He realized that the hero had a thing with holding onto something. Mostly when he is in pain, he noticed that when Oxzy and him had sex last night. The hero held onto him, grabbing, clawing at his skin with each thrust Pierce put into him.

Maybe it was just what the hero did to endure the pain?

Either way, Pierce found it adorable.

The water was finished when Pierce finally pulled away. The hero gave short gasps, his hands shaking slightly. His eyes were tightly closed, but tears still soaked his eyelashes. Pierce felt bad, seeing the man in a deep sleep but registering that he was drinking something. Only he couldn't wake up to stop Pierce.

It made the villain have a lot of free will. It did make him cool off with his strength, Oxzy was weak right now. One strong shove, and the man might break.

Pierce leaned down, kissing softly on Oxzy's head. He pulled away with a soft smile. The hero turned in his direction, small breaths confirmed that he was comfortable. The villain sat on the end of his bed, eyes completely absorbed by Oxzy.

His hand ran through the black curls, they were soft as they dropped from his fingers. The villain couldn't help himself, he wanted to go at it again. To do everything they did last night over and over again. It was amazing, the hero was still as breathtaking as he was last night just by laying in bed.

In the villain's bed. Laying with ease after just being railed last night.

The villain muffled his giggle. He turned from the man when he heard a familiar but distant commotion. He sat up, noticing that the group was making its way to his door. The voices hit him immediately.

In walked his father, mother, and two of his siblings. He recognized then when he looked down from the stairs, it was Buck and Brit. The people walked in, Azeral immediately went to the fridge with his wife following.

Pierce sighed, closing his door before heading down stairs. "Don't know how to knock?"

His voice made the group flinch, the dad closed the fridge door, hiding a beer behind his back. The two siblings huddled together, inching to their mother for a protective wall.

The mother walked forward to the stairs where Pierce was. "I have a new job for you." She spoke. "You weren't responding to my messages so I came here to tell you."

"Are you brought the drop outs cause..?" Pierce motioned to the siblings behind her.

She shook her head, pointing to the man by the fridge. "We were doing business with them when it was his bright idea to come over as a family."

"You don't seem very fond of that idea." Pierce crossed his arms.

Zella gulped. "Well obviously not, it's just business."

"Right because family doesn't mean anything to you, nor the cowards behind you." Pierce shook his head, he didn't care either way. He walked to the fridge, making his father jump back.

"Hey, we all care! Just have a lot going on," Azeral pulled the beer from his back, handing it to Pierce. "Sorry, have a drink!"

The son looked at it, rolling his eyes before pulling out a box of juice. His father gave an awkward laugh, taking the beer to his mouth. Zella seemed to be fed up, she kept her voice low but stern when speaking back to Pierce.

"Look, I have a job you gotta do right away."

"Sorry, can't." Pierce responded, reaching for a glass cup.

"What?" Zella shook her head, "what are you talking about? Your not busy, and it's fucking important."

"If it's so important why don't you do it?" Pierce mocked back to his fuming mother, he poured the juice in the cup. "Plus, I have a guest over, so I am busy," he finished by taking a sip from the drink, leaning on the wall behind him.

"A guest..?" Buck mumbled from behind his mother.

"Obviously he's lying," Zella mumbled back. "He just doesn't want to do it."

"Right and wrong," Pierce took a glance at Buck, watching him flinch away into the shadowed part of the living room. "I just don't want to do it."

Zella growled under her breath. She wanted to shout and force him to do it, but she was also a bit afraid. If Pierce said he didn't want to, it was his choice to not do it. It seemed like he really didn't want to.

Before the mother could continue talking, Azeral stepped in between her and the son, turning to Pierce. "Hey now, I believe he does! I heard some of your neighbors like Finn talk about the noises he heard last night." The father gave his son a smirk. "Had a fun night?"

"Yep," Pierce plainly replied. He heard his father cackle like a hyena. The man tried to get his wife to loosen up, she pulled from him, turning to the door. The siblings looked very confused.

The father handed his son a beer, grabbing his shoulder. "Hey loosen up! Have some drinks, we can have a small family get together!"

"Oh screw off!" Buck pulled away, but took a gulp from the beer.

"God I don't want to be here.." Brit looked down, she felt a chill run down her spin. She caught her older brother giving her a look. Her whole body felt cold, so she turned to the door to leave. Azeral grabbed her wrists before she could.

Brit tried to pull away. "Hey no, come on, let's stay a little longer!" The father pleaded with intoxication running through his body.

"I need to check on Kinsey.." Brit tried to say, sweating bullets.

"That little angel is at school. Stop whining- now hey babe!" Azeral pulled away to stop his wife from leaving as well. She stood by the door, trying to stop her rageing thoughts. "Let's stay a little longer."

"No, Pierce doesn't fucking want us here!" Zella hissed out.

Azeral shook his head, looking at the man in the kitchen. "Hey, can't we stay a little longer?"

Pierce looked at him, turning his eyes to the roof where his room was. Shrugging his shoulders, he mumbled, "don't care."

Azeral looked back to his wife. "Just for a while, maybe you could convince him during that time!" He tried to smile, kissing her cheek and neck.

It made no effect on her, but the idea was there. She could try to convince him, but she was also a bit afraid that if she pushed too hard he might explode. She also had enough time, and being here, Brit and Buck might not ask questions about the drug trafficking. They already know about it since Corbin can't close his mouth, but if they keep low with only a small amount of information they might know not to tell their father. That was all the worry for Zella.

She pushed from the man, going to the fridge for a beer. "Fine, but only a few minutes.."

The husband cheered, sitting on the couch where Buck was looking through his phone. Brit was walking to her mothers side, questions about the drug business already there.

The group began to relax when Pierce had left, the villain walked up the stairs after letting them stay. He walked to his room, checking up on Oxzy.

He didn't care if they stayed or not, he wasn't worried if they found the hero. They couldn't hurt him with Pierce there, nor did he have to explain anything to them about why he was there. He didn't think they could do anything, he knew they couldn't.

He watched the man sleep with silent eyes. He found his hand combing through his hair again, running down through the curls like they were all he wanted. It seemed like they were. He was absorbed by him.

Pierce didn't care about the pathetic excuse of a family down stairs. He was only focused on Oxzy. The man that warmed his bed the whole night. The man that was on his mind the moment he first fought him.

He watched and watched.

He could never grow bored now.

~The Grubs, the warehouse~
Mercy couldn't look him in the eye. He didn't seem like the same person anymore. Of course the woman had an idea that Felix was a bit crazy, that he had the determination to do things. But going THAT far..

She felt uneasy, a bit unsafe in the same room as him. It was different compared to Pierce, she knew that man for years. She barely knew Felix and already found out how dark he was. He was willing to do anything. Anything, just to please Pierce.

Mercy shook her head, her eyes low on the soft cushion in the office.

Felix was waiting for someone, he was about to stand and look for them from the office when a few men came in. One of them was the Alex guy who is always by Felix's side. He looked a bit uncomfortable, looking and shifting around.

Felix crossed his arms, leaning on the desk behind him. The men around him kept their eyes to the ground.

It was silent.


"Well?" Felix firmly asked.

Alex was pushed forward with the other men's eyes. He closed in on himself, looking fearfully away from Felix's eyes. "Well… We have the first shipment of the drugs off…" He gulped, "but uhm.. I think Zella changed it to another day since she is with uh, Pierce today.."

"She is trying to get Pierce to come tonight but he isn't answering her texts or calls.." Another man by Alex spoke while shifting his position.

"Yeah, I know that. Pierce also didn't answer the video I sent him. I want to show him which is another reason mother is going to get him. That, and the job is the start of the drug transfer that we are waiting on him for.."

The men saw the uneasiness in their leader's eyes. "Well, we are getting it ready so as soon as he comes, it will be a hitch!" The shorter male beside Alex spoke up.

The upbeat in his voice made Felix growl. He held his head in his hands, a deadly aura around him. The men shifted away, afraid of what he was gonna say next. "You already told me that…" Felix mumbled. "I want to know about Oxzy. You guys searched for the damn fuck, so where is he?"

He was serious, his eyes and voice said it all. The men gulped, eyeing each other until they both looked at Alex. The man sighed. "We did. We also don't know where he is.."

"Oh my fucking god!" Felix exploded, he leaped from the slanted position he was in. "Your group had one damn job Alex! The easiest and most important, to find the hero before Pierce gets here!" Felix felt hot rage rising in his throat, his vision clouded with anger. "That was the last part of the plan. I need him by tonight!"

"How did he even get out?" One of the men stated, he looked around, eyes shifting from the angry boss. "His body was ruined, he could barely walk or see from the drug. Someone must have let him out."

"Ugh," Felix groaned. He was trying to stir the topic away.

Even if it annoyed him, it was still the question running through the warehouse. It was true, Oxzy was still drugged when they left him. The warehouse was locked, he had no escape. But he did.

That meant someone who was in the warehouse let the man out. That could be the only explanation.

Felix looked at Mercy, he noticed that the woman hadn't smoked anything yet. What also made the man confused was the food in front of her. A bag of chips and soda, she hadn't even touched them.

That was unlike her.

Felix turned to the men who were talking amongst themselves. He had to finish with them before checking on Mercy. He stood and walked toward them, the men immediately separated for their leader who went to the door.

He opened it, turning a glare to the three. "I want the hero here before 9 when Pierce gets here. Get that done now."

The door opened and the men shuffled out, nodding to their leader. Felix watched them leave, closing the door before turning to Mercy. His friend was sitting with her knees up in her chest. Her eyes were closed, it was like she was sleeping, but when Felix walked closer he saw her stiffen.

She opened up when the younger man sat next to her. She gave a tight smile, the man tilted his head, peering at her with concern. "You okay Mercy? You haven't touched the food I got for you."

The man motioned to the snacks in front of her. She sighed, leaning her head on her knee. "I feel sick.."

"Sick?" Felix repeated, he looked away. "...Is it because of what happened Thursday?"

"You mean when your men r*ped the hero?" Mercy deadpanned. The little leader nodded with sad eyes, Mercy stuffed her face in her legs. "Yeah.."

"You don't seem like the person to feel grossed out by that stuff. I didn't realize it would affect you this much.. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize Felix. It's just…" Mercy sighed to herself, her body language spoke to Felix that the topic was making her uncomfortable.

The male turned away. "Don't share if you don't want to-"

"I hate the sounds of death and pain.. I hate the look of pain, feeling of pain. Not just from myself hearing it coming from others.." Her voice was low, almost submissive.

Felix looked back at her in shock. She never shared something personal like this to him. He couldn't help but feel that was special, that she was trusting him with something.

"It's weak. I don't tell others about it, but I couldn't act normal after seeing it.. I would just be hiding how I really feel.. Who I am, how weak-"

"It doesn't change you," Felix had his hand on her shoulder, she looked up with broken eyes. He gave her a smile. "I will always see you as a strong woman who eats a lot!"

The words made her giggle. She shook her head, "welp, it feels a bit better getting it off my chest."

"You think you could eat?"

Mercy looked down at the food, her stomach turned. "Maybe. If I'm alone."

Felix laughed to himself, standing up when seeing the look in her eyes. "Alright, I'll leave you to it. Don't take it all in at once though, it might make you sick."

"You're not my dad, little leader," Mercy uncurled herself, rolling her eyes. He waved goodbye, letting her be in the office to do work outside. She watched him leave, looking at the food in disgust.

She didn't totally lie, but she had to make an excuse to not seem suspicious. The men were already talking about the hero's escape. Mercy had opened the warehouse door for him, gave him the shirt, and told him to leave at the right time.


She hated him. He took away Pierce's attention from her.

But... hasn't he been doing that forever? Why should it just now bother her?