~The Grubs, the warehouse~
Felix watched the screen stay the same, his expression was tense, his eyes stained for any sort of pop up. He held tightly onto the desk, waiting and waiting. Still, the screen stayed the same.
He had seen the video being read almost an hour ago. He waited in temptation for a response by Pierce after seeing it, only.. Nothing came. Felix stayed un-moving while watching the screen for something. For anything.
He felt extremely desperate. Why wasn't Pierce responding?
"Fuck!" Felix flew himself to the back of his chair, letting out an annoyed groan.
He looked at the seat near the window, Mercy wasn't there. He pulled himself up, watching in confusion. He hadn't heard her leave, hadn't seen her leave if anything. What had happened?
As soon as he saw that Pierce had read his message, he was fully focused on a response. So much so that he didn't realize Mercy had left. Where would she have gone?
Felix turned the screen up to look at his other messages. Without a second thought, he dialed up Mercy's phone. He waited in silence as the rings flooded the office room. Almost a few seconds later, Mercy had picked up.
"Mercy, when did you leave? Why did you leave already, I thought you wanted to stay for when my parents get here-"
He stopped mid sentence when he heard a few sniffs from the other end. He didn't say anything, listening quietly as Mercy silently wept on the other end of the phone. It was until Mercy caught her breath that she gave a slow sigh.
"Huh, I thought you were too in love with your phone to notice."
Felix could hear the smirk in her voice. It would have made him laugh at the sarcasm, but it didn't help but stir his insides. He felt his blood pump, his mind was racing with ideas. It wasn't normal for Mercy to be like this, something had happened. Felix believes he knows what happened, but he wasn't so sure.
"Mercy.. What happened? Are you with Pierce?"
Pierce couldn't have hurt her, he is a bad person, but not to someone like Mercy. Felix was sure of that, but the hitch in Mercy's sighs made him think otherwise.
"Not anymore." Her reply was short.
"What happened? I know he saw the video-" Felix stopped, he realized after he said what probably was happening. A small fragrance of excitement was there, hiding behind fear. "He's coming over right?"
The smile was clear in his voice. His eyes popped out of his head as he looked onward. Mercy didn't respond right away, it was instead silent on the other end.
Suddenly, an emotionless voice responded. "I don't know."
The other line was cut off, Mercy had hung up. Felix moved the phone from his ear, looking at the screen for a few seconds to let the information sink in. It was good if he was right?
He was coming to thank Felix. To see more about the video, to go along with the next plan. Felix knew that.
So why is he suddenly afraid?
Was it what his mother told him? Was it the voice of Mercy? What is it?
Felix had racing thoughts, he didn't know what to believe. But he was sure that this is what Pierce wanted. He hated the hero, wanted to kill him. He knew that for sure, so why would he be mad?
The little leader was busy in his thoughts when one of his men shot through the office door. Felix jumped back, ready to shout at the man Alex for coming in when the buff gangster spoke first.
"The police are on their way to the warehouse! Someone gave them the address, they are almost here!"
Felix shot forward, pushing past the man to see his whole gang in a mess in the open room. Without so much of a word, Felix yelled out orders. "Get the bottom floor all cleaned out! I want the three groups to separate around the grubs and blend in." Felix turned to Alex, a stern expression on his face. "The fourth group will bring what was made downstairs to the city's end with me."
Alex understood what he was ordered to do, he couldn't help but give a stiff response at how they had to clean and clear their base of operation so quickly. The look on his gang leader's face told him not to talk back, so instead, he turned to give the orders to the respected groups.
Felix turned his attention to the three people that had seen the police on their way. "I want you to go back and see how far away they are from here. Report to me when they are here quickly!"
The three dashed outside, slamming the large doors shut as they did what they were told.
The little leader turned his full attention back to the mess in the warehouse. He was fully focused on escaping with all his stuff that he forgot about the anxiety he was feeling in his office. He was ordering his men left and right, watching as the bottom of the warehouse was quickly cleared out.
Felix yelled at some men to clean up the office, telling the rest who were done in their groups to get loaded up. Soon enough, the large room was slowly decreasing in men.
The men downstairs were coming back to the top where they had all the blue drugs piled up with them. They were the most important things in the room for Felix. He turned his attention to get the bags loaded up with group four to ship them to the cities.
He was almost done when suddenly the warehouse doors were aggressively slammed into. The groups in the wide warehouse room stood emotionless. Their bodies turned defenseless as the warehouse door, it was slammed into one more time soon followed by silence.
Felix walked forward, reaching into the back of his pants where a gun was. He was sure it was the police, his body shook with anticipation. How had they gotten through his other men that were guarding the warehouse? It didn't make much sense to him, but still he had his guard up and ready.
His men looked around in fear behind him, the rest of the drug wasn't on the car yet, it had to be. They had to be at least gone and shipped with group four before the police came.
The warehouse door was now silent, nothing came from the other end. Felix turned his head, growling under his breath in irritation. "What are you shits doing? Get the rest loaded up!" He yelled out, pulling the gun up and facing the door.
The men did what we're told, quickly trying to shove everything on the car that was in the warehouse's large interior.
The shout from Felix had caused the door to swing open, Felix and the rest were at the ready for a pile of men in uniform to storm in. His gun was at the ready, eyes strained forward with a deep glare. Other men had their own guns, doing the same as their leader. They watched as the doors were harshly shoved open.
All of them stood mouth gaped at the intruder.
A tall man with his hands behind his back in a formal fashion strolled in. A small smile was plastered on his face, it was covered by a dark grim shadow. The villain laid his eyes on the young boy right in his vision.
He was greeted by guns, it didn't seem to faze him. He walked in without a worry in his head, his feet hitting the ground with an echo of silence following. As he walked, the people in the warehouse shifted, they stepped back, watching as bloody shoe prints followed Pierce.
Felix noticed it first, dropping his hands down along with the gun. His breathing hitched in shock. The warehouse doors behind Pierce shut slowly, soon swallowing all the light that entered into a dark abyss.
Still, the little leader saw it. The bodies that laid outside the doors, covered in blood that followed the villain as he walked in. There were the bodies of the people who were watching for the police, there were also the people who guarded the entrance on his order.
Felix finally looked up to Pierce who stopped a few feet in front of him. His back to the closed doors, his body straight and eyes forward.
The villain shook his head, a low laugh coming from his lips.
"I didn't like the welcome I was given." His deep voice echoed in the silent warehouse, his arms moved from the back of his body and into the dim yellow light the warehouse let live.
Blood dripped from the man's stained arms. Flexing out his fingers, Pierce moved his stained hand to his lips. A chilling smirk that filled the room with fear was plastered on his face.
"I have some business to do."
The deep-rooted words hit Felix in the chest. No fear, nor excitement was felt anymore. Instead, he had a high sense of dread.
~The Grubs, the streets~
Oxzy followed behind silently as the police led the search to wherever they needed to go. The hero didn't feel like checking or seeping into the business about it. He followed silently, keeping his guard high while in the grubs.
The man Jamisen was in the lead, he was ordering people around while Milo had his attention on the hero behind them. He kept glancing behind him, eyes shifting back and forth from Jamisen to him. It was until Jamisen called out for Milo's attention that the sheriff rushed forward.
"Where is it?" Milo asked once he got close to his men.
Jamisen shook his head, his eyes squinting into the darkness. "All that was reported to me was by the lake in the grubs. I think it is by an abandoned place."
"The best place to make meth..." Milo shook his head, turning his head to the group of men that followed them. "I want groups of three to search different places near the bottom lake!"
Oxzy looked back up, he took in the information, getting the idea that the police were looking for the warehouse. That horrible place. Oxzy felt his muscles tightened, the memories and thoughts hit him in the chest. He let out a sigh, turning his gaze up into the sky as Milo began to make groups.
As the hero let his gaze shift around in the dark sky, his eyes landed on something that didn't blend in right. It was a quick shot or black that covered the bright stars into complete blackness. Oxzy stopped walking, squinting lightly.
A sudden breeze was thrown past him. The hero watched as the dark abyss shifted down and onto the ground. It slowly formed into a person, the villain brushed his hair back, making no move to the police as he walked to the end of the grubs.
The hero moved slightly, hearing the man's pounding footsteps that were filled with purpose. Pierce gave no glance to the oncoming police men, no glance to the hero who blended in with a spare uniform.
He had a meaning. He was doing something that was a full distraction.
Seeing how he was heading to the warehouse, Oxzy got a few ideas of what his purpose was. The hero was unknowingly following the villain, watching him disappear into the darkness that was hidden behind a few buildings. He was going to the warehouse for a reason.
Oxzy gulped, hearing a few policemen talk around with each other behind him. He stopped walking towards the end of the street, turning around and sprinting forward.
He ran into a group of policemen that were searching this side of the grubs. They stopped back, looking back at Oxzy in confusion.
"What? What happened?"
"Did you find it?"
The men stepped back, asking questions while looking over the hero's shoulder. Oxzy felt his blood go cold, he didn't know what he was doing, but he knew it wasn't a good idea.
However, his mouth was already moving by itself.
"I checked over here, there's nothing there." The hero spoke loudly for them to hear. The men turned their heads, looking behind his shoulder with grim expressions.
A short brunette officer took a step back, nudging his fellow officers. "Let's go tell Milo to give us a different place to search." The man he nudged looked back to him, then to the hero in a confused fashion.
"Are you sure, we should-"
The brunette pulled him forward, earning an annoyed growl. The other officer thanked Oxzy before following behind. The man under the brunette arm shoved him away.
"It's the hero who searched for it." The man defended. It was accompanied with a confused whine from the other man.
The third officer that was there shook his head, walking between them. "The hero knows how to search," the man looks behind his shoulder, watching as Oxzy nodded to them as they left. The officer turned back to his men. "Plus, why would he out of everyone lie?"
The hero heard all the words past around the men. He waited till the men were out of sight and calling from Milo. When he heard the men were far enough away from him, he walked forward into the darkness. He knew where he was going, even in the darkness of the night.
He didn't know why he was going, it was a horrible idea for his already scared mind. Yet, he couldn't stop his legs from speeding up. His mind was racing, eyes scanning the darkness from a clearing where the warehouse would be hidden.
His eyes landed on the large building that had no windows to shine light. His legs stopped moving, body completely taken over with the memories of what had happened to him.
This was a bad idea. I'm crazy for following that man!
Oxzy shook his head, cringing at his choices he had made to let the villain and the criminals that lay in the warehouse get away. Even so, he knew that the police would not leave the grubs without finding this place.
The hero just gave the men enough time to escape. It wasn't his plan, he was following the villain. The evil man was here for a reason, he would not let anyone escape.
That much was clear when Oxzy saw at least 5 dead people outside near the large doors. He forced himself to walk, to look at the dead men and a few women that lay motionless with bloody open chests.
The hero knew right away how they died. Their chests were punched inward. The hole was covered with rough muscle and blood, it stained the clothes and skin that seeped so dark it almost looked black in the night. The hero took in the understanding that the villain can only kill like this. The man had so much strength in his fists that a hit with enough force could go through a human chest.
It was quick kills, laying on top of each other while blood covered the rest of their bodies. Oxzy gulped down the rising fear, he was thankful that he didn't have to witness the killing.
Even if he is the hero, the man to save everyone and anyone. He didn't exactly care for these grubs' people. They were bad people, they did deserve to die. Oxzy was just thankful he didn't have to be the one throwing the punch.
The hero nervously glanced down at the footprints. It led to the doors, bloody and sticky prints that lead into the warehouse. The hero hesitated, yes it was his choice to do this. His choice to follow the villain, to lead the police away from where they needed to go.
It was his choice, he had to deal with the consequences of it.
With a heavy sigh, Oxzy walked forward. He tried to evade the bloody prints, walking around them until he was by the door. The smell of death was right behind him, blood and a small hint of vomit was in the air. The hero closed his eyes tightly at the foul odor, opening the door with a small and silent push.
Inside the dimly lit interior was a huge open area that had a group of men around in some type of organized circle. They had guns at the ready, hands down while their bodies shook in fear. Upfront, Oxzy noticed that everyone was looking at the front a few feet by the door.
The hero turned his head, silently watching as the villain came into view. Not only that, but the boy Felix as well. Pierce's back was turned from the door, no one noticed the door opening.
It gave leverage for the hero, though all the attention was absorbed by the villain. It was clear why Pierce had his hands covered in blood. Large shoe prints followed behind him, a dark circle or dust was all around his form. His whole demeanor was grim and dangerous. Even though Oxzy wasn't seeing his face, he could just tell how he looked by the expressions on the men's faces.
The hero scanned the room, it was dark, only a yellow light was in the center. His body jumped slightly, he recognized the group of men that had..
Oxzy held tightly onto the door, his body shook from outside. He was about to leave, seeing them was too much from his emotions.
"B-Brother, business? Right now?" Felix spoke with a small sense of fear. He shook his head, trying to get his thoughts under check. "The station is coming right now. We can do it later of course, I have a lot of things to show you-"
"Not your 'childness' business." Pierce shook his head, a tight smile on his face. He walked forward, feet blowing up in everyone's ears. "The video of Oxzy. I want to have a chat about it.."
Felix flinched, he was taken aback at the sudden words coming from the villain. He took a few glances, seeing some men relax. It must be a good thing then, the villain wanted to know about the video. The whole point for him coming today a few hours early was because of the video. This was his chance.
Felix felt a burst of hope in his chest. He hoped forward, forgetting all the dreadful thoughts at the villain's demeanor. He walked forward, hands out as he made his way to his brother. "Yes! The video, you saw it right?"
Pierce gazed at him, a look of confusion as his brother walked forward.
Felix laughed lightly. "Course you did. I knew you would like it, that damn hero deserved to be fucked like an animal he was." Felix laughed out loud, earning a few chuckles from the men in the forming circle.
"Huh," Pierce let out a sigh, looking up at the warehouse roof.
With no emotion clear on his face, Felix felt a bit put off. Still, he kept his confidence up, waving to his men behind him to continue his work while he began to let his mind lose. "It's something I was hoping to save for you. I did want you to have that pleasure in doing it, but my men and myself couldn't help ourselves."
The hero's breathing hitched, he felt disgusted to be talked about like this. It was dehumanizing, even if Oxzy wasn't a normal human. It still stung to be seen as nothing more than an object. He was about to leave, but he couldn't take his eyes away from Pierce. The turned villain, he was hoping for him to say something. Why? Why was he hoping for him to respond?
Leave, leave now.
Pierce suddenly let out a low laugh, his head turned around to face Felix. "You really should learn to control yourselves." His words were directed at everyone. The men that were still in the warehouse turned in the direction of him.
Felix unknowingly took a step back, "yeah- I said I was sorry-"
"I think you have a problem Felix. You assume too quickly." Pierce shook his head, "your so quick to assume fucking shit. You think I would want this? Am I really that fucked up to you?"
"N-No, brother that's not what I meant, you know that I know-"
"I didn't want anyone to do that to him." Pierce walked forward, eyeing Felix who stood as stiff as a board. "Only I have the privilege to make the hero at his worst. But you and your men took it away from me.." The villain shook his head, being a foot from his younger brother, he glared at him. "Now tell me, why would I be thanking you?"
Felix took a step back, trying to think about what he was just told. Of course Pierce would thank him, why wouldn't he?
"You hate the hero-"
"I do, but you don't." Pierce cut him off, walking while the little leader stepped back into his men. "You have no reason to do that, it gives you no purpose. Your mentality that I would thank you pisses me off just as much as your personality. The way you went about it, I have no reason to thank you…"
Felix let out a nervous chuckle, trying to wrap his head around what he was just told. He didn't understand it, he was tempted to just believe that the villain was thanking him. The evil man had something on him, he did what he wanted to do. Why was he not thanking him?
"Pierce- brother that is where another part of my plan came in. The hero, you can do whatever you want to him once we lure him back here. Drug him again, he will be defenseless!"
"What's the fun in that?" Pierce let out a sarcastic sigh.
Felix shook his head, hearing his men behind him stiffen up. Some walked out while the others who were close to him and the gang came forward. They saw how the villain forced the little brother into himself, cornering him into nothing. They became on guard, grabbing at their guns and weapons with their shaking hands.
"I don't feel the need for you much. That whole poison shit is nothing, it can't do anything to help you now can it?" Pierce laughed, taking another step forward, watching as his younger brother dropped onto the ground. "I told you I have business to do.."
Felix's men walked forward, before they could do anything, the littler leader held his hand out. "What did I tell you guys! No one can go against my brother!" He then looked up to Pierce who kept a dangerous smile on his face. "I did it for you. Even if it was wrong, I did it for you brother."
"I didn't ask you to do it."
The little leader gulped, casting his eyes down with his thoughts jumbled. He didn't know what to expect anymore, all he wanted was for his brother to accept him, to be proud of him.
"I have to make everyone who touched him pay. If others get in my way, I'll just have to give them back what was coming." Pierce stretched out his arms, making the room flinch. His words hit them all in the chest, a full hesitation went through the crowd.
The hero by the doorway took in the scene. It was so weird to not only hear the villain say this about him, but the reactions were so extreme. He really does radiate fear like a bullet.
There were a lot more men compared to Pierce, they could overpower him with their high manpower. But the fear, the evidence that Pierce was capable of such things made them hesitate. It made them fearful to not only try. These drug dealers, murders and all the horrible types of people were afraid. The villain didn't have to do much to provoke the fear, his words alone scared them.
Oxzy gulped, feeling his cheeks radiate heat. He shouldn't be feeling like this for the man, but he couldn't help himself. His body had changed due to the evil man.
What was he thinking? What is he feeling? It's like he is almost going as crazy as the villain.
The hero saw a movement out the corner of his eyes, he focused on a tall man in the group. His gun was about ready to be raised, shaking with a tight grip as he faced it to Pierce.
Oxzy looked in the villains directions, the little brother was almost clinging to his legs, desperate pleas coming from his lips. The villain listened with a small expression, a look of annoyance was clear in his eyes. He didn't seem to notice the shifting man that was hidden in the group.
The man was close to the door, in full view of the silent watching hero. Oxzy watched him move the gun forward. Even with the words of his gang leader that gave them no command to kill the villain, their life was in danger.
The man knew that if the villain was there to kill the men that did the things to the hero, he would be one of them. The hero had recognized him slightly, his vision became tainted with blackness at his memories jumbling to take control.
Maybe it was his racing thoughts. Maybe it was the blankness that covered his vision, it made him lose all sense of reality. His sense of sanity was lost when his body moved on its own.
The gun was raised, the hero rushed forward with his hand out.
A gunshot rang through the warehouse.