Chapter 8: We're going home

“What is your problem?” I asked Ace, annoyed when we left the kitchen. He glared at me and continued to pull me to my room.

“Pack your things now!” he shouted in an outburst. I didn't flinch and crossed my arms while looking at him. “What?” he asked, irritated.

“What's going on? Why are you acting like that?” I said disgustedly and sat on the bed.

He punched the wall before he threw a glare at me, “I told you, didn't I?” his jaw clenched as he looks at me, “DON'T. MAKE. ME. MAD.” I frowned because of what he said.

“I'm not doing anything to make you angry,” I stated and rolled my eyes at him.

“Pack your things, Scarlet, you're pissing me off.” with that he left me without saying anything.

I sighed and packed all my things, I thought we would leave tomorrow, I never thought that we'll only stay here for a night.

I didn't do anything to make him angry, he's just high blood with me. Louis and I were just talking to know each other more. I never expect him to act like this.

“Are you done?” I looked at him. I raised an eyebrow at him when I saw him leaning on the door.

He sighed before coming to me and taking my stuff. I followed him downstairs. I'm still annoyed and pissed at him, my system is messed up because of what he's doing.

He wasn't like this before and my system was fine before he became like this, but now? I do not know. I'm not even sure if I think of him as just a friend now.

“Goodbye, Ash, so when are we going to meet?” Louis said as we reached the last step of the stair. I laughed because of what he said.

This man likes to annoy his best friend. I still feel the dragon's anger so I didn't respond to him.

Louis was about to grab my arm when Ace suddenly blocked the two of us and gave Louis a bad look before pulling me out of the house.

I sometimes think this guy has a gene of a mushroom. He had already turned his back and was about to go out the door when Louis was going to hold me he suddenly appeared between the two of us, popping out of nowhere, tss.

“You're too close to Louis,” he said angrily before opening the car door.

I laughed because of what he said, “Don't be jealous, I won't take him away from you.” I immediately got into the car and closed the door after saying that.

I looked at him the moment he entered the car, “Is that the reason why you were angry?” I asked while he was driving.

“What do you mean?” he asked as his eyebrow furrowed while still keeping his eyes on the road.

After all, he is already annoyed with me, so let's annoy him even more. Let's see how far you can get bored with me.

I chuckled because of my thought, you were wrong for choosing me to fight with Mr. Ace Zierl Collins, you will find what you are looking for. “Hey, why are you laughing? Did you lose your mind already?” he asked and glanced at me.

I glared at him, “Was it bad that I thought something funny, so I laughed? I'm already crazy because of that, for real?” I asked annoyed.

He smirked because of what I said. I just ignored him because my day was ruined now. I close my eyes and lean on the car's door.

If you will have a friend to meet like him, I wonder if you don't lose your mind.

“Ace, can I ask you a question?” I asked while closing my eyes.

I want to know why he is acting like this. I'm curious and a mess, at the same time, I don't want to assume that he likes me. Because like he said, he only sees me as his younger sister… I will only get hurt if I continue thinking about something like this.

“Yeah, what is it?” he asked. I opened my eyes and looked at the path.

“Why do you get angry when Louis and I get close, are you jealous? I won't take him away from you…” I said quickly while looking at the road.

Silence prevailed between us inside the car. Maybe he doesn't want to answer my question. What is hard saying the reason?

“Ace…” I get his attention. He sighed and glanced at me before focusing on driving.

“I just don't want you to get hurt by being close to him,” he said, making me frown.

What's with Louis that I'll get hurt if I go near him.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“You know that you are special to me, right?” he asked.

“Yes,” I answered immediately. I'm special to him because he sees me as his younger sister, that's it.

“You're very special to me, Scar, I don't want to hurt you in any way possible.” My two eyebrows met because of what he said.

“Can you enlighten me out?” I said sarcastically.

“You can be his friend but don't stick too close to him, I want you to get to know him first… please,” he said in frustration.

I was silent because of what he said. What does he think I'm doing? I'm getting to know Louis more, but he got in the way.

“I'm doing it,” I said and leaned back in the chair. “It's just that I couldn't do that very well because you suddenly appeared very angry and suddenly pulled me.” I was irritated with him.

“You don't understand now, but maybe soon you'll realize why,” he answered.

“That's it, you say I don't understand… I'm asking you why you're angry and why you're reacting like that, but you don't want to say the reason!” I gritted my teeth because of anger, “you can tell me why, and so I can understand why you're acting like that because you know what, Ace? Furthermore, I'm confused, why do you react like that? Curiosity is killing me at the same time, confusion too,” I added.

“You can get to know him without being too close, Scarlet,” he said while holding back his annoyance.

“What's wrong with us sitting next to each other and talking?” I can't believe this, what does he think I'm doing?

“Really? you laugh with him, he washes your hands, you've almost changed faces!” he laughed bitterly.

“So? What's the problem with that?”

“Damn it! Do you not know or are you just pretending?” he said as his teeth clenched and gave me a death glare, “I'm Jealous, Scarlet Ash Frios!”