Chapter 10: Confused with Everything

“What's happening here?” Rina and I both turned to Ace, who suddenly entered my room.

”Hello brother, Ace,” Rina greeted him. Ace just nodded and turned is face to me.

If you are curious why Rina calls Ace Brother even though she was their maid… Ace allowed her to call him Brother, but Callix didn't.

“Do you mind telling me what's going on?” he asked and walked towards me.

“I'll leave later...wanna go some walk and unwind.” I walked over to my luggage and took it. “Why are you here anyway?” I asked and glanced at him.

He furrowed and looked at me, “You'll leave? It's getting late now, where are you going?” he held his waist while giving me a death glare.

I gazed at him before starting to put my clothes on the hanger. Rina also helped to arrange my clothes. I smiled at her, she's really like my younger sister, cute.

I'm wondering, why does he want to know where I'm going? He's making me confuse with his actions. I hate it.

“I'm asking you, where are you going?” he took my hand and turned my face to him that makes me irritated.

“Anywhere, I want to wander, think, unwind and many other things,” I said irritated and marched out to my room.

I'm confused by what's happening now. I don't know why I act weird when Ace gets close, I get irritated with him, nervous and my heart is like racing when he's near.

“Scar!” I ignored Ace and went straight to the living room. I was shocked when he grabbed my hand to stop me from walking.

“I'm talking to you.” he stated and glared at me, “You won't leave later without me.”

I furrowed because of what he said yet ignored him. I loosened his hold on me and instead of going to the living room, I went straight outside and sat on the bench in aunt's garden.

I'm afraid of what I am feeling right now, I'm afraid that maybe I don't think of him as just my friend, that I might already have feelings for him, It will be a disaster if it's happen.

Beside, I promise to myself not to love, I don't want to be like my mommy , I don't want to experience what daddy did to her, to feel sad because of one reason again.

I can't understand why my mommy didn't leave my daddy when she found out what's happening. Maybe if she did it, she's still here by my side now.

“Why are you crying? Did I hurt you?” I turned to Ace, who sat next to me. He looks at me with a sad face, then wipes my tears. “D-Did I hurt you?” I shook my head as an answer.

“I want to go out later, Can I go?” I asked and looked away. I need to distract myself, maybe…maybe I'm thinking wrong or maybe because his behavior is new to me that's why I'm assuming that he has feelings for me.

Yes, that's it. I'm just bothered by his sudden change of behavior towards me that I'm thinking all of this. I guess I really need to unwind and distract myself.

I heard him sigh loudly, “You can, I'll go with you.” I bit my lip hard because of what he said.

“I want to go alone.” I looked at him as if begging him to give me permission to go alone. I can't think properly if he's with me after all he's the reason why I need to unwind and gather myself up.

He stood up and faced the other direction, “I don't know why you have to be alone later, what if you get hurt?” he asked coldly.

“I won't get hurt, I just need to be alone, please.” I can't stop myself from sobbing. I want to be alone, I need to find an answer before everything else.

He remained with his back to me and did not speak. I wipe my tears hard, yet I can't stop them falling from my eyes.

“Son,” I bowed when I heard aunt Diamond's voice. “Let Scarlet leave later and have fun, you can't always be with her and accompany her.

I heard his loud sigh before nodding, “Fine, but I'll give her a ride.” He walked away after saying that. Aunt shook her head as she sit beside me.

“Scarlet, forgive Ace, maybe he's just scared for you.” She said to me. I didn't say a word, and just nodded in response.

Aunt Diamond left and entered the mansion. I look up at the grayish sky, it's afternoon, but even though you still can't see the mixed colors showing every time of sunset.

I sighed and went inside to clean my body. After I got dressed, Rina came in with a worried face.

“Sissy, are you okay?” she asked. I smiled and nodded at her. I sometimes admire Rina, even though she stopped her studies to work and came from poor family, at least they are still complete, work together, and have each other back… unlike me.

“I'll leave for a while,” I stated and grabbed her shoulder and pulled her out of the room. “You want some clothes?” I asked, she smile widely.

“You'll give me some?” she asked in amazement.

I shook my head and chuckled, “We'll buy clothes tomorrow,” I said and leaned my head on her shoulder.

I suddenly feel chill down on my spine as we take the last step of the stair, I turn my eyes until I see Ace looking at me coldly.

“Let's go.” Rina and I looked at each other for a few seconds before she tried to smile.

“Ace seems to be in a bad mood,” he said and patted my shoulder, “Go, Scar.” I nodded and followed Ace outside.

He opened the door for me, but he still ignored me. I sighed and sat quietly.

“Where shall I take you?” he has a cold attitude. I looked at him, but he was just looking straight ahead.

“A-Are you mad?” I stuttered.

“Where shall I take you?” he repeated his question completely ignoring the question I ask.

I bite my lip hard before I remove my seatbelt and get out of the car. I took a deep breath and walked into the mansion.

I prevented myself from turning to see where Ace was. I just want to leave to free my mind and unwind, but I don't know why he is upset with my decision.

“I thought you wanted to leave?”

I wiped my tears before facing him, “I won't go now, you're angry with me," I said and wipes my tears.

“Tss, who wouldn't? You don't want to come with me, what if you get hurt there?” he said, annoyed.

“I'm old enough A-Ace, I just want to think, there's so much thoughts that's messing with my mind!” I kept crying, I couldn't stop my tears.

“So what? you just turned 18 Scar! if you want to leave and unwind, I won't stop you, I just want to accompany you, so you don't get hurt!” I saw his fist clench as he talk to me preventing himself shouting.

I laughed bitterly and looked at him, “How can I think properly if I'm with you?”

He smirked and looked at me with disbelief, “Really? You don't want me to go with you? Fine!” he shouted, “But I hope you thought that the typhoon had just ended and that you could get hurt right now out there!” he walked away after saying that. I sat on the floor as I cried silently.

It Hurts.