Real Feelings


Eve's POV

I didn't think that he would say those words. I mean I didn't expect it to be so persistent and clear.

The moment he said that I am to become his first lady, my heart skipped a beat, it was like my hearing was gone and I was deaf for a while.

Whenever he walks at the center, he looks like a different man from whom I knew. He talks and walks like a different person and it looks cool to see that side of him. I ain't gonna lie that it turns me on, that it's one of the things I like about him, and what's worse is that I didn't deny the fact that I like him and that I couldn't see through him.

"How were you able to say those words like you were really into me?" Leaning my chin on my hand looking at his expression.

Remembering what happened after he said those words were his actions toward me. He left the stage while looking at me and cupped his hand on my waist, I won't deny it, I've had butterflies and I felt shy because people were staring at us like we are love birds.

"Because you looked pretty and nervous earlier."

Damn, the look in his eyes was real. I knew that he was telling the truth, but I won't break my heart for jumping to these conclusions of mine, I wanna hear it from him.

"Do you have any appointments tonight?" I said, changing the topic.

He smirked and came closer to me "I canceled it all just for you." I hissed and crossed my arms.

"Why? What do you want to do?" He said that stopped us from walking.

"Hmm, do you wanna come over and drink?" I said that made him bulge his eyes in surprise.

"Whoa, Miss Kelzy, we just got announced our relationship, isn't this too fast?" What's more annoying is that he was laughing while saying those words as if he wasn't acting too fast before.

"Oh, so is it just me? You were too fast before too." I put my hands on my hips looking like interrogating him and waiting for a valuable reason.

"Just kidding, let's have some drinks and celebrate." I rolled my eyes and walked faster leaving him behind.

What I have noticed when he's with me is that he keeps his bodyguards away from us. Yes, they follow us for protection, but he keeps his privacy and bond with me. It makes me feel like I am in his comfort zone he lets down his wall when he's with me, that's what I like about him the most and that's what makes me wanna trust him.

I offered to drive but he insisted because he was uncomfortable with it. How should I state it? Maybe he's more like a man now toward me. His actions were more mature and more of a gentleman.

"Why are you silent?" I didn't realize that he was talking to me, well, I guess I was deaf again at that moment. "It's nothing, I'm just thinking," I said.

"Thinking of what?"

"I was thinking of why you are so good to me." Of course, I didn't say that out loud instead, I just smiled.

"This, you're being like that again." I didn't respond instead, I turned on my AirPods and enjoyed the view.

He didn't talk to me and respected my silent mode until we arrived at my house.

We were in front of my main door "The passcode's 178943"

"Why are you telling me that?" He was confused but I was just too lazy to type.

Well... He could go there anytime he wants. Just kidding.

He hesitated at first because he was confused that I was telling him the password as if it was just a mere thing, but then he entered the code maybe he was too tired too and wants to rest now.

This is going to be the first time for us to have drinks with each other, besides, it's just the two of us. What if my manager finds out, I'm dead?

I immediately threw my things on the floor and bounced myself on the sofa because of exhaustion and Lander was seated beside me.

"What do you want? I'll serve you." He said, "Wow, it looks like I'm the visitor here." I chuckle.

"Okay, then give me some canned beers. and I'll choose a wine later." I winked at him and laid down comfortably.

He searched into my refrigerator like police searching for evidence, it made me smile. Time runs so fast, it was like he was just someone I know but, today we are this close that I could tell him my house password and grab food into my refrigerator.

Now I am the President's Lady.

"You've been thinking a lot lately, you must have something bothering you." He opened the canned beer and gave it to me.

"I'm just thinking about everything," I said, telling excuses.

"What? Specifically, say it." It sounded more like an order.

"Time runs so fast that it feels unrealistic," I said, looking at the ground.

"What do you mean by that?" He scorched his back to come closer to me and listen to my talks.

I stared at his deep eyes "It feels like I know you so well and that we bonded together for a long time." His eyes went deeper and his brows were crinkled as if he was trying to interpret what I said. "But, It also feels like something is missing or something is-- I don't know, it feels like I'm looking for this something." If that made sense to him, don't know if he understood every single word I said.

He sighed heavily as our eyes were locked together, he grabs my hand and placed it on his cheeks. "Do you wanna drink a lot tonight and let's tell everything we have on our minds?" My face looked worried and drunk even though we haven't drunk yet.

I don't even know why I said 'yes' to him. At first, we drank a bottle of wine talking about our greatest memories during high school and I told him that I once dated the campus' crush but didn't get to tell him how we broke up. He also told me about girls who were coming after him because they like him so much and he was so annoyed by them. We laughed so hard and it was fun reminiscing about those moments.

"How do you consider me now?" We are already drunk and I can barely hear and see him because we drank a dozen of beers.

"What do you mean? Like friends? Uhhh we're technically couples? and--"

"No, what do you think of me?" That was so out of the blue and it made me speechless.

He just stared at me furiously, giving all of his attention, waiting for my response and I keep on looking everywhere, escaping his gaze.

"Hmm." I groaned as he furiously pressed his lips on mine and I keep on fighting back but I couldn't because he was so big and muscular. I was pushing him away yet he never stepped back once, I was too weak because of the alcohol.

He continues to kiss me and I was slowly losing control of myself. There's something weird in me that wants him to continue what he was doing. At last, I fought back, using my lips and tongue this time. That feeling I had years ago, it's finding me again and it's wanting to do this again, it was like I was craving for it. It seems like I'm getting to be a different person again.

As I fight back, his lips were getting more furious and intense. He was asking for me. He wants me so bad that I could feel it. He was also craving for me.

Those hands from my face, went down to my neck, to my chest, and my butt.

His other hand was cupping my chest and the other was grabbing my ass. "Ugh," I couldn't hold myself in because of the pleasure he gives me. My eyes rolled as his fingers lingered around my thigh, getting ready to get into paradise.

'Oh' my mouth formed an 'O' the moment he rubbed his fingers against my crown, it is something that fills my soul and body. While kissing me, he rubs his fingers synchronized with his kiss which turns me on more. "Yes, keep doing that." He stopped kissing me and focused on sliding in and out his fingers in my crown. He lingered his tongue against my crown and looked at me furiously which made me feel more pleasure, those eyes give me the feeling of lust, of wanting him, inside me.

I was about to reach my climax but he stopped which made me so disappointed in him.

But then he reached for my hand and placed it over his throne. I smirked and got what he was trying to say. I rubbed my fingers against his throne and opened his zipper. I held his throne and started moving my hand up and down, licking the tip of it and looking at his eyes lustfully. I sucked his throne, doing a zigzag motion inside it made him go crazy, and rolled his eyes.

He couldn't stand it. He pushed me against the table area and faced my back, revealing my butt. He lingered his hand and started spanking it. "Ah!" I get to say that in every spank.

"Are you sure about this?" He whispered to me in a deep husky tone.

I nodded.