Unspoken Tension

Lander's POV

Yesterday was a blast


"Are you sure about this?" I whispered in her ear with my husky voice.

She nodded.

I was about to kiss her again, but then

Coughs*8 **coughs



"god, oh my, ew!" As if it's not her vomit.

I immediately stood up so that she won't ruin my dashing suit. "Look at you so wasted." I laughed at her because she was about to sleep on her puke. ugh

I approached her bathroom to find her towel but was surprised to see that her room was so messy. "So how will I be able to find her towel with this mess?" Sighs

Clothes were on the floor just like they were all just fish in the sea. Thus, they are wet because of the bathroom floor.

Since her room is nearby her dressing room, I thought that she may also have gotten the towel there.

"What is this? Does she know how to clean?" Her dressing room looked like a wreck! It cannot be compared to her bathroom, this, is a shark of a sea!

Her dresses are compiled liked a hill and were on the floor, and her shoes are everywhere and her stuffed toys are too! Oh, she has a Doraemon stuff toy, I didn't know she was a fan too.

I turned to the other side where I could see the vanity table and saw how some of her make-up was spilled and a white thing was leaking on the floor.

"That is so disgusting!" I mumbled subconsciously.

"I CAN HEAAR YAHHH!" She screamed sounding like the wasted woman she is.

I was about to close the door and go out of her room but then I saw her towel at the top of the vanity table near the lights, where I thought it was some part of the decoration. "How did it get here? Is she Spiderman?" I slightly tip-toed to get her towel above there.

"He didn't like me, did he?" As she was mumbling those words, she looked up at me with her doe eyes. My eyes locked up on hers for seconds, I didn't know what to say.

"Get up," I said in a commanding tone. She just looked at me and didn't move so I flex my knees and hips to assist her in standing up. She put her arms around my neck and looked me in the eyes, and asked "How about you? Do you like me?"


"I wished she won't remember anything," I murmured

I got up and stopped daydreaming. "You need to get yourself together, Lander, or else.. not even an idea." I made my way to my bathroom to wash myself and then

"Wait, where am I?" Oh no, "I'm still at her house?!" I turned around and noticed that this colorful apartment wouldn't suit my taste.

"OK. I gotta go." I quickly washed my face and then get my things with me.

Eve's POV

The day after our unforgettable night, I woke up feeling a mix of embarrassment and uncertainty. Images of our intoxicated encounter played on a loop in my mind, leaving me flushed with both anticipation and anxiety. I wondered if Lander would bring it up or if we would both pretend it never happened.

Later that day, I received a text from Lander, asking if I wanted to have lunch together. Despite the awkwardness that hung between us, I agreed, hoping that our conversation would somehow address the unspoken tension. We decided to meet at our usual café, a place where we had shared countless conversations before.

As I entered the café, I spotted Lander already seated at a table, sipping his coffee. Nerves tightened in my stomach as I approached him. We exchanged brief pleasantries, but a palpable unease settled upon us, creating an uncomfortable silence.

"I'm glad you could make it," Lander said, his voice slightly strained.

I offered a small smile, my words catching in my throat. "Yeah, it's good to see you too."

I played with my silverware, desperately searching for the right words to break through the awkwardness. Lander glanced at me, sensing my discomfort, yet chose to steer the conversation toward safe topics—work, the weather, anything but the night we shared.

"So, how's your new project going?" Lander asked, his gaze fixed on his coffee cup.

I took a deep breath, trying to find my footing. "It's challenging, but I'm learning a lot. How about you? How's the presidency treating you?"

Lander's smile faltered for a moment before he replied, "It's been a whirlwind, to say the least. But I'm managing."

Our dialogue felt stilted, punctuated by forced laughter and uneasy pauses. Disappointment gnawed at me. Secretly, I had hoped Lander would bring up our encounter, even if it was just a passing acknowledgment. But as the minutes ticked by, it became clear that neither of us wanted to breach the subject.

Questions flooded my mind. Did Lander regret what happened? Did he wish to forget it altogether? Was he grappling with the same confusion and longing as I was? The weight of the unspoken hung heavy in the air, suffocating any genuine connection we had.

"I heard about that award you received," I finally mustered, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.

Lander's eyes brightened, relieved to have a distraction. "Oh, that? It was unexpected, but I'm grateful for the recognition."

As we finished our meals, words eluded me. I wanted desperately to address what transpired between us, to confront the unspoken truth, but fear held me back. Fear of rejection, of irreparable damage to our friendship, of the unknown consequences that lay in wait if I dared to broach the subject.

With a heavy sigh, I forced a small smile, hiding my disappointment and longing behind it. "Well, it was nice catching up," I said, my voice tinged with a sadness I couldn't conceal. "We should do this again sometime."

Lander's eyes met mine, a flicker of understanding passing between us. "Absolutely, Eve. It's always good to spend time with you," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of regret.

As we said our goodbyes, a sense of resignation settled over me. The unspoken would remain just that—unspoken. We would continue as friends, forever carrying the weight of that night in our shared silence.

Walking away from the café, I couldn't help but wonder if Lander felt the same longing, the same need for resolution. But I knew deep down that some things were better left unsaid, buried within the depths of our unspoken connection.

And so, we treaded our separate paths, navigating the intricacies of our friendship while guarding the unspoken secret that bound us.