An escape attempt

I kept on tugging on the ropes binding me to the bed. It was futile, I know. However, I wasn't about to give up.

“Who's out there? Help me!” I tugged on the rope.

I don't know how long I called out or how long I tugged on the rope before the door opened.

“Let me go!” I was expecting to see the creature who tied me to the bed. But instead, I saw a human female.

She had her head bowed as she came in.

“Help me, please!” I frantically begged her.

“I'm here to help you with your bath, my lady.” The female bowed before she started approaching the bed I was lying on.

“Were you also caught? Please, release me. I will get us out of here. All you need to do is get my bow for me.”

“I'm afraid, I can't be of help to you, miss. I'm only here to help you have your bath as the master requested.” She bowed once more before she proceeded to untie my legs from the bedpost.

“Master? Are you serving that creature? Did he take you against your will? Don't worry, when I'm released, I will take you out of this place.”

The female glanced up, “I'm not seeking a way of escape, miss. I'm only here to do the biddings of my master.” She untied my hands and helped me sit up.

“Shit!” I cover my upper body with my hands when I discovered I was naked. “What a pervert he is!”


the female had an indifferent expression on her face. She doesn't look as bothered as she was supposed to.

“Let's get out of here!” I hastily stood up from the bed and rushed towards the table.

I took the coat on the table and draped it around my shoulder.

“Where are you going to? The bath is that way.” She pointed at a door beside the box.

“Let's get out of here!” I took her hand in mine and tried to drag her out of the room.

“Where do you think you are going to? The master asked me to help you with your bath. He's—”

“Your so-called master isn't a human. He's—”

“I know what he is. Now, if only you will follow me to the bathroom. The master—”

“What nonsense are you saying? Let's get out of here before we are caught.”

I tried to get her to follow me, but she refused.

We dragged until I mistakenly pushed her to the floor. She fell and hit her head on the bed.

“Gods!” I hastily rushed to her side and checked on her pulse. “Oh my, she's still alive.” I heaved in relief before I stood up from my crouched position.

“It's not my fault that you never wanted to leave.” I only glanced at the female for a minute before I ran out of the room.

I tightened the cloak around my body as I took to my heels.

There was no waste of time needed. I already know the way down. There was nothing to waste time about.

I raced down the stairs as fast as I can without any incidence.

There was no one around.

Yet, I didn't race through to the door. I slowly crept towards the door, as I kept glancing around for signs of another human that might be like the one in the room.

Unlike last night, the foyer looked so beautiful, it was just like ours back in my kingdom. The only difference was the lack of humans.

Unlike this place, our home is filled with laughter and the scurrying of the maidservants.

I stood still and glanced around once more to make sure I was alone before I hastened to the door.

“Leaving, already?”

My hand froze on the doorknob at the sound of the voice that have become familiar to me.

I slowly turned and met face-to-face with the peculiar creature.

His red eyes were the first thing I noticed before my eyes went straight to his mouth.

Though I don't feel the pain in my neck, I can still feel his breath on my neck.

“Why will I stay here? I have a home, I'm going back!” I tried to turn the knob but found out that the door was locked.

“You have a home?” He took long strides towards me.

“Don't come near me!” I glanced around for anything I can use for a weapon. My eyes lighted on the flower vase by my right.

I rushed towards it, but before I can touch it, I was shoved into the wall.

The creature pushed me to the wall and held my jaw with his right hand.

“Do you think you can escape from here?” He asked in a low voice as his eyes shined.

The redness of his eyes looked like blood.

“Let me go!” I tried to fight his hold on me, but it was futile. He locked his hand on my jaw and forced me to look at him.

“Why should I let you go?” He lowered his head to my neck and sniffed.

“Let me go, you pervert!” I knock my knee on his male part.

He groaned in pain.

“You shouldn't mess with a female!” I tried to kick him once more, but he didn't allow me to make the hit. He took my leg in his hand and locked it.

“Feisty? I love that. This way, I will enjoy breaking you.” He held me by my hair and tightened his hold on my hair.

“Stop!” I thrashed in pain as I tried to get him to let me go, but it was futile.

The more I trashed, the tighter the hold he has on me. And the tighter, the more painful it was.

“Know this, Human. There is no other way out of here. If you want to leave, you have to die.” He whispered in my ears before he latched his mouth to my neck.

I screamed until my voice became hoarse, and my eyes closed in fatigue.