The peculiar female

I slowly opened my eyes.

“Good to see you awake.” The same female I pushed in my bid to escape from this cursed place, said when I opened my eyes.

“What am I doing here?” I sat up on the same bed.

Like the last time I woke up, I was as naked as the day I was born. The only accessories I was putting on, were the chains on my legs.

“What you are doing here?” She scoffed.

“Where is he? I—”

“Are you thinking of escaping from here?” She narrowed her eyes to slits, “it seems you haven't learned your lessons.”

I frown at her, “why don't you want to leave? You are not chained to the bed. You can escape on your own if you so wish for it. Why are you still here?”

The female stared at me for a moment before she started to unlock the chains I was cupped with.

“You need to have your bath. Master said you stink.”

“Why don't we es—”

“It seems you haven't learned your lessons. The master is only being lenient with you. He will do worst than he did today.”

Immediately she releases my legs from the chains that were holding me to the bed, I tried to run as I did before. But the dizziness that overtook me, made me fall back to the bed.

“You have lost enough blood, miss. You need to bathe, and eat, to replenish your health. Master might want to feed tonight.”


The dizziness became too much. I had to clutch my hand on my head.

“That's what I was telling you.” The female held my hand in hers and led me to the bathroom.

She helped me into the bath. The female bathed me and helped me dress in a sheet gown that exposed more than it closed.

“What of my clothes? Why did you give me this one?” I frown at her.

“That's what Master requested for you.” The female led me to the bed and helped me to sit on it. “Stay here. I will be back with your meal.”

This female said before she left.

“Do you think I will stay here, and wait for you?”

With the female gone, I slowly rose from the bed and walked to the window.

I know jumping down from the window is a very dangerous and risky move to take. But I have no choice. It's either I do that, or I stay here with a peculiar creature and an insane human.

I tried to open the window, but it didn't budge. It was tightly closed, unlike the last time when it was wide open.

The box the strange man came out from was still in the same position it was in when I came here last night. The only thing different about it was the lack of characters on it.

Unlike last night, there were no Golden drawings on it.

“Damn it!” I hit my palm on the window when it felt to budge.

There was no latch to it, and certainly, no way for me to unlock it. It was as if the window itself was sealed with the walls of the palace.

Yet, I didn't relent in my attempt to try to open the window.

If I can get it open, then, I can escape from here.

“What are you doing?”

The voice of the maid startled me. I turned to face her, with my heart beating miles a minute.

It seemed like the organ was trying to leap out from the confines of my chest.

“You are back.” I managed to say, as I tried not to act suspicious at all.

“The meal has been prepared already.” She frowned, “what are you doing by the window? Come and have your meal. You will need your strength.”

“I'm not hungry.”

Contrary to my words, my stomach was biting me.

“You need to put something in your stomach. Don't you want to escape? You need to replenish your strength if you want to escape.”

Her words made me raise my brows in suspicion.

“Why are you talking of escape when you didn't agree to follow me earlier?” I suspiciously narrowed my eyes at her.

She shrugged, “you are the one who wanted to escape, and not me. If you want to leave here, you will need something in your stomach, to make the trip out of here.” She dropped the tray of food on the bed.

I didn't immediately go to be. I suspiciously stood beside the window and watched her as I tried to figure out why she wanted to help me.

“Why are you helping me?” I frown at her.

“Helping you, you said? I don't intend to help you. You are the one who wants to escape, I'm only telling you what will help you. If you wish to escape, you need to eat.”


I frown at her.

The sweet aroma from the food on the bed was making me salivate, yet, I couldn't take a step towards her.

There's no telling what she must be thinking about.

“Come on.”

I stood there for a moment before I decided to do as she said.

Her words made a lot of sense.

If I do want to escape, I need to have something.

With the amount of blood I'm losing, I doubt I will be able to stand on my feet for long.

I sat on the bed and watched her.

“Have something.” She pushed the tray toward me, “it will help replenish your strength.”

“What are these?” I glare at the soup and the rice. The green vegetables and brown meat looked foreign. It wasn't like the ones I eat back in my kingdom.


The female pushed the tray to me until it was directly in front of me. “Eat up. It's time for the master to—” She suddenly stopped talking when she realized I was watching her.

“Eat up. There are things I need to do.”