She's pregnant

“How are you?” Master touched my forehead.

“Feeling like shit.” I shivered a bit as I covered my body with the heavy blanket master got for me.

“No curse words, Star.” Master pinched my cheeks, “I would rather not hurt you, but you keep on provoking me to do that.”

“It's not my fault!”

“And whose fault is that, pet?” Master raised a brow at me.

“No one.”

“I sent for the human maid. She will be here before nightfall.”

“You don't have to go to such lengths to take care of me. Like I told you before, I'm fine. You don't—”

“You are fine, yet you claim to be feeling like shit.” He flicked my forehead, “you are still like as stubborn as you have always been.”

“Why are you bullying me? Is it because I'm sick?” I pouted.

“Are you certain you are sick? You don't seem that sick to me.”


A knock on the door interrupted me.

“I think she's here.” My master rose from the bed and walked to the door to check on the person who was knocking like an enraged human.