An enraged vampire

Lud's POV

“Brother, why do you seem so lost?” Rod smirked as he watched me. “You seem to have lost some weight.”

“If you have nothing to contribute to, you can leave.” I didn't mince words. With my eyes narrowed at him, I told him exactly what my mouth couldn't.

He was a nuisance that needs its wings to be plucked.

“Why do you sound so dull?” He laughed as he watched me.

I frowned at him but didn't say a word.

Living with Rod for thousands of years has taught me how best to deal with him. And when it comes to a fool like him, silence is the best answer.

“What's wrong? Why are you looking at me that way?” He persisted, obviously trying to egg my emotions.

“Sit, Rod.”

“What? Don't tell me you are still thinking of your pet. And that reminds me, brother. I've not seen her for a long time.

Could it be that......."? His eyes dramatically widened, “could it be that you are hiding something from me?” He laughed.