She's my sister

Moon froze at the mention of the name. He fully turned towards the man. “How did you know that name?” He growled in a tone I've not heard him use before.

It sounded like he was angry and afraid, which was never something I will attribute to someone like Moon.

And that made me wonder who they were speaking of.

“Are you her son?” The man closed the distance between them and tried to place his palm on Moon's cheeks, but Moon held him tight.

“How did you know my mother's name? Who are you?” Moon growled.

I gasped at his words.

Though it has been a long time since Moon told me about his mother, I can still recall the name he told me.

“She's my sister.” The man answered with a look of awe on his face. “Who would have thought I will meet the little guy once more.”

Moon's grip on the man loosened. He let go of the man's hand.

“Do you know where my mother is?” Moon asked in a small voice. He looked desperate to know the answer.