Toying with their minds

I can't tell how many days we travelled. At first, I kept count, but after the thirtieth day, I stopped keeping count. Moon, Jol, and I spent our night in any town we were lucky to see before the moon made its appearance.

On some days, we sleep out in the open because we were either far from the village or Moon wasn't comfortable with the people of the town we passed.

"Are you tired? Do you need to rest?" Moon asked. He had our bags slung over his back, and his gaze forward.

"For how long are we going to keep going forward?" I gasped from fatigue.

It has been so long, but we are yet to locate the kingdom Moon came from. It was as if we haven't made a dent in the trip.

"It won't be long, I hope." Moon glanced towards the hills. "I heard a rumour from the last village. They said strange people reside after the hill. I think they are the ones we seek," Moon glanced towards the hills.