What did he think? As it was she was lucky not to have broken her jaw. Was he stupid? She might never feel her upper lip again. But Ari thrashed his way down the slope, slipping and sliding, his silver-gold plaits dancing around his face as he leapt from bracken clump to bracken clump. What if all these men were against her? Grabbing her chemise, she sprung for the nearest bush. As she ducked behind fronds big as fists, Sin Gudrunsson strode forward.
“Well? Troll’s teeth, don’t tell me I’m going to have to fight all of you again, because—”
“She’s yours and we’re going to have to pay you compensation. Well, have it in advance.” Coins clinked onto the sand. “Believe me.” Ragmoose yanked his sword from the cow-hide scabbard dangling at his hip. “It’s worth every silver sceatta to put an end to that witch.”