My God. No. The polished floorboards jarred beneath her bare feet. Malice’s stomach lurched. Not just lurched, it then danced all the way up into her throat. Her eyes, which she’d closed for protection against the tide, stayed that way for a second or so, bathing her in darkness, while she counted to ten, willing her stomach back into place. Then she pinged them open.

Haggersly Hall. She knew it instantly by the hideous pairs of eyes glaring down at her from the equally hideous frames on the staircase wall. By the musty stink of rooms like tombs assaulting her nostrils. She gagged. Haggersly Hall. How could she be back in Haggersly Hall? How? She hadn’t kissed Sin Gudrunsson there just now.

She froze. Just because the Reindeer had apparently appeared in the rolling waves there it didn’t mean she should be here. Dear God. That could not possibly be the case.

No. No. No. No. No. This was not happening. A trick of the light surely? A trick of something. A trick.