A minor point at such a moment. Why was it, that every time she jumped in time, she landed where she shouldn’t be? A convent? A storm? Now this?


The word came out horribly garbled. If only it wouldn’t. But really, how many shocks was a woman expected to suffer? Being shunted back and forward to Viking times? Being enjoyed half to death there. Again she tried dragging her palm from the door handle, although really, what was it to her that he preferred men? Preferred anything it seemed to her?

Or was this the reason—not that she knew a lot about it—the reason he hadn’t been able to commit to her? Commit to any damned woman? Commit? For a second she thought she was going to do what rhymed with the word. Vomit.

“Well . . . well, look at you Malice. Look at your clothes.”

Her clothes? At least she was wearing some. Unlike him and his lover.