Transfer Student

" Song Hyang... Her father is very famous in the business industry and very healthy; he has many business branches, one of which is Song Education High School "explains Haha about his investigation of Hyang's background.

"So... do you find something suspicious about his business related to ACO?" asked Jae Suk.

He explains, "Not yet. Well, I'm not sure if he does that kind of business. He is so good in business and has never done that kind of 'hidden' business."

"There must be something about his business; if not, why was Song Hyang targeted by ACO?" Gary doesn't understand.

"I guess so too," added Haha.

"But... for some years in ACO's case, they never target another person but just people who are directly related to them. If they have some kind of business with Song Il Guk, why are they targeting his daughter rather than him? It's strange, " said Jae Suk with a frown on his face.

"What do you think, chief Kim?" asked Jae Suk to Shin.

"I have no idea. Why don't we just ask him directly?" asked Shin.

"Who do you mean? Song Il Guk?" Ask Jae Suk back. Shin doesn't answer anything and just stares at Jae Suk with steady eyes.

"What will you do?" asked Jae Suk again with suspicious and worried eyes.


Shin is now in the parking area of Song Cooperation's main building business. He parked his car in front of Song Il Guk's car. He kept observing the situation with his hawk eyes, waiting for his chance to meet the businessman.

After what seemed like an eternity, Song Il Guk emerged from the building.He walked straightly toward his car. Shin quickly exits his own car and approaches Il Guk's car. Right after Song Il Guk enters his car and sits in the backseat, Shin enters the car and sits in the driver's seat. The businessman thinks that Shin is his driver, so he doesn't feel suspicious at all.

"Song Il Guk-ssi, are you doing some dirty business behind?" asked Shin, observing Il Guk from the rearview mirror. Il Guk was surprised when he heard an unfamiliar voice. He lifted his head and looked at Shim.

"Who are you?" asks Il Guk, confused.

"Do you know about ACO?" asked Shin again. Somehow he can catch a change in Il Guk's expression when he mentions ACO. He is somehow looking worried and there is a fear in his eyes.

Il Guk planned to exit his car, but Shin quickly locked the door. And when Il Guk wants to make a phone call, the detective takes his phone fastly.

"Are you one of them?" asks Il Guk. Shin doesn't answer and just gives his identity as a private detective to Il Guk to answer his question.

"What do you want?" asked Il Guk again.

"You're not answering my question before about your relationship with ACO," said Shin.

"It's my first time hearing that name. I don't know anything about ACO," said Il Guk.

"Really?" asked Shin with a smirk on his face. He knew that Il Guk was clearly lying.

"So, why are they spying on Song Hyang?" asked Shin again.

"What do you mean? Why are you mentioning my daughter? " Il Guk's worried expression was visible.

Shin then gives Hyang's picture that he got from Haha to Il Guk and tells him about how they can find that picture. He also told Il Guk about what happened to Min Ho and the people who did dirty business with ACO.

"So... after knowing the possibility that your only daughter will be their next target, you still won't tell me the truth?" Ask Shin again.

"I never did any business with them. That's the truth. Why should I lie to you and put my own daughter in danger? Do you think I'm crazy? " Ask Il Guk back to Shin.

Shin keeps silent, trying to identify the situation is Il Guk saying the truth or not. He can't really know if he is trying to lie to him or tell him the truth.

"Is my daughter really their next target?" asked Il Guk to Shin.

"We are not sure yet, but the possibility is high." Shin stated.Il Guk seems like he is thinking of something and there is a frown on his face.

"How can I protect my daughter?" asks Il Guk in the end. Shin listens to his question, but he doesn't give any answer. In fact, he also doesn't know the answer because he can't really predict how, where, and when they will appear. Until now, they didn't even have any track of them and they also didn't know who they were yet.

"I can protect your daughter... but I need your help," said Shin in the end, after he got an idea.


"Are you crazy? Why should you do that? "asked Jae Suk after Shin explained his plan to protect Hyang and to monitor ACO's movements around her secretly.

"We should try that. This time, I won't lose their track anymore and just let them kill innocent people anymore. I should protect her and can't just let them do what they did to Min Ho," said Shin without being taken aback. Jae Suk is restless and frustrated but he can't find any other better idea.

"Arraseo (I understand)... I will help you," said Jae Suk in the end, after he thought for some minutes.


"Today, we will have a transfer student in this class," said Mr. Ji to his student.

The students of 3rd class at SEC High School are excited to meet their new friend. Most of them keep guessing who it is. Is the student a girl or a boy, pretty or handsome?

"Chief... I mean transfer student, please enter..." said Ji Suk Jin, calling the new student.

A young man with a masculine body enters the class in a flash, and the majority of the girls can't take their gaze away from his figure.

"Transfer student, introduce yourself," said Mr. Ji.

"My name is Kim Shin." Shin introduced his name shortly.

"Ommooo... he is so cool." whispered one of the girl students to her friend.

" He looks so mature and handsome..." Add the other. No oe know that he is indeed a mature man on his late twenty.

"Ah... only that? Kim Shin-ssi?" asked Mr. Ji in a formal tone.

Actually, Mr. Ji is the best friend of Chairman Yoo. Chairman Yoo already told him that his subordinate would do his own private investigation into the school. They need Mr. Ji to bring him into the school without anyone noticing his true identity and help him cover his secret. But it seems like Mr. Ji is not really good at acting and hiding something naturally.

Shin just kept silent without saying anything else. His gaze only focused on the girl who was sitting in the corner of the room. She doesn't look at him at all and seems uninterested in her class. She just keeps staring outside through the window. Song Hyang.

"Well, Kim Shin-ssi is older than all of you, because of something he needed to delay his school. Even so, he is so smart and good at everything. All of you need to treat him well and be polite. Arraseo?!" Mr. Ji said to his students. He gives a stern warning.

"He is older? So, I can call him Shin oppa? "asked one of the girls.

"Call him Sunbaenim," said Mr. Ji. Shin just rolled his eyes, it felt so awkward for him. Why is this headmaster still talking formally to him and addressing his name with 'ssi'? Isn't it so strange to hear a teacher call their students that? Shin started to doubt him about covering his secret. His actions make people feel suspicious, for sure.

"Chief Kim... I mean Kim Shin-ssi... you can choose your seat," said Mr. Ji with a smile on his face.

"Kim Shin student, student..." said Shin, reminding him firmly.

Mr. Ji kept an act for him and said, "ah ne..."

"Oppa... you can sit here!" shouted one of the girls, pointing at the empty chair near her.

"I can choose wherever I want to sit, right?" asked Shin to Mr. Ji.


Without saying anything again, Shin started to walk to the chair that he wanted. He walks to the corner room toward where Hyang is. He then stops when he is standing in between Hyang and Joon Woo.

"I will sit here," said Shin to Joon Woo.

The student lifted his head with a cynic face, he smiled bitterly with Shin's word, and then stood out facing the undercover detective, challenging him.

"Why do you want other people's seats?" asked Joon Woo in a sarcastic tone.

Hyang and the other students change their focus to both Shin and Joon Woo, who stand facing each other. Hyang doesn't understand why the transfer student goes to her bestfriend's seat when there is still an empty seat there.

"Yak Han Joon Woo! He is a sunbee, remember? Be polite! Let him sit there," said Mr. Ji to the student.

Joon Woo just smiles coldly, feeling so silly with that, while Hyang frowns.

"Han Joon Woo, are you not tired of making trouble?" asked Mr. Ji again.

Joon Woo still doesn't say anything and hits Shin with his body before leaving his seat. He then chose the chair in front of Hyang and made the owner go to the other chair by pulling his collar. Hyang just sighs with the new student's behavior and how Mr. Ji treats him so well, but she won't make a big deal about that and just change her gaze on the outside again. Shin kept staring at Hyang after he sat down in his chair. She looked so cold and different from the last time they met. It seems like she really can't recognize him at all.

"Is Shin oppa choosing that chair because of her? Why does he keep staring at her? " A female student whispered to her friend to see Shin, who kept staring at Hyang.

"Why is it always her? Is the angel devil not enough? What is so good about her? " Said the other girl.

Hyang first focuses on the outside, but somehow she can feel that someone is observing her. She then turns around to find that Shin is staring at her. They keep staring at each other for minutes before Shin turns around and changes his direction on the blackboard. Hyang is frowning at his behaviour. She feels that he is so strange and keeps doing unnecessary things.

For the whole time after that new student comes, Hyang feels that somehow he keeps observing her and following her around. At lunchtime, when she was enjoying her time with the angel devil, she caught that Shin was sitting not far away and kept staring in their direction. It seems like he wanted to spy on her with her friend. She doesn't understand why he keeps bothering her and staring at her. She somehow feels that he is someone familiar, but she can't remember where she ever met him.


"See you tomorrow guys," said Hyang to the others before she entered her house.

When she enters her house, as always, her big house feels empty. She goes forward to the dining room and finds so much food already prepared for her by the waitress.

"Has Appa (father) not returned yet?" Hyang inquired of Mr. Choi, her home's head waiter.

"Ah Agassi, you were home... Yes, your father is still working, please have a dinner, "said the waiter, smiling warmly to Hyang.

"I'm not hungry." said Hyang, coldly going up the stairs and walking toward her room. She entered her room and locked the door before laying on the bed. She feels so lonely and disappointed. Her father has never once had dinner with her for a long time. All that he does is just work and never care for her. She feels so lonely in this big house.

"Tok tok tok..." Suddenly, there is someone knocking on the door.

"I bring your dinner..." said a voice from outside. It must be one of the waiters.

Hyang just sighs and rolls her body, covering it with the blanket. She is sure she told them that she was not hungry. Why did they need to bring the food to her room?

"Tok tok tok..." The knocking keeps continuing. Hyang then covers her face with the pillow, feeling irritated with the noise. The waiter had never been so rude to her before, simply letting her into her room when she said she wouldn't eat, but now, why is someone constantly knocking on her door?

"Tok tok tok..."

Hyang's patience has run out. She sits straight and throws the pillow on the door.

"Yak! Stop being so noisy! "shouts Hyang in anger.

"Tok tok tok..."

"Haish... this person is really annoying!" Hyang, irritated, stood up from her bed and walked toward the door. She opened the door harshly and was ready to nag and shout at that person who was disturbing her, but her mouth just dropped when she saw who was the one who kept knocking on her door.

"Yah... transfer student... why are you here? Are you following me around? " Hyang was confused to see the young man with his masculine body standing in front of her. He just smiled at her without saying anything.