A Mess

"Yah... transfer student... why are you here? Are you following me around? " Hyang was confused to see the young man with his masculine body standing in front of her. He just smiled at her without saying anything.

"Sent your dinner," said Shin, lifting the dinner set in his hand.

"I won't eat, I said, and why are you at my house?" asked Hyang, frowning and feeling suspicious. She is aware that the man in front of her was observing her the whole day at school and now? What the hell was he doing standing in front of her room? Is he a kind of stalker?

"I live here," answered Shin shortly.

"What?" asked Hyang in shock.

"Are you crazy?" adds the girl.

"Nope... I'm serious," said Shin with a calm face. Hyang was looking at him with an irritated smile. She then pushed Shin away and walked outside to try to find someone for the explanation and the reason why on earth that stranger could live at her home.