1. Moving To a New Place

Rhian's pov

"Hurry up Rhian! We are running late".shouted ma.

I am leaving the Philippines and moving to New Jersey(USA). I am sort of sad but I know it's for the best.

I quickly dragged my travelling bag out of my room and went downstairs, looking elegant in my pink-coloured jumpsuit and white sneakers.

My travelling bag was packed into my dad's car and I entered the car together with my mum and dad. We headed to the airport, after some time, we arrived at New Jersey. After we came down from the airplane, we headed towards the terminal to look for uncle Armando.

My uncle, mr Armando Bonifacio was already waiting at the airport to pick us up. I've really missed my uncle a lot because I have not seen him for a year and I am super excited to spend time with him.

Mr Armando is my father's elder brother. My grandfather had four sons namely: Armando Bonifacio, Eduardo Bonifacio(my dad), Diego and Dominic Bonifacio(twin brothers).

I was mostly fond of uncle Armando. When we arrived at the terminal, I looked around and I spotted him, I rushed and hugged my uncle.

How is my Amor? asked my uncle

"I am fine! uncle and how are you uncle?"

"I am fine dear".replied my uncle.

"Bro...how are you doing? I've missed you". He asked and Pa hugged him tightly.

"I've missed you too". Pa replied

He looked towards Ma and he smiled

"How's my beautiful sister in-law? You look very beautiful, I'm sure my big brother is taking care of you". He said and all of us laughed.

"I'm doing fine...I've missed you especially your sense of humor". Ma replied and she hugged him.

"So...how's the US? I'm sure your business is thriving". Pa cut in

"It's going smoothly...I've met some new business partners and clients especially those from Asia". Uncle Armando replied

They continued discussing business matters and I got so bored, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and I decided to take some pictures of myself and post on Facebook.

After a little while, we headed towards a nearby restaurant and I was so glad because I was feeling so hungry. We ate together, chatted and had fun. Towards evening, we bade uncle Armando goodbye and we headed to our new home.

Before we arrived at New Jersey, my dad already built a mansion for us to stay when we relocate to New Jersey. I arrived at the mansion and I was shocked, it was more bigger and luxurious than the mansion my dad built in my hometown {Phillipines}.

The mansion was cream-coloured, it had a very large garden with all my favorite flowers like; lilies, roses, ixora, daffodils, buttercup etc.

The mansion had an elevator, the rooms were much bigger including the balcony.

But what caught my attention was the gym&exercise room, I am very excited because I could practice my gymnastics, dancing and karate properly.

I excitedly dragged my luggage to my room, I arranged my clothes into my wardrobe and I looked around my room feeling satisfied.

I took a warm bath and I put on my blue-colored pyjamas and went to the dining room to have my dinner because Ma has been shouting my name.

After dinner, I went to the kitchen to keep my plates. And I was happy to see, Belen and sir Isko.

Belen has been the housekeeper since I was born and she was like a mother to me. Sir Isko, on the other hand, was Belen's husband and he was also the gardener, he was like a father to me. They were both caring.

I hugged both of them. "How are you Rhian?". asked Belen, "I am fine and how are you both".

"Great!" .answered both of them in unison and we all laughed. We talked and laughed and by 9pm, Belen told me to go and sleep because I will be resuming a new school tomorrow.

I prayed and went to bed.