7. Madhuri Sharma

Yna's birthday was splendid and I didn't remember the painful event of my past.

There is this new boy in my school and he's been stalking me. I don't like associating with the opposite sex because of the incident that happened in my past,

He's name is Noah kings.

Rhian's POV

"Hey yna!did you enjoy your birthday"

"Of course girl, my birthday was sick yo!". She replied and twirled around.

I laughed .

"You are very funny...I really liked that movie, I think we should watch it again". I said

I saw that yna was not listening to my conversations and I directed my eyes towards her gaze. she was gawking and smiling towards Noah.

"Seriously! Yna,you are not listening to me because of Noah". I said

"You are hopeless...stop smiling, it's embarrassing". I added

"Stop saying that Rhian", Noah is so cute and every girl will do anything just to be with him,including me, I find him cute and handsome....Open your eyes Rhian". Yna said and she waved her right hand in front of me.

"Stop it Yna...you are really crazy". I said and I pushed her hand away.

"He is coming towards us,I pray he asks me out".

"You can stand here alone and wait for prince charming but I'm going for dance class and I'm already late". I said and I walked away.

"Bye!yna". I shouted

"Bye! Rhian".

"Please wait!"

I heard a male voice, I guess it could be Noah .

I stopped and turned around.

"Um...Sorry to stop you , I know you are in a hurry".

He began scratching his neck and he looked nervous.

"I'm having a small pool party at my house and I'm hoping you would like to come" he said.

"No, I won't come...I hate pool parties". I replied sternly

"Please, it will really make me happy to see you there" added Noah.

"No, thanks".

"I've already told you that I won't come...I really don't like repeating myself". I said and I stared at him coldly

I saw his head drop down in sadness.

I turned around to walk away when he stopped me.

"Um... Can I at least get your number". He asked

"No". I replied and I walked away

I walked away as quickly as possible before he could stop me again.

I felt good and I smirked inwardly.

As I was passing through a club, I saw the same girl I always see dancing in front of the club.

I have been seeing this girl for the past two weeks dancing in front of the club,so I decided to go and meet her.

I parked my motorcycle and walked towards the club.

The girl wore a beautiful orange saree that showed part of her tummy and hips. she was a beauty to behold,she was dancing to the tune of an Indian song that I like so much.

I tapped her.

"Excuse me, Sorry to disturb you".

She stopped and went to switch off the music.

"Hello again, I'm Rhian"I extended my hand for a handshake.

"Hello, I'm Madhuri Sharma but you can call me Madhuri".

She put down her veil and I recognized her, she attended my school.

She also recognized me. "oooo..h, I know you,you are the one that beat up Bruce and his friends". She said

I laughed .

"So Madhuri ,do you dance in this club at night". I cut in

"Yes I do"answered Madhuri.

"Can I dance too,I love dancing,including Indian dances".

"I don't think you should dance at this club,it's quite dangerous at night" answered Madhuri.

"Please". I said continuously

"Alright,you should be here by 8:00 pm".

"Can I wear a saree ", you can if you want". replied Madhuri.


"See you soon Madhuri".

Madhuri's POV

By 8:00pm

I saw Rhian approach the club .

" she doesn't know what is installed for her,she thinks dancing in a club is a joke". I said and I started feeling scared for her.

"Hey Rhian , I'm here".

"Oh, hi Madhuri".

"You look good in a saree" I said to Rhian

"Thank you". she replied.

"Go to the store and get some dancing items you will use to dance...Just go down the hallway, you will see the store".


Rhian's POV

As I was approaching the door of the store, someone pushed me in forcefully.

"Let go of me!". I said and I winced in pain because of the hard grip on my hands".

"Hey beautiful, you must be a new dancer in this club". The man said and he caressed my cheeks.

I stared at the unknown man in disgust. He was wearing a red shirt and a black jean and he looked drunk. He has a broad chest and body that shows he gyms regularly, his body was pressing against my body and I felt very irritated. I couldn't defend myself because he trapped me with his body against the wall.

"Let's just have a little fun, just you and I in this store". He said and he staggered back

As he staggered back , I immediately stepped on his right leg and I kicked his groin.

He loosened his grip from me and I used this opportunity to escape. I ran out of the store and I went back to the club.

I started to regret coming here and I also had to lie to my parents that I was going for a sleepover at yna's house.

As I got to the club,I saw Madhuri dancing. But I got a little weird feeling, because she was dancing in a seductive manner and not for fun or entertainment as I thought.

That is when it hit me,she is a prostitute.

Men were ogling at her and she allowed them to touch her body. They also sprayed her money. But when I looked at her face, she was not happy,she looked uncomfortable.

I waited for her to finish dancing, but before I could call out her name, she had already ran to the store in a hurry.

I followed her,curious to find out why she is going there in a hurry.

As I got to the store I looked through a little space in the door because the door was not closed properly.

" um.... Father you called me"said Madhuri.

I was shocked to see that, that same man that tried to molest me in the store earlier on, was Madhuri's father.

"I thought I told you to get another girl to dance in the club and entertain those men at my club" said Madhuri's dad.

So he owned this club, what a shameless fool!. I thought inwardly

"Da..d I g..ot a girl she attends the same school with me but I do not want you to hu..rt her, she is the only person that has talked to me nicely ever since I attended that school. She doesn't even know the real reason she is here, she thinks she is here to dance but she doesn't know you want to use her as one of your sex workers.

Please spare her,I will get another girl tomorrow". Madhuri pleaded and she sobbed profusely.

What! so her father uses young girls as sex workers including his own daughter. I need to talk to her before it is too late. I thought inwardly.

"You are such a foolish girl, get me that girl now unless I will punish you severly".

" please dad... don't do this to her, I promise that I will adhere to what you wanted me to do".

"Good girl, you are expected to sleep with Mr. Baxter, he has been admiring you and he also decided to conclude my business deal if you only spend one night with him. It is not so hard"

"Dad, if I do this you will allow that girl to go".

" she can go now so far you don't change your decision, besides you are doing this for your father ".

" that means I would loose my virginity and pride"she began to sob.

"Will you shut your trap!I hate seeing tears coming out from that ugly face of yours,I wish I never had a daughter."

"If you loose your virginity, I don't care, just do as you are told".

She cried more, I felt bad for Madhuri and I wish i could help her.

Her father was approaching the door, so I ran and hid beside a large carton. When Madhuri's dad was gone, I entered the store and locked the door.

Madhuri was shocked to see me so she tried to clean her tears quickly but I held her hands and comforted her.

" why didn't you tell me about your dad, I could have helped you".

"I didn't want to bother you, besides no one has ever talked to me nicely or even ask me my name, I don't have any friends...I am lonely ".

"My mum died in a car accident when I was five and my dad has been treating like trash since then".

"Do not worry,I am going to help you and I will make sure your dad is punished for his crimes".

"Thank you ". Madhuri said and I hugged her

I sneaked away from the club and I headed back home.

When I got home, my parents were shocked to see

"Rhian...I thought you went for a sleepover at yna's house". Ma asked and I sat in-between them

I narrated everything to them and they were shocked

"Why did you lie to us...what if you got hurt". Pa said and he stared at me sadly

"I'm so sorry Ma and Pa, I'll not do this again". I replied

"Dad can I borrow your private investigator". I added and I looked at him

"Why Rhian?". Pa asked

"I need to investigate Madhuri's dad". I said

"OK dear". Pa replied

"Hello!Mr Guerrero "

"I'm Rhian, Mr Bonifacio requested that you should help me to investigate my friend's dad ".

"His name is Mr. Nekhil Sharma".Give me information about all his businesses and follow his every move". I instructed.

"Yes miss Rhian". He replied

On the day of the business deal between Mr Baxter and Mr Sharma.

Rhian's POV

"Hello Rhian".

"Hi Madhuri ".

"Today is the day of the business deal between my dad and Mr Baxter."

"Don't worry, my plan is set,just wait and watch". I smirked inwardly.

"I will send you the address of the hotel , Bye Rhian!, see you later".

"Bye Madhuri ".

At the Hotel

"Have you called the police Mr Guerrero". I asked

"Yes I have called them ". He replied

"Time to execute the plan". I smirked

"Goodluck miss Rhian ". He said

"Thank you". I replied and I ended the call.

"Mr Baxter, can we conclude the deal". asked Mr Sharma.

"I have not yet slept with your daughter, that is the only way the deal can be concluded ". answered Mr Baxter.

"I have already booked a room". He replied

"OK sir, I will call my daughter here, she is sitting at the reception".

"Madhuri, come to room 201 ". He hung up the phone.

"She is coming sir".



Madhuri approached from the elevator, wearing a red off shoulder gown just above her knee.

"Your daughter is so beautiful Mr Sharma, I will surely conclude the deal". Mr Baxter said and he looked at her lustfully.

"Madhuri, this is Mr Baxter....Go into the room with him and don't try anything foolish. "Mr Sharma said and he stared at Madhuri coldly

"Yes dad".

Mr Baxter locked the door and started to unbutton his shirt and trouser.

He lay on me, as he wanted to touch me, I heard a loud bang and the room door was broken.

I saw the police, they had already handcuffed my father and they also went ahead to handcuff Mr Baxter. I ran and hugged Rhian.

"Thanks Rhian for saving me, you have been a great friend." She said and also hugged her

"You are welcome, I also have good news for you, I found your mum. She survived the car accident and I found her, she was found in Boston. Your father threatened her not to come back unless he would kill you, so she stayed in Boston since then". I added

She looked shocked, tears fell from her eyes. She fell on the ground.

"So my mum is alive...I can't believe this, I spent my whole life without a mother, my father treated me like trash after she had the accident, all the love and care he showed me vanished. He pretended to love me in front of his family, he even took me to an expensive school so as to look like a saint in front of his family. He forced me to dance at his club, he didn't care if other men touched and molested me. If my mother had been here, none of these would have happened. I can't believe that my own father kept my mother away from me!". Madhuri said and she sobbed profusely .

I held her tightly and I consoled her.

" Thank you so much, you have helped me a lot ". She said and smiled.

Then a woman with Black long hair like Madhuri's hair entered the room.

"Hello Madhuri, I'm your mum, I've missed you so much. I ran to hug my mum. I've missed you too mum, we would never loose each other again. "

"Madhuri, all your Father's property has been transferred to your mum and you are the next of kin".

"Thanks Rhian "

"You are welcome Madhuri "

"Mrs Sharma, can you and your daughter come to my house tomorrow, I want you to meet my parents, they are really nice."

"No problem dear, you have helped us a lot that is the least we can do for you.


"See you tomorrow ".

What a day!