8. Searching For Maya

I jerked up from sleep after hearing the annoying sound of the alarm clock. I quickly took my bath and combed my hair and tied it up in a bun. I went to my wardrobe and picked out a silver coloured off-shoulder jump suit and I put it on.

After dressing I went downstairs for breakfast.Ma and Pa looked tensed during breakfast and I decided to ask them what the matter was.

"Ma, pa what is the matter? You look tense".

"Rhian, we found a clue on how to find your twin sister Maya" said Pa

"Really!that's great , but why do you look so worried? ". I asked and I dropped my spoon.

"It's not that simple to find her because we found out that she is somewhere in the US". replied Ma and she bowed her head down.

"The US is such a large country made up of 50 states, how do we find her?"answered Pa and he held his head

"Don't worry Pa ,we will find her and bring her home safely ". I replied and I stood up and I went towards my parents and I hugged them.

I hurried up with breakfast and I drove quickly to school.

When I arrived at school, I saw Noah from a distance talking to some of his friends. For some few days now, I have been getting this jittery feelings when I pass Noah but I don't know why but I tend to shove it off.

"Hi ! Rhian ".

I knew it was Yna because her voice is so loud.

"Hi Yna, can you be less loud when you call my name...I don't even know what comes over you". I said

Yna giggled

"That's why I'm Yna...besides I've got a lot of energy ". She replied

"I've missed you Rhian...did you miss me? ". She asked

I giggled

"Yes I did....let's go". I replied

As we were talking and going down the hallway towards our locker, someone tapped me and I looked back .

It was none other person than Noah.

I felt the jitters all over my body again.

"Um.. hi Rhian, how are you ?". He asked,then he scratched his neck nervously.

I find him cute when he does that, my thoughts kept telling me. Rhian no that's such a disgusting thought .

"Hi...I'm doing just fine". I said abruptly

Then I walked off but he held me back.

"Why are you always avoiding me when I try to talk to you, did I do something bad?". He asked and he stared at me intently

I didn't really know what to reply, but I had to say something.

"I just really like keeping to myself ".

Then I walked off.

"Oh my, I think Noah likes you .said Yna

"Well, I doubt that, I always see him around Dana Mitchell"

I quickly rushed to my class because I was late and I knew Yna would keep talking. She doesn't even care if she misses her own class because of gossip. I scoffed

During lunch time, I headed to the cafeteria to meet up with Yna.

I and yna rarely take the same classes so we end up meeting each other only during lunch time .

I spotted Yna and I walked towards her, she had already ordered some burgers and strawberry milkshake for both of us because it's our favorite snack.

As we were eating and talking about random stuffs, Dana came towards us and she sat down with her slutty friends behind her.

Dana is the slut queen. She wears very tight mini skirt which shows much of her butt and hips. Her crop tops always exposes much of her cleavage which leaves boys drooling over her. I noticed she's been trying to impress Noah with her slutty outfits but he's not falling for it.

I wonder why she is sitting at our table.

"Hi, I'm Dana Mitchell". She extended her hand for an handshake and I shook her hands.

"You must be the new girl and if I'm not mistaken, your name is Rhian right"

"Yes, I'm Rhian ".

"You see that cute guy over there". I looked at the direction she is pointing and It was Noah.

"I do not want you near him, stay away from him,he is mine". She warned angrily.

"I'm not in the least interested in Noah,you can have him and I don't really care". I replied.

"Good girl". She replied before standing up to leave but I stopped her.

"Also, don't ever warn me again...you're not my momma...got it!"

"Whatever". She replied. "Let's go girls...I'm not in the mood for her". Dana said and her friends followed behind.

After she left, I sighed because I do not really want to fight anyone because of some boy.

After lessons ended, I and Yna bade each other goodbyes

"Bye Rhian, see you tomorrow. Remember ,we are going to the cinema by noon ,don't be late". Yna said

I smiled then I bade Yna goodbye before heading for my dance and karate classes .

After coming back from school . I went to my dance classes and then my karate classes. By that time it was already very dark.

So I decided to take a faster route through a alley so that I could get home quickly before my parents get back home. Then some men hit me with a stick from behind and I fell out from my motorcycle because of the impact. I stood up to fight amidst the intense pain I was feeling in my head. They were a total of five men and they looked at me lustfully.

I punched one on the stomach then I kicked the second man in the groin. I grabbed a stick and I hit it on the third man's head and I elbowed the fourth and fifth men on their stomach and they all groaned in pain.

As I was about to escape someone grabbed me on the waist from behind, I pushed him with all my strength but he was stronger and heftier than me. He turned me around and he smirked.

"Wow, you look so pretty yet you are resisting me. Come let us have some fun with ourselves " he said

"Leave me alone! I will kill you" and then I screamed but he chuckled.

"We are all alone, no one will find you here". Then he licked his lips.

I shrieked in fear, I need to find a way to get out of here. I thought

Then he pushed me against the wall and started caressing my jaw. I cried, screamed but no one came.

Suddenly someone hit him with a stick from behind and he fell unconscious.

I looked up to see my saviour and it was none other person than Noah kings.

I was shocked to see him.

"Noah!". I said and I stared in shock

"Thank you for saving my life" I smiled

Noah's Pov

I was having my normal evening drive through the city when I came down from my car to get reception because my phone was not responding then I heard a loud scream. I walked towards the direction of the scream and I saw a strange man holding a lady's waist and hands tightly against the wall.

I came closer and I found out it was Rhian. I came much closer and I hit the man's head with a stick and he fell unconscious.

I gazed into her dark brown eyes and her thick black long hair. I proceeded to looking at her natural pink lips and she had such full lips. She also had two very beautiful birth mark just on her cheek and the other one just below her eye brow. She was a beauty to behold.

"Noah!". She said and she looked so shocked to see me

"Thanks for saving my life" she said

And then she smiled revealing her white set of teeth.

"You're welcome ", I replied.

"Are you okay? Were you hurt?". He asked

"I'm fine, I just have a little headache". She replied

I noddest

"Can I drop you home".

"Uh..h, OK ". She replied hesitantly.

Then I nodded and I gave her a reasurring smile so that she will be relieved and she followed me.

We entered my car and I drove off towards her house listening to every direction she gave me.

When we arrived, she thanked me and I waved her goodbye and I waited till she entered her house safe and sound.


When I got into the house, I was exhausted.

Pa and Ma rushed towards me and hugged me.

"Are you okay Amor, what happened? You look pale". Ma kept asking lots of questions.

"Ma, Pa, I am fine".

Then I narrated what happened to me. Ma and Pa looked really angry and they decided to call the corps to fish out those men . They were also very relieved that Noah helped me, so they asked me to invite him over the weekend for lunch.

"Pa, Ma, I don't know him. Why would I invite him for lunch".

"That's not an excuse, invite him for lunch. It's final!" Pa said.

"Ok Pa".

"Darling, go and sleep now. You must be exhausted" Ma replied and she hugged me.

"Good night !". I said and I ran upstairs

As I got to my room, I didn't shower , I just fell on my bed and slept off.