13. What the Heck!

It was uncle Armando's wedding ceremony today and I was so glad he was getting married. I dressed up in a blue coloured gown which was the colour of the day and it was also what the bridal train would wear. My own gown had a slit at the side with matching earrings and shoes.

Maya also looked beautiful in her own blue gown .

Noah returned from his vacation trip yesterday and he bought me lots of stuffs and I was so happy, he also came to Uncle Armando's wedding ceremony and I followed him everywhere like a possessive girlfriend.

"Cutie, are you seriously going to follow me around all day". Noah asked

"Nope, just trying to show my place around you so that other girls will not approach you". I replied.

Noah laughed

"Stop laughing". Then I hit his arm

"It hurts Rhian, please make it feel better by giving me a little kiss".

"Just a little kiss cutie".

"You're not serious Noah, we are in a public place".

We smiled at each other .

"Rhian!Rhian! Come here". Maya called.

"Yes, I'm coming. Bye Noah, see you soon". I kissed his cheek and ran off.

"You are the cutest of all". Noah shouted

I blushed

I and Maya went to meet aunt Amelia to see if she's ready for the wedding.

"Woah!aunt Amelia, you look stunning". I replied as we entered the dressing room

"Thanks dear".

"You look like an angel aunty". Replied Maya

"Thanks Maya dear".

We helped aunt Amelia hold her gown up and we accompanied her to the church.

As I saw aunt Amelia walking down the aisle, I imagined myself on my wedding day with all my family, friends etc. I smiled to myself.

After the wedding, we had a small party in Uncle Armando's garden, everyone ate and enjoyed.

"Yna, Ji-yoo. I haven't seen you guys since, where were you guys".

"Sorry, we were attending to some of the guests". Yna replied

"I thought you guys were making out together". I said and they felt embarrassed and they blushed.

"Just kidding". I said almost immediately

Then I saw Uncle Armando arguing with Mr. Hyung .

"Sorry guys, I'm coming. Just need to check something out".

Then I walked towards their direction but they stopped as soon as they saw me.

"Amor, what brings you here". Uncle Armando asked

"I saw you two arguing so I came to check, you shouldn't be arguing on your wedding day Uncle".

"Sorry dear, it was just a little misunderstanding". Mr. Hyung replied.


"I'm so happy for you Uncle". I replied, then he hugged me

"Thanks Amor, you are the best".

"Bye Uncle!Bye Mr Hyung " .

The party was coming to an end and I was exhausted. Maya, I, Yna and Ji-yoo all attended to some guests all through the party. Then I decided to look for Noah. He didn't bother to look for me, I wonder why.

"Maya, have you seen Noah ".

"Nope, maybe he's around somewhere".

"Ok, thanks".

I spotted Noah and he was sitting at the table with a girl and they were engrossed in their conversation.

"Noah! I've been looking everywhere for you".

"Sorry Rhian"

I looked at the girl and she didn't look familiar, she didn't attend the same school with all of us, so who was she to Noah.

"Who are you?". The girl asked.

"I'm Rhian, I'm Noah's girlfriend".

"Really Noah, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend".

"It skipped my mind" Noah replied .

"Jessie, meet Rhian".

"Alright, not bad Noah, she's very pretty". Jessie replied and she smiled.

"Hi". I said

"Hi, Nice to meet you. I'm Noah's childhood friend".

"Rhian!". Ma called

"Ok, it's nice to meet you too, I'll be back soon. Ma is calling me". I left hurriedly to meet Ma.

As I was passing towards the end of the garden to meet Ma, I saw a strange man in a hoodie carrying a baby in his hands, I looked closer to see the baby and I was shocked to see Lisa.

"Hey! What are you doing with that baby". Then suddenly the strange man started to runaway with Lisa.

"Hey! Stop!". I ran after the man then he jumped over the fence. The party stopped and everybody began to panic. Uncle Armando immediately called the police, suddenly Mr.Hyung fainted. I couldn't wait so I entered my motorcycle and I drove away to chase after the man. Suddenly I saw the man on the roadside and I drove closer .

I came down from my motorcycle and I came in front of the man.

"Hey! Give me the baby". We began dragging Lisa and I took Lisa away from him and I brought out my pocket knife to defend myself and Lisa.

"Back off,unless I will stab you".

The man started to come closer and I held Lisa tightly. I held my dress up and I began to run but the man pushed me down and I fell. Lisa began to cry, the man took the knife from my hand.

"I will get rid of you, you tried to be the hero. You will die very soon". The man spoke and he smirked as he raised the knife

I held Lisa protectively and he raised his hand to stab me, suddenly the police came and the man dropped the knife and he entered my motorcycle and drove away.

"Stop! police please catch him, he's getting away". I tried to stand up but my leg was aching.

The police chased after him but he got away. Mr.Hyung was revived and he was glad that Lisa was safe and he thanked me for saving her but I had a bad feeling of what happened today and I felt a strange feeling that something worse might happen but I hope nothing bad happens.

After what happened everyone went home. I didn't even see Noah when I got back, he didn't bother to say goodbye to me. I got home and I immediately took my bath then I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in".

Then my parents and my sister walked in.

"Ma, Pa, Maya. Is everything ok?".

"Yes dear, what you did today was very risky and also very brave. I am so proud of you". Ma replied

"I am very proud of you, you will be a great C.E.O of our company in the future. Me and your Ma are going to see a new land in Lake wood to expand the company. It will take us three days, we are going with Mr Hyung and Uncle Armando". Pa said

"Ok Ma, ok Pa. I will miss you". We all hugged and they left the room.

"Rhian, I'm proud of you sis".

"Thanks twinnie".

We laughed, chatted and we slept together. I didn't remember the horrible things that happened today.