Chapter Seven

Rica's pov

I stared at Jonathan who was shivering his hand was still in mine but I didn't feel like letting go. His heart was beating loudly as he tried to control his breathing he was crying so much I felt pity on him. We had reached where I had packed my car and I opened it for him while I got behind the wheel. I sped off out of school finally relaxed that all of that was over. I needed to make an important call to Bailey. I took my phone and voiced it to call him. He immediately picked up and asked what was wrong. I told him to delete all the information about me in the internet since I knew people had connections but specifically told him to leave the information about my parents there so nobody would be suspicious. I stopped in front of our house and I got out of the car bringing Jonathan with me inside. "Bring me a first aid kit and a bruise ointment to my room," I requested the servant who just nodded and went to do as I had asked. I took the stairs up to my room dragging Jonathan along with me. I didn't feel like talking so I was quiet and just walked. I got to my room as I motioned him to sit on my bed he looked around nervously and did as I had said. The first aid kit was delivered to my room as I tended to my own bruises before Angeline showed up. She would really be worried. After I was done I applied some ointment on Jonathan's bruise and sat on my bed. "Tell me what happened to you," I said.

Jonathan's pov

I stared at her as she told me to tell what happened to me. How could I tell her that Mario had forced himself on me after he knew I liked him and then he was no longer interested in me after everything happened. Instead of talking to her I broke down as she started whispering soothing words as she embraced me. No one ever treated me like she did, dad always wanted me to be his so called upright son to inherit his property and now that he was gone I couldn't careless. From the first time she came along that first day in school and sat next to me during lunch, I was happy and nervous since she reminded me of someone. "Is everything ok ?" she asked. I looked up at her, "You just remind me of my sister," I whispered. She nodded her head thoughtfully and she said, "Tell me about her." I cleared my throat as I began telling her of twin sister, "When I was four my parents had got into a fight and they separated my dad took me with him and my mum took my twin sister with her.Then after sometime he told me they were dead from there on he never came home only a few times leaving me with his bodyguards and the servants. Some months ago he passed away. When I saw you the first time I remembered my sister she was brave so courageous and always looking out for me. I just miss her so much. I wish she was here I remember how much she used to love Squidward so much whose character was a bit off but that's who she was. Back then mum would put for us SpongeBob and we would watch it till we fell asleep. When we woke up mum would ask where is my little SquarePants and Squidward we were happy but that was then and this is now and I have no idea where she is," I finished. I watched as tears formed in her eyes and she cried. Before I said anything to her a face I recognized walked in. Angeline.


I had arrived home to find Rica was home early. The maids had informed me she was with someone else in her room. That child what had she gotten herself into this time. It was so unlike her to bring someone home after her girlfriend had passed away. She was my everything after all I just wished her twin brother would be there. I headed upstairs to her room to check on her. I had turned the door handle and opened the door. I stood still for a moment to look at the boy who I thought I'd never see again because I thought he was no more. He was here! Johnny was here! how come he was alive, my son was alive and he was crying. I looked at him as I tried to blink back the tears how could Hanaan lie to me he told me our son died. He had grown older and now he was starting to look more like his father. The boy who sat on the bed ran to me and embraced me. As the tears fell on my blouse I just let him cry. "Mum!" he said. I froze immediately when the words left his mouth. He pulled away from me as I looked at him realization hit me knowing one way or another Hanaan must have told him the truth. I looked at my daughter who sat on the bed speechless staring at the two of us silently assessing the situation. She looked so confused but I guess it was also time to tell her the truth also. "Rica there is something you need to know," I stated she nodded her head for me to go on. I was not sure how she would take it so I let go of Jonathan and walked towards Rica. I sat next to her as she stared at me her brown hazel eyes in wonder. "Jonathan is your brother my dear," I stated carefully, her body became stiff as she digested what I had said. "I am your mother," I finished. She stood up and ran for the door as I called out her name but she didn't listen. I looked at Jonathan and told him he should just give her some space. I knew Rica well the way she handled things was mature for her age and I believed she would be fine. I stared one more time at my son and held him close to me this time making sure he won't disappear. He was all grown up now I just couldn't believe he was there with me.