Chapter Eight

Rica's pov

Had she just hidden one of the most important things in my life. How could she not tell me she was my mother I mean I loved her more than anything in my life. Why was it not obvious to me before that she loved me like her daughter she understood me only mothers understood their daughters. My mum who never cared about me ugh I understood why I was never her daughter it didn't matter anyway she was gone. Was Hanaan Delion even my father?

Urrggh why was everything so hard to process. I guess in my life no one was ever truthful to me. I walked out of the house and into the streets my heart still pounding hard in my chest as I remembered every word, "I am your mother." I wasn't angry just upset she never told me anything maybe if she did my pain would be less. I was so upset I didn't know where to go. I checked my pockets for my phone but I couldn't find it great I had left it at home. I had no friends who I knew here in San Diego. I just had one place to go and it was the only place I knew and I liked, the park. I mean it was the only place I knew even though it brought back bad memories. I started jogging to get there faster and since walking would make me sulk. I hated sulking. I got there twenty minutes later and and laid down on the soft grass. I stared at the sky and there were those mocking clouds mocking me. "Rica," I heard my name being called only to sit and see those dazzling blue staring down at me. I couldn't describe the feeling I felt whenever I saw him."Seb you are here," He just smiled at me and nodded his head. I patted beside me for him to sit and he did. When he did I could see his royal blue eyes looking at me. Under his gaze I felt exposed butterflies forming in my stomach. There was a calm silence between us as I lay down on the ground and he followed suit. "Do you ever think that your life could be based on a lie and you even start believing nothing is ever truthful," he said. I held my chin and turned to my side as I ended only a few inches from his face. I have never been this close to any boy in my life. "You know what every single thing in life is a lie it just depends on when you will get the right turn and bump into the truth but only if you are lucky," I whispered. He also sat at the same position as me and we ended up bumping our heads. I stared at those captivating eyes that always reminded me of the ocean. I know what he saw when he looked at me a broken girl with every piece shattered beyond repair. He leaned in and I closed my eyes what was I doing was I going to let him kiss me I guess I was I had never really kissed a guy before. As his lips crashed into mine Sparks spread all over my body not expecting such a reaction from him kissing me I started doubting I was attracted to girls.

Whitney's pov

I was on my way to the park I was thinking lately on how my life had turned to be. Rica loved me so much but I had to lie to her. My parents were the ones who had the idea of faking my death after the accident I got but my face was unrecognizable so they decided it will also be best if I had a face surgery. They said Rica was a bad influence for me I should not get close with the daughter of a multi billionaire because my life will be in grave danger and still they did not accept me coming out as being gay. Thinking about such made me angry why didn't I tell her the truth while I still had the chance maybe it's because I also loved someone else apart from her what would she do when she found out I was in love with her best friend May. I don't know how to explain to her that I was sorry for everything that happened. Now that she still found her way to me fate declared again that she and I were meant to be ok to be honest I don't believe in the destiny crap. I mean I loved Rica yes but I still loved May but I was not ready to give them both up. May knew about my feelings for Rica but she still stayed. I sat down at the bench and put my earphones on listening to let it go by Idina Menzel. Rica always loved music she would sing for me to cheer me up. I smiled remembering back at our times in Beverly High when Rica had serenaded me. She had asked me out for the first time but I turned her down. I had refused to go out with her since I was taking May out that night. If Rica found out I'm sure she would be broken. There were so many times I lied to her. I literally cheated on her with her best friend. I stood up from the bench and started walking around I had ditched school today since Rica found out I was there. I knew she still loved me when she kissed me but she didn't know it was me but does she still love me?I looked around and noticed the park was empty except for two teenagers who were kissing. I stared at them wishing my love for Rica was that easy she and I were really different. When they stopped kissing the girl got up abruptly and I saw the waist length long black hair with some strands dyed blue and I immediately recognized who it was. Rica. She was dressed in black spandex pants and a black leather jacket. I looked at the boy and I froze it was Seb the jock from school. I couldn't believe it how could she I wanted to go and give her a peace of my mind but I stopped knowing she would just let me scream at her and not say a word. Besides I had no right. She had never kissed a boy in her life I was her first kiss not to brag. Wait was I jealous, with that thought I turned to leave before they saw me but I heard her call me, "Whitney!" She sounded surprised so did I.