Rica's pov
I stared at Sebastian after I had kissed him I turned to tell him that was a mistake and we should get going but that's when I saw her. She was there just watching us silently the she turned to leave. I said her name as she turned and looked at me. Had I said I was not attracted to girls well I was wrong. I felt attracted to Sebastian but I was sure it was platonic. Just looking at the girl in front of me made my heart to be filled with a turmoil of emotions. She always had her hair short and it looked like she had run her fingers through it. Her languid brown eyes stared at me as I could see her having a mental battle with her emotions. Then all of a sudden her face became void of any emotion and it reminded me of her lies. Just like her cold and unforgivable. She always hid things from me and now she is here. I walked away from Seb who could not understand the situation and her as she waited for me to say something but I didn't. What was I supposed to tell her that I hated her and I couldn't stand her, that I never want to see her again or I was still madly in love with her but I was tired of her unrequited love. I had conflicting emotions in my mind as I walked away from them. I wanted to turn back and let her into my arms but why should I she clearly didn't want me. The emotions engulfed me as my heart begun to ache. I could not breath properly I felt my breath constrict great an anxiety attack. I clasped my hand at my chest as I fell into oblivion. My heart was void of all emotions as I slipped into unconsciousness I loved Whitney that was clear. I wanted us to be happy but it didn't mean sacrificing my own happiness for hers. I had been doing that for her for so long maybe it was her turn. Before my world used to revolve around her she was my universe back then a person who always listened to me. I opened my eyes as I tried to assess my surroundings I looked at the blue colored room with pictures on the wall I looked at her pictures closely as I stared at the one with the long hair. I used to like her hair short now she had grown it long. I kind of wished it was short despite it's length she still looked as beautiful as always. I had not thought about it before but I think I was in Whitney's house. Why was I there why didn't she take me home. I remembered she doesn't know where I live and I hadn't carried my phone with me.I looked at the door as it slowly squeaked opened. She was trying to open it without making a sound. I rubbed my eyes as I stared at her. She looked beautiful I felt butterflies grow in my stomach as I continued watching her. She parted her lips slightly as a blush colored her cheeks she looked really cute. For a moment I decided to forget the deception and looked beyond her betrayal it was clear as daylight I still loved her. I got down from bed and stood I was only wearing my sports bra and my boxer shorts I stared astounded by the situation. She was wearing a black tank top with a V-neck with a cream brown colored jacket, beneath that was only shorts. Desire spread through my body like a shock wave. I craved her touch.
Whitney's pov
She was sleeping soundly in my room after her recent panic attack. I opened the door to the room and found her sitted. The door creaked open pffhh... so much for being silent. I stared at her as she stood and looked at me I mean really looked at me like she had just let go of the past and she stared at me with the same love she always had. The same amount of passion she had when she wanted me. The girl was so good to look at with her long black hair with some blue strands and God her eyes were beautiful. She came close to me and I let her doing nothing to stop deter her. Both of us were dominant but for once I could submit to her. I let her cup my face into her hand as she pulled me in for a kiss. My eyes automatically closed as I felt her lips on mine and they moved synced together. I held onto her like she was the oxygen in my lungs the only survival I required. I felt her hand on my waist as she pulled me closer to her. Her body pressing gently on mine as she walked me to the bed.She deepened the kiss as our tongues fought for dominance. We reached next to the bed as she took off my jacket. She stopped kissing me and I felt my body yearning for her I didn't just think I kissed her again roughly full of need and want as I felt her smile into the kiss. She took the hint I wanted it quick and not slow and she took of my top leaving me bare chested. She kissed me biting into my lip as she sucked my tongue. I couldn't help it but moan. She pulled down my shorts as her hands cupped my breasts now I was fully exposed to her. Her tongue ran through my nipple in slow motion as her other massaged my other breast gently pinching my nipple ever so slightly. She slid her hand down my good spot as she rubbed on me. I couldn't help but demand for more as I pushed into her hand. She gently laid me on my back as she wrapped kisses on my body. It was when she started devouring me that I started screaming her name. I didn't know a person could cum twice. Wave after wave hit my body as I arched my back and shattered into her. She has always been so good in bed. I felt my last release leave my body as I felt exhaustion wash over me. She went to the bathroom and took a cloth as she wiped me clean. She got in bed and joined me as she covered us with a blanket. I wanted to ask what about her but she shut me down with a kiss then kissed my forehead. The last words I heard from her were I love you as tears left my eyes. Knowing that I will never love her to the extent she loved me. Again I failed her.