Chapter Ten

Jonathan's pov

I was watching TV when I saw Rica walk through the door. my mother was right Rica just needed time and she would come home. I stood up and walked in front of her that's when I saw the haunted look in her beautiful brown eyes. She stared at me then her eyes went wide when she noticed she wasn't alone in the room. Then I saw it something registered in her eyes and she asked, "Are you ok Johnny?" Oh my God I'm sorry I left all of a sudden and forgot your problems I'm so sorry." Mum was right she totally forgot her distress and was worried about me oh she really was my sister after all. I hugged her to let her know I was okay with that. I stepped away from her as I saw our mum walking in to the room. My body tensed as I watch my mum walk towards Rica. I thought that she would scream at her or push her away but she surprised me when she hugged her. My sister was really unpredictable but I liked her lot. She let go then she went upstairs to her room. I could sense there was something really off with her so I followed her. I found her sitted on her bed crying. "Does this have to do with anything about our mum?" I asked. She just stared at me and sighed. "I'm sorry Johnny you have to see me like this but no it's not about mum hell I love our mum I'm glad she is our mum it's about my girlfriend no supposedly dead ex to be more precise," she said. She told me about her relationship with her girlfriend who she thought was dead but discovered she was very much alive and all her plans for vengeance. When she mentioned the plot of faking her death to get back at her an idea came to mind. "Rica you want to see your grave the one father had shown me, it was fake why on Earth would you want to see it." She sighed as she told me she wanted to fake her own death meaning she wanted that looked real, believable and to see if her girlfriend had ever loved her or not. I wanted to say no but since I had no adventures in my childhood I sort out to call this one an adventure with my sister. I was thrilled when we asked our mum about it and she agreed oh Gosh I was so excited but which mother allowed their own daughter to fake their death but I guess whatever the reason is my mother seemed to understand Rica better than anyone else. This was game on my sister's fake death.Was I supposed to be that excited about it.

Whitney's pov

I paced inside my room trying to think about what I did. Why did I let Rica touch me no it was technically a bad idea I shouldn't have done that. If Rica found out that I dated somebody else she would be mad wait not dated let's say sleeping with someone else and that someone else happens to be her best friend. To be sincere I wasn't in love with Rica but because she loved me more than anyone it made me feel like I was on top of the world. I needed her for comfort but not love I couldn't give May up neither could I give Rica up. "Shanry?" I heard someone call and turned to see JB my bestie. Great! How many times had I told her I hated the name Shanry I preferred my middle name Whitney. "What's up girl?" I mused. She looked at me nervously as she sagged her shoulders. What on earth was going on why did she have such a bad vibe and I sensed it was some bad news. "Whitney you may want to sit down for this because what I'm about to tell you will have you shocked," she said. I looked at her I don't know why I felt so uneasy. "Whitney Rica is gone," she whispered. I looked at her and laughed, "What do you mean by gone has she left the city or something." JB stared at me as she looked defeated and I thought maybe it was a joke Rica and I just had spent the night together a couple of nights ago. No it must be a joke I looked at my best friend JB as she switched on the TV. I stared at the TV the news that was on the screen was a bitter pill to swallow. "The Delion Enterprise heiress Rica Delion has just passed away after being run down by a car while on her morning jog the car sited at the scene flee immediately after running her over to the point of her organs being amputated from her body, investigations are set to be carried out whether it was deliberate or an accident" reported the reporter. I switched off the TV and turned to JB tears welling in my eyes as I saw Rica's picture on the TV. It was when she had not dyed her hair with some blue. Tears unwillingly left my eyes after thinking on how we last ended things I didn't apologize to her or tell her why I lied to her. And now she was gone why did I not love her like she had loved me. A million thoughts clouded my mind as I felt my heart break at the thought of losing her. It felt like Chris Martin's song let her go was mocking me that you only know you love her when you let her go. I really tried holding back the tears praying and hoping it was some sick kind of prank that someone was playing on me because they knew what I did. I waited for anyone to jump out and laugh and say the joke is on me. Nothing happened though the news was still there Rica was gone. Something at the back of my mind kept telling me it was not true but it seemed so real.