Chapter Eleven

Rica's pov

I stared at the news that was being broadcasted on TV about Rica Delion's death. It was pretty impressive the way Jonathan had got the whole press to write a fake story. My mind drifted on its own accord thinking of none other than Whitney the girl whom I loved forever. Was she even disheartened that I was gone or was just happy I was gone. My heart felt at ease somehow letting go of the part that Whitney had faked her own death just to get away from me now I was doing the payback. "Rica," I turned to hear Johnny call my name he had a wide grin plastered on his face. I gave him the what do you want look as he rumbled in laughter for a reason only he could understand. I stood up from the couch and stared at him which was pretty intimidating but he knew that I was only messing with him. Since the day I first met him in school I truly felt some sort of connection to him. Those bastards who had hurt him were going to pay for it they made him timid and so unsure of himself they will pay for it even if he never fought for himself I would fight for him after all he was my brother my flesh and blood he was a Delion after all and us Delion's we always looked out for each other. He stared at me as I had one million thoughts run through my mind. "Rica you look like you planning to murder someone," he said nervously. "Come on Johnny you surely know that I am not a murderer," I answered in mock horror. I threw my hand on his shoulder and walked him out the house. He stopped walking and said, "Are you planning to take me to some place in the woods then kill me and leave my body disposed," he joked I laughed as I literally dragged him outside into my motorbike as I watched his mouth go wide. "I'm not planning to kill you but this baby here has other plans for you," I said. He chuckled as he took the helmet I gave him as I mounted my bike. We were heading towards the salon to have a make over for me. I was shaving my hair short and dying it blue and having contact lenses to change my color since I wouldn't want to run into Whitney who would immediately recognize me. I knew how to mimic voices so there was no problem with talking but I had to stay silent when around her. Thinking about it I won't get close to her since it's hard to keep my feelings in check. We had missed school for a lot of days and so we had to go back. As for Rica's wake my mum would attend because I cannot attend my own burial and nobody knew about Jonathan being a Delion. I would use my middle name at school and I would hang out with my brother. It was time for Whitney to realize what she missed.

I walked out of the house with Johnny right behind me with a mega huge sandwich in his hands for the love of food my brother sure did love his sandwiches. "Avery," I heard him call to be sincere if it were not to teach Whitney a lesson I would never let anyone call me by my middle name only my mum knew I had such a name. Even Whitney didn't know what an effective plan. Jonathan could tell I didn't like that name either but what choice did we have. The plan was for me to stick with Jonathan as his sister from Germany who came to America to complete my studies his words not mine. That would also cover up for the number of days he missed school since he was helping me get settled. The hair cut I had gotten was a lot for me to handle since I loved my hair what a waste but anyway I would grow it back sooner or later. Jonathan motioned me to the bike and I got on it.I didn't know he knew how to ride a motorcycle but well we barely knew each other but what was I important I got his back and I know he got mine. He started the engine as we sped off out of the garage and into the streets and down the school. It was only a few blocks from home to school but we chose not to walk. As we approached the school gate I breathed in and out and settled into my new identity. As soon as we passed the school gates the whispers began when I got down I stood beside him. I was really scared of what would happen would I pull it off or I would let it all go by the sight of Whitney. No I was stronger than that I would not want her to know she's my weakness like the saying goes weaknesses get you killed not my words they are for some random mafia gang leaders chronicle. We matched into the school with the confidence of a peacock. I got into the hallways and walked to the office to get my registration done then we walked into the hallway I to my locker as Jonathan walked to his. I punched in the combination as I pulled out a novel I was planning to read during lessons from bag putting everything else inside. I turned to look if Jonathan had finished taking his books when I noticed him on the floor with blood oozing from his nose. I ran up to him and saw the crowd that had surrounded him and the guy who had just punched him. To be sincere he was huge and really scary. I looked up at him and found him staring at me, "Why did you hit him?" "Cuz I don't like him dah and he is a lamo" I stared at him as anger flared in my nostrils forgetting about the fear I had felt at seeing him. I punched him right in the gut as I watched him writhe in pain. "You bitch how dare you hit me!" he yelled. "Are you a sissy why don't you hit me back like a real man" I challenged him. He punched right aiming for my face and I looked at him and smiled. If he knew I've experienced worse then probably he shouldn't think that as victory because his ego would be ruined because people will be saying he was bitten up by a girl. I kicked him on his leg then punched on his face as my hand connected with his jaw I heard a crack. By the time I was done with him I was not sure if anybody would recognize him. I stared at his bleeding body parts as I felt my face the only place he got to hit. I pulled up my brother and walked away as if I heard done nothing. Jonathan just stared at me. I stopped walking and turned to him, "Johnny I Avery your sister promise to protect you from any danger no matter what even if it meant lying down my own life for yours I would do it because I love you and you're family and family sticks together." Jonathan simply hugged me as tears gave away and they streamed down his cheeks. I had vowed to protect Jonathan and I meant every single word.