Chapter Twenty

Jonathan's pov

I was sore all over my body. I felt like I didn't want to go to school. I had been taking martial arts classes for self-defense reasons. I had started taking them after what happened at the cafeteria with Mario he had tried kissing my sister and I wouldn't let anyone hurt a single strand of hair on her head. The fear in her eyes was evident when he had come close to her. That psycho had assaulted me and he thought he could do that to my sister well he was really mistaken. Mario just couldn't get over the fact that he and I were through I wasn't interested in being his closeted puppet. He bullied me and I let him but my sister no way. I sat at the edge of my bed thinking about the girl I met at martial arts who was terrible at it. Her innocent green eyes had stared at me when I kicked her and she fell crying on the floor. I was so shocked I didn't know what to do so I did what I always do when I found Rica upset I hugged her and let her talk. As I remembered that moment I smiled because finally I was interested in someone.

Blood rushed quickly to my face and I felt a blush creep on. I got up and walked to the bathroom feeling happy although every bone in my body was screaming in agony.I threw my clothes on the floor and soaked my body in the hot water since I read somewhere in the internet that when you feel sore you should soak yourself in warm water for your body to relax and muscles to become lose. I had stayed there for thirty minutes when I heard the door to my room open. "Johnny where are you, are you even going to school today?" Rica asked. "No Rica I don't feel so well just go without me ," I said. I heard her footsteps fade then they came back. What was she doing if she saw me in the condition I was in she would freak. "If you are sick then I'll stay here to take care of you," she said with finality. Curse the gods of having a loving sister now she wouldn't leave me alone what to do' I thought.

"Rica you've missed alot of school lately so please just go to school and don't say school isn't important plus mum is there to take care of me so please just go," I shouted. She sighed loudly as she left my room and finally had time to breathe the oxygen I had been holding on for long. After finishing the bathing session I went into my room and I got into the sanctuary of my bed as I let the soft blankets comfort me and closed my eyes drifting to sleep. I woke up to a sharp ringing noise that would not stop I groaned in exhaustion as I walked to where the noise was coming from. I checked to see that it was just my phone ringing. The number was unknown to me but I picked it up. The voice that came through the line was a voice I only heard at practice. "Nathan please come help me I'm in trouble someone is trying to kill me," she cried. Immediately I became alert and all the sleep I had evaporated. I listened quietly as she told me the location she was in. I put on the clothes I could see dressing fast not minding if I would look ridiculous. She was in danger and I had to save her and that was what mattered the most.

I got to the garage without realizing it and I took the first car I laid my eyes on. I turned on the GPS to the car and drove to the location she had told me. I didn't care about the traffic lights worrying that if I even stopped for a minute I would be too late. I drove to that particular part of town and found it was where graffiti was all over the place just screamed crime. If I was the Johnny before I met Rica I would have peed my pants at the sight before me. This time was different I would protect the ones who meant something to me. Gone was the Jonathan who was feeble and weak and there was the one who was strong and would fight back till his very last breath. There were about five men surrounding her and there she was crying and begging for them not to harm her. Her face was bruised as her clothes were torn from her body. Anyone seeing this sight would have puked their guts in disgust it was as if they were animals. I walked to the alley where the scene was taking place.

I kicked the guy who was trying to take all her clothes off and he fell on his face. I saw that as an opportunity to get in the circle where she was and I got in. I was finally able to get to her and I took of my shirt and handed it to her as I looked away. I faced the men who gave big show the WWE wrestler competition their size was intimidating but that was not the time to get intimidated. By their number and size I would not be able to fight all of them and win. So I did the most sensible thing. "Why do you want to harm her?" I asked. They laughed and one of them said, "Her old man owed us money and he gambled his daughter as the price." I was clearly surprised as to who was heartless enough to gamble their own daughter. "How much do you want to leave her alone?" They looked at each other confused.

"Hey Romeo don't tell me you are trying to be brave to save Juliet?" The one with the funny mustache sneered. "Just tell me how much you need." They looked at each other then one said, "A half a million." I nodded as the girl objected but I told her not to worry. I took off my phone and I called Bailey and told him to bring one million dollars and to come with some bodyguards in ten minutes. I felt the girl snake her hands around my waist and leaned on me as she cried. I turned and embraced her as I kissed her hair. I told the men to wait for ten minutes and their money would be there. True to his word Bailey got there ten minutes later followed by three cars.