The briefcase containing a million dollars was handed over to me and opened it showing the men the contents and handed it over to them. "That is double the money you asked for, just stay away from her or else if you do anything to her or as much as come one metre near her I will make sure I end you!" I threatened. I took the girl with me who I didn't know her name but felt a need to protect her. The drive home was quiet as I told Bailey what had happened. I called my mom to tell her I was bringing a friend over so she should get a room ready. When we got to the mansion her eyes were huge with amazement but the fear was still there. I walked her inside as she stared at the décor of the house. My mother rushed at our side her mouth open in shock. "Jonathan Luis Sanchez what on Earth did you do to this young lady look at her," I then remembered I hadn't asked Bailey to bring clothes for her. My mother pinched my ear as I tried to claim I didn't do anything to her. "Mrs your son saved me," she whispered. "Really oh I always knew my son was an angel," mum said. I rolled my eyes at that and thought typical mother.
My mum asked her what her name was and I heard her say," I'm Mary Witherson or you can call me May." After my mother's interrogation I was allowed to take her to the guest room as I checked for any signs of injuries on her body. When we got to the guest room she turned around and hugged me. I could feel the tension in the room go higher than normal. As she moved her hand and gripped my shirt tightly I was shocked. What shocked me most is when she kissed me as if that was not enough she touched my member. I gasped for air as I couldn't help it anymore and kissed her. After making out with her I felt that it was wrong. "No we can't do this," I pushed her away and stood up. "Nathan you know from the first day we met in self-defense class we always had a thing for each other let's just do this plus I like you," she said. I knew what she said was true but wouldn't that be taking advantage of her. I stopped thinking about it as she kissed down my pants at my erect member.
I kissed her back this time passionately and let my hand drop on her ass as I squizzed it and she moaned into me and rubbed herself on me. I took off my shirt from her as she took off my vest. Her hands roamed over my chest as we threw our last clothes away and I dropped her on the bed. I licked her boobs as I bit alittle on her nipple as she tried to pleasure herself I took her hands and held them on her head. I mutilated her body everywhere as she just kept moaning and I got so turned on. I couldn't hold it anymore and I slowly pushed into her as she began rocking her body in rhythm. I slammed into her as she held on the sheets her face turning red. "Yes Nathan right... oh God just keep doing what you are doing. It feels so good I'm about to cu-m m m," as she did I rode on her orgasms and I finally came in to her. We did for about three times and finally had a bath and went to bed. When I woke up and found that she was already gone I was almost panicking when I saw the note under the lamp.
Nathan I'm sorry I had to go but I will surely make contact with you thanks for everything and the eventful night it was great
Your love May
I smiled as I read the last part of the letter and my heart did a flip. I heard a knock at the door and it open and slowly my sister came in. She looked at me from where I was and I blushed. "Johnny why does this room smell like....Oh my God did you sleep with the girl mum said you brought home," she stated. She left the room immediately cursing and mumbling things that I couldn't understand. If everyone knew their future they wouldn't have done things they did in their past like I wouldn't have associated myself with May only if I knew but now it's too late. I didn't know that May was the one who was Rica's past friend who betrayed her by having an affair with Whitney behind Rica's back. As I listened to the information that my spy had gotten for me about Mary Witherson I felt sick suddenly.
The girl I was interested in was the one who betrayed my sister how would I tell Rica about this I'm just glad Rica didn't get to see her or she would have freaked out but thinking to it Rica was now Avery and maybe if I told her things between her and Whitney would become clearer for her. If Rica found out Whitney cheated on her she would maybe forget about her and move on with her life. I hated seeing her suffer and I would also stay away from May if Rica wanted me to. I was very hurt knowing the one who I fell for was a relationship breaker. I went into the closet and took whatever I saw was best and wore it. I had promised Seb I would go check out his father's new company which I had a feeling Rica had something to do with it. What a sister I had but she was a real blessing from God but she was a feisty one. I made my way to Rica's room thinking of how I was going to break it to her. I had to prepare myself for the worst and expect the best.