Chapter Twenty Two

Whitney's Pov

I was practicing with the rest of the cheerleaders some stunts for Friday's game. The soccer team was having a game with our neighboring school. We had to train harder than usual because Rudolph academy had the best cheerleading team so we wanted to beat them for once this year. We we had planned last year that Rudolph and our school would compete in cheerleading and as Madison stepped down from being the head cheerleader and I became the head cheerleader I would lead our school to victory. If I knew the surprise that was to show up just maybe I would make my wrongs to be right. I did a backflip as I ordered Tiffany to catch me before I fell. We were practicing our super move when the new girl Avery walked to the field. Everybody turned to look at her she was cute for a girl extremely more than I'd like to admit. I'm sure some of the girls had a huge crush on her. "Excuse me what do you think you are doing here?" I asked. I didn't mean to sound so rude but I couldn't help it.

She just smirked at me then she said as if she didn't care, "Do you have a problem with me being here I thought the field is for all sports students." Everyone gasped at her reply as they looked at the girl wearing a baseball vest and black skinny jeans. She shoved her hands in her pockets as she sat on the bleachers. I ordered the team to continue as we went on doing backflips and I ignored her.I was doing my triple backflip on the air expecting to be caught but I saw everyone trip and fall on the ground. I was about to hit the ground when I felt a pair of hands catch me bridal style. "I said I'd catch if you fall," I heard her say. I looked into the pair of eyes that gazed at me lazily. Those words hit me harder than expected I remembered a certain pair of brown eyes that held me when I slipped and fell some months ago. A wave of nostalgia hit me like never before it became hard to control the tears. I thought I had moved on after her being gone but I guess not my heart was still aching.

I pushed away Avery's hands and thanked her for saving me. After being confirmed that no one could catch me we decided to drop the act and do the rest. "I'm excuse me if you don't mind I kinda off overheard you guys saying you needed to win against the Rudolph cheerleaders and I could help you if you don't mind," Avery requested. The whole cheer squad started murmuring and I had to intervene." Guys why don't you shut up and let Avery show us what she's got," I suggested. They all agreed as they waited for her to do the back flip. Avery surprised us all as she did a triple three spin backflip on the air and landed gracefully on her feet. As she did a summersaults and landed on one hand. Everyone was truly impressed but impressed is an understatement I was totally amazed with killer moves like that we would ace it at the game. After Avery showing us a couple of moves we agreed she was the one to catch me. I knew she said she told me she would catch me if I fell and the only one who told me that was only Rica but I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts because Avery could not be Rica even though she sings like Rica.

Avery helped me clean up after everyone left. It was seven in the evening when we finally left the school grounds as Avery asked to walk me home. Home was four blocks from school where I lived with JB as my roomie. We barely talked to each other only enjoying the comfortable silence that sat between us. Two blocks from home we ran into three men who were going the opposite way. They stopped just infront of us it was one of those cliche things that happen in movies where the hero saves the heroin how iconic. Avery took my hand and held it tight till it almost hurt but I didn't complain because I was too scared to complain. I also clutched on to her hand not willing to let go. "Hey pretty ladies why are you walking down the streets alone should we take you home," One of them said. Avery pressed my hand indicating that I shouldn't not speak instead Avery nodded her head. True their word the three men took us home but I spoke too fast it was too good to be true. One of them grabbed Avery all of a sudden I was about to scream but that was cut short when I saw her elbow the guy square on the jaw.

One of them came for me and she kicked him on his gut then his groin. The last guy was about to attack her from behind but she saw it coming and elbowed him on the stomach then kicked him and the other one then she took my hand and we bolted together. As soon as we got home I could not imagine what happened was real. It was as if I was in a movie I guess the rumors at school were true that she could fight like a guy. Another wave of nostalgia hit me Rica's first day of school she had fought with Madison's minions and also when Mario had tried beating Jonathan. I was no expert in boxing or martial arts but I could tell the moves were the same. Was my mind playing tricks on me or she had something in common with Rica which was too much of a coincidence.

I decided to push the that thought away until I had enough confirmation on that but it couldn't be Rica I saw her body in the casket maybe it was just a random girl who knew fighting technics just like Rica. I motioned Avery into the apartment that JB and I shared. From the look of things JB wasn't home and I could guess she was at a party or one of her friend's house. Avery looked pretty shaken after ordeal which surprised me since she didn't say much. After having a shower I cooked for Avery and I which she politely refused but I begged her to eat as she waits for her brother to pick her up.